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Clouds. Types of Clouds. Stratus Nimbostratus Cumulus Cirrus. How Does Rain Come From Clouds?. Clouds are made up of masses of water droplets and ice crystals. As they are formed through a process beginning when warm air rises. As the air cools it is unable to hold the water vapor. Some

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Clouds

  2. Types of Clouds • Stratus • Nimbostratus • Cumulus • Cirrus

  3. How Does Rain Come From Clouds? Clouds are made up of masses of water droplets and ice crystals. As they are formed through a process beginning when warm air rises. As the air cools it is unable to hold the water vapor. Some of the water condenses around dust particles and forms tiny water droplets. Clouds are made up of these droplets.

  4. Remember Clouds Can Bring: • Rain • Fog • Snow • Hail • Sleet • Tornadoes Always Watch and Be Prepared!

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