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Six Active Reading Strategies. V isualize C larify Q uestion P redict C onnect E valuate * V alerie C alled Q ueen P riscilla C ute and E nergetic*. Visualize. Describe the images you see as the author describes them. Use the details in the text to create the “movie in your mind”.
Six Active Reading Strategies • Visualize • Clarify • Question • Predict • Connect • Evaluate *Valerie Called Queen Priscilla Cute and Energetic*
Visualize • Describe the images you see as the author describes them. Use the details in the text to create the “movie in your mind”.
Clarify • STOP & PAY ATTENTION! • Summarize what you just read. • This is a great place to stop & check whether you understand the text • As you continue reading, if you find answers to any questions you may have had, make a note of them
Question • Ask questions about the text • What are you confused by? • What is motivating the character(s)? • Why are certain things happening?
Predict • Try to figure out what will happen next and how the book might end. • Then read on and see how accurate your guesses are.
Connect • Connect personally with what you are reading. • Think of similarities between the descriptions in the book and anything you may have experienced. • Also, connect to anything you may have already read or seen in the media (movies, news, facebook, twitter, magazines, newspapers, the Internet).
Evaluate • Form opinions about what you have read-both while you are reading and after you have finished. • Develop your own ideas about characters and events. • Make a logical guess or come to a conclusion based on the book.
Reading Log • In your binder there should be a reading log section. • You are EXPECTED to read THREE times a week. • After reading, you will journal your thoughts. • On Fridays, after SSR, you will respond quickly to what you read and your log will be checked!