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Middle School Education Program. 2014-2015. CPS Middle Schools. Columbia Public Schools. Leia: Sixth Grader. Is excited about new opportunities Will be a part of a team of teachers/students Begins every day with an advisory “family”
Middle School Education Program 2014-2015
CPS Middle Schools Columbia Public Schools
Leia: Sixth Grader • Is excited about new opportunities • Will be a part of a team of teachers/students • Begins every day with an advisory “family” • Has 4 core classes taught by her 4 team teachers (ELA/English & Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, and Science) • Will have 2 periods when she can experience elective and exploratory classes • Has an intervention time (RtI) for help and/or enrichment • Gets to “dress out” for P.E. class • Can choose to be involved in extracurricular clubs and intramural sports (including basketball, track, and soccer) Columbia Public Schools
Schedules Sample 6th Grade Schedule Columbia Public Schools
Exploratory Wheels - Daily • Two Wheels
Elective Choices – Alternating Band/Orchestra with World Language (French or Spanish) OR Band/Orchestra with How Things Work OR World Language with How Things Work PLUS… 1 Exploratory Wheel with each of the above combinations
The Enrollment Form—STEP BY STEP! Box by Box! Columbia Public Middle Schools Name _________________________________________________ 2014-2015Student Number ________________________________________ 6th Grade Enrollment Form Current Elem. Building/Teacher ___________________________ Next Year School ________________________________________
What do I get to choose? All 6th grade students will be placed on teams. Students do not get to choose their team. All 6th grade students will have Advisory, Math, English, Science, Social Studies, PE, Health, and RtI. In addition, 6th graders may choose how they want to fill their two elective slots from the two options below. • Students: You have the opportunity to choose Option 1 OR Option 2. If students choose option 2, they are asked to choose which wheel they prefer, but placement is based on availability.
OPTION 1 Exploratory Wheel Option The exploratory wheel allows students to explore the fine arts and practical arts. Each wheel has three courses offered for 12 weeks each. Each class is 50 minutes in length daily. If a student chooses BOTH wheels they check the box below, sign the form on the bottom and their form is complete. IF a student is required to take Reading Workshop or other specific intervention classes, this will eliminate some of their elective choices. These decisions will be made at a later date. Wheel AWheel B 7101PA-Exploring Technology 8411FA-Comprehensive Music 8111FA-6th Grade Art 7300PA-Explore FACS in 6th Grade 7102PA-Exploring Computers in Business 8211FA-6th Grade Performing Arts □Check this box if you want the two wheels as your electives. By checking the box you have now completed your enrollment form. Parent and student please sign at the bottom of this form and return to your 5th grade teacher prior to Wednesday, February 26th.
OPTION 2 Combination Option Band/Orchestra/World Language/Practical Art Students have the option of having one wheel and TWO of the classes below. If you do not want both exploratory wheels listed above you must choose TWO of the classes listed below. In addition to the two classes listed below you will also get one of the wheels listed above. Students may circle which wheel they prefer, but placement is based on availability. IF a student is required to take Reading Workshop or other specific intervention classes, this will eliminate some of their elective choices. These decisions will be made at a later date. Place an X on the lines of the TWO electives you wish to have in addition to one exploratory wheel above. • _____ 3500FL - Spanish 1A-alternating, all year • _____ 3005FL - French 1A-alternating, all year • _____ 7112PA - How Things Work-alternating, all year • _____ 8311FA - 6th Grade Beginning Band- alternating, all year • _____ 8350FA - 6th Grade Beginning Orchestra - alternating, all year • _____ Check this box if you participated in Band & Orchestra’s Try Me Out Night (if interested in participating in band/ orchestra students/families must talk with the band/orchestra instructors to determine instrument availability and equipment requirements before formally being scheduled into the course)
Math MATH – does not count as an elective choice Students will be placed in 6th grade Math unless they indicate an interest in taking an above-level math course. Please check the appropriate line below if interested in taking an above-level Math class. ___ Challenge Math 6 7th grade Math or possibly even 6thgrade Algebra could be an option for some students:These options are only appropriate for extremely accelerated mathematics students. Because these students will be skipping grade level math content, a testing procedure could be necessary. Contact Dana Ferguson-Hibbard at the Aslin Building for testing details. dferguso@columbia.k12.mo.us or 214-3920
Last But Not Least By signing this form you are indicating you have reviewed the above information necessary for 6th grade courses in Columbia Public Middle Schools. You have reviewed the elective choices information sheet that was provided to your child. You also can preview the entire CPS middle school course catalog on the web page of the middle school your child is scheduled to attend. Return signed form to your 5th grade teacher no later than Wednesday, February 26th. Parent Signature:________________________ Student Signature: _____________________________
What Now? Questions? We will be taking the white “practice” form with us today. We will keep it in case we do not get your GREEN enrollment copy returned to us. If you still have questions, your parents or teacher can also contact your Middle School Guidance Counselors: GENTRY MIDDLE SCHOOL Danielle Sipe – dsipe@columbia.k12.mo.us Katherine Corey – kcorey@columbia.k12.mo.us We’re looking forward to seeing you in middle school next year!