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Active Reading Strategies. How can I become a better reader?. How can I become a better reader?. I MUST become an ACTIVE reader!. How can I become an ACTIVE reader?. 6 strategies Visualize Clarify Question Predict Connect Evaluate. Visualize.
Active Reading Strategies How can I become a better reader?
How can I become a better reader? I MUST become an ACTIVE reader!
How can I become an ACTIVE reader? • 6 strategies • Visualize • Clarify • Question • Predict • Connect • Evaluate
Visualize • Use the details from the text to create the “movie in your mind” • If you had to write what you visualize … describe the images you see as the author describes them.
Your turn … Visualize • Draw a picture that you visualize in your mind as you read the following passage … • What would this “movie” look like in your mind? It was a dark and stormy night and the sea was churning as never before. Giant waves were crashing against the mighty cliffs as if determined to shatter the cliffs to mere pebbles of sand. The only light that shown was the faint resemblance of a flicker from the lighthouse far off in the distance .
Clarify • STOP & PAY ATTENTION • Stop and check whether you understand the text! • Summarize / explain what you have read. • Read on (and sometimes reread) and your understanding may change and develop. • When you find the answers to any questions you have had, note them!
Your turn … Clarify • Stop and check whether you understand the text! • Summarize / explain what you’ve read. • With a partner, summarize / explain what you’ve read. The time had come! Her promise was due! But how could she? He was nothing more than a gross, slimy little frog and she was a beautiful fair maiden!
Question • Ask questions about the text! • What are you confused about? • What is motivating the character? • Why are certain things happening?
Your turn … Question • What are you confused about? What is motiving the characters? What is happening? The time had come! Her promise was due! But how could she? He was nothing more than a gross, slimy little frog and she was a beautiful fair maiden!
Predict • Try to figure out what will happen next! • How is this selection going to end? • How is this conflict going to end? • Clues in the story and things you already know may help you figure out what may happen next! • Then read on to see how accurate your guesses are.
Your turn … Predict • Try to figure out what will happen next! • How is this selection going to end? • How is this conflict going to end? • Clues in the story and things you already know may help you figure out what may happen next! The time had come! Her promise was due! But how could she? He was nothing more than a gross, slimy little frog and she was a beautiful fair maiden!
Connect • Connect PERSONALLY with what you are reading! • Make connections … • Self • What in the text reminds you of what you have experienced personally? • What in the text reminds you of a movie you’ve seen or game you’ve played or music you’ve heard? • World • What in the text reminds you of something you’ve read about or seen in our world? • Text • What in the text reminds you of another story, book, or something else you’ve read?
Your turn … Connect • Connect personally with what you are reading! • Self • Have you yourself every experienced something like this? • Does this remind you of a movie you’ve seen? • World • What other things in our world does this remind you of? • Text • What other stories does this remind you of? The time had come! Her promise was due! But how could she? He was nothing more than a gross, slimy little frog and she was a beautiful fair maiden!
Evaluate • Form opinions about what you’ve read – BOTH while you are reading an after you’ve finished! • Develop your own ideas about the characters and events.
Your turn … Evaluate • Form an opinion of what you’ve read (BOTH while you are reading AND after you’ve read.) • Develop your own ideas about the characters and events. The time had come! Her promise was due! But how could she? He was nothing more than a gross, slimy little frog and she was a beautiful fair maiden!
Your turn … TODActive Reading Strategies • How can you remember the 6 active reading strategies?