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A Game Based on Speech Recognition

A Game Based on Speech Recognition. 张 璞 Zhang Pu 夏 威 Xia Wei. Overview. Input: The voice of a player ( A English Sentence/ Time) Output: If Our program can recognize the sentence, the armed aircraft will destroy the falling asteroid. The description of our program. Sample….

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A Game Based on Speech Recognition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Game Based on Speech Recognition 张璞 Zhang Pu 夏威 Xia Wei

  2. Overview Input: The voice of a player ( A English Sentence/ Time) Output: If Our program can recognize the sentence, the armed aircraft will destroy the falling asteroid. The description of our program. Sample…

  3. Detailed Description Our work is based on the CMU Sphinx4 toolkit. What is our job? 1) The game itself is a good application of the toolkit. 2) We hope to figure out the detailed architecture of the toolkit. (Maybe we will use a picture to show this) 3) Try to improve the interactive performance of the game. (We need to hack the kernel of the CMU sphinx4)

  4. What has been done by others Current applications on speech recognition are actually amazing! Some samples:

  5. Inside the CMU Sphinx4 Reference: A whitepaper from CMU.

  6. The Expected Result A FREE and interesting speech recognition game. Get a thorough understanding of the CMU Sphinx4 toolkit. Try to optimize some parts of the system.(Optional)

  7. What we have done! An amazing game. Developed using the CMU Sphinx4 and JGame 2D game engine. Certainly, this is just a beginning…

  8. Thank you! *张璞 Zhang Pu *夏威 Xia Wei

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