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Mokka vs. LCDG4 Comparison

This study compares Mokka and LCDG4, both based on Geant4, for reliable high-energy physics simulations. Key comparisons include hadron and EM physics, Geant version, geometry, physics list, range cuts, energy thresholds, materials, and bug checks. Next steps involve improvements in random number generators, energy parameters, materials consistency, and further event processing. The study aims for accurate comparisons and resolving discrepancies.

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Mokka vs. LCDG4 Comparison

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mokka vs. LCDG4 Comparison Guilherme Lima DHCal Meeting - Sep. 24, 2003

  2. Why comparing Mokka and LCDG4? • Previous LCD studies based on Gismo • Geant4-based LCD simulations are rather new, they need to be certified (then Gismo should be dropped) • (LCD)Mokka and LCDG4 were developed independently. Both are based on Geant4, so they should provide compatible results • How about hadron,EM physics? Should we use Geant3 for comparisons?

  3. Comparing apples to apples… • Geant version (4.5.1 in nicadd, 4.5.2 not installed) • Geometry (SDJan03, projective) • Physics list: identical data files (almost) • Range cuts (0.7mm) • No energy thresholds • Geant4 external data files not used (don’t matter) • Text output implemented into projective LCDG4 • Angular distributions (input from file, bad random number generators…): theta = 90deg , flat in phi • Materials (some differences, maybe ok for cals?) • No bugs!!!

  4. EdepLayer in Ecal: 50GeV e+

  5. EdepLayer in Hcal – 50 GeV e+

  6. EdepCell in Hcal: 50 GeV mu+

  7. EdepLayer in Ecal: 50 GeV mu+

  8. EdepLayer in Hcal: 50 GeV mu+

  9. Next steps • Still some checks needed for reliable comparisons: • Better random number generator for kinematics • Energy = 50 GeV, not momentum • Materials • Input from file, for processing exactly same events • Comparisons for other pions and electrons were not ready in time, left for next week • Document plots in terms of CVS tags • Investigate origin of discrepancies

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