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Partnering with parents

Partnering with parents. Training Parents in Positive Parenting Skills and Direct Behavior Ratings. Sayward Harrison, MA/CAS. overview of mental health partnership. Parent management training. Parents trained to alter child’s behavior at home

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Partnering with parents

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Partnering with parents Training Parents in Positive Parenting Skills and Direct Behavior Ratings Sayward Harrison, MA/CAS

  2. overview of mental health partnership

  3. Parent management training • Parents trained to alter child’s behavior at home • Based on behavioral & social learning principles (Skinner, Bandura) • Addresses multiple domains: • e.g., child compliance, tantrums, enuresis, eating disorders, hyperactivity, medical adherence • Targets multiple populations: • e.g., preschoolers to adolescents, children with autism, MR, LD, ADHD

  4. Parent trainings… • Tend to focus on children ages 3-10 (Kazdin, 1997) • Seldom have addressed ethnic and cultural issues (Forehand & Kotchick, 1996) • Have neglected parents of adolescents •  BUT…the teenage years are critical

  5. Videotape modeling An Evidence-Based Method for Parent Training • Compared to control groups, parent trainings which used VTM can produce significant behavioral change, including: • Reduced child behavior problems • More prosocial behavior • Fewer incidents of spanking • Decreased parental stress • More positive parent-child interactions

  6. Videotape modeling parent training • Initially conceptualized as parent training group • BUT…multiple community barriers! • Now  Individual sessions with parents to train in behavioral management techniques and positive parenting skills • Videotape modeling, didactic presentation, coaching, practice & feedback, training in DBR…

  7. Parent training content • Possible topics… • Getting to Know and Connecting with your Teenager • Communicating Positively and Effectively • Encouraging and Listening to your Child • Establishing Rules and Boundaries • Teaching Teenagers Responsibility • Positive Discipline Strategies • Dealing with Conflict • Solving Problems Together

  8. Parent training content • Pre- & Post-measures to assess changes in discipline strategies, perceived problems, communication, etc. • Direct Behavior Ratings (DBRs) to monitor & communicate, as well as intervention component

  9. Direct behavior rating • What is a DBR? • • DBR is a tool that involves brief rating of child’s behavior following a specified period of time (e.g., 45-minutes of math group work) • • DBR offers a defensible, flexible, repeatable, and efficient way to gather information about a child’s behavior http://www.directbehaviorrating.com

  10. Direct behavior rating • 4 steps: • Specifying a target behavior • Rating the behavior following a specified observation period • Sharing the obtained information across individuals (e.g., parents, teachers, students) • Using the DBR outcome data to monitor the target behavior over time

  11. Direct behavior rating Academically engaged is actively or passively participating in the classroom activity. Examples: writing, raising hand, answering a question, talking about a lesson, listening to the teacher, reading silently, or looking at instructional materials.

  12. Direct behavior ratings • Brief trainings utilizing practice & feedback to teach parents how to utilize DBR • Parents will be given a laminated, magnetized DBR standard form to hang on fridge DBR ----- -----

  13. Direct behavior ratings • Parents will use DBR to rate teen’s target behaviors following specified time (e.g., family dinner) • Will record DBR via text, email, or BASIS • Will be given tokens as incentives for use in the clinic store

  14. Direct behavior ratings • During “check-in” portion of parent sessions, parents will receive feedback on DBR data, including graphs for visual assessment • DBR will be used to analyze changes in teen behavior over course of treatment

  15. references • Chafouleas, S.M.; Riley-Tillman, T.C., & Sugai G. (2007). School Based Behavior Assessment: Informing Instruction and Intervention. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.  • Chafouleas, S.M.; Riley-Tillman, T.C., & McDougal, J. (2002). "Good, bad, or in-between: How does the daily behavior report card rate?". Psychology in the Schools39: 157-169.  • Chafouleas, S.M.; Riley-Tillman, T.C., & Sassu, K.A. (2006). "Acceptability and reported use of Daily Behavior Report Cards among teachers". Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, (8): 174-182.  • Forehand, R. & Kotchick, B.A. (1996). Cultural diversity: A wake-up call for parent training. Behaviioral Therapy, 27, 187-206. • Kazdin, A. (1997). Parent management training: Evidence, outcomes, and issues. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 36(10), 1349–1356. • Riley-Tillman, T.C.; Chafouleas, S.M., & Eckert, T. (2008). "Daily Behavior Report Cards and Systematic Direct Observation: An Investigation of the Acceptability, Reported Training and Use, and Decision Reliability among School Psychologists". Journal of Behavioral Education. • Sharry, J., Guerin, S., Griffin, C., & Drumm, M. (2005). An evaluation of the Parents Plus Early Years Programme: A video-based early intervention for parents of pre-school children with behavioral and developmental difficulties. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 10(3), 319-336. • Webster-Stratton, C., Kolpacoff, M. & Hollinsworth, T. (1988). Self-administered videotape therapy for families with conduct-problem children: Comparison with two cost-effective treatments and a control group. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(4), 558-566. • Webster-Stratton, C., Hollinsworht, T., & Kolpacoff, M. (1989). The long-term effectiveness and clinical significance of three cost-effective training programs for families with conduct-problem children. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 57(4), 550-553.

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