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Exploring Computer Architecture Variations & Extensions

Learn about computer architecture extensions, variations, operand addressing methods, word length variations, and more. Understand the different instruction sets and addressing techniques in modern computing. Discover how interrupts are managed within the CPU cycle.

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Exploring Computer Architecture Variations & Extensions

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  1. An Introduction to Informatics Chapter 6. Computer Architecture January 6, 2020 OSLab. Cho, Ho-Gi

  2. Ch.6 Computer Architecture Contents • Programmer’s Specification • Data and Control Flows • Extensions and Variations

  3. Ch.6 Computer Architecture Extensions and variations • Extensions on instruction set • computers have much larger instruction sets that are certainly sufficient for any computational task • typically from 64 to several hundred • classified in terms of the functional groupings; ex) p.115, table 6.1 • arithmetic • multiplication, division, decimal/floating point arithmetic • shift • circular shifts • logical • or, exclusive-or • move • move between two storage locations, swap or interchange of two words • etc.

  4. Ch.6 Computer Architecture • Variations on instruction • many instruction variations result from the availability of more than one program-accessible register • operand addressing methods • world length of the machine • number of operand • etc.

  5. OP code X instruction low X data high Ch.6 Computer Architecture • Operand Addressing Methods • Direct addressing • the operand address directly appears in the computer instruction • ex) ADD X

  6. OP code X low instruction instruction X branch instruction high Ch.6 Computer Architecture • Relative addressing • an operand field of an instruction contains a displacement relative to the address of the instruction • ex) B +15, BZ -4

  7. OP code OP code data [X] instruction instruction low X Y address Y data high Ch.6 Computer Architecture • Immediate addressing • the operand itself, not its address, appears in the instruction • ex) LS 2 • Indirect addressing • The address of the address of the operand is stored in the operand field • ex) LD [A]

  8. Ch.6 Computer Architecture • Indexed Addressing sum := 0 for i = 1 upto 20 do sum := sum + x[i]

  9. Ch.6 Computer Architecture • Word length of the machine • from 8bits to 64bits • Number of operands • Three-address • for the arguments • ADD X Y Z; [X] ← [Y] + [Z] • BEQ X Y L; if [X] = [Y] then go to L • Two-address • to specify operand and result locations • ADD X Y; [X] ← [X] + [Y] • One-address • SAM is an example of a one-address machine • Zero-address • accessed from fixed resisters or addressed by registers • ADD ; [R1] ← [R1] + [R2] // hardware “stacks”

  10. Ch.6 Computer Architecture • Auxiliary Storage (p.128, Fig 6-8) • provides a large temporary or permanent repository for files of data and programs • Input/Output control • fast speed of CPU and main storeVSslow speed of IO device • Input/output operations overlap the other operations • Communication between the CPU and IO system • polling Hey!, Do you complete? I/O system CPU

  11. Ch.6 Computer Architecture • Interrupts Hey! I complete! I/O system CPU cycle : Fetch next instruction; ic := ic + 1; Execute instruction; {Change ic, if the Interrupt resister is set.} if Interrupt then ic := InterruptLocation; go to cycle; The Instruction Cycle including Interrupt cycle

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