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Saudi Arabia. By: Emma Wentzel Rosaria Silvana Gurpreet Mall Islam Nasyrov. Saudi Arabia on the Map. Summary of Saudi Arabia. Current form of Government: Monarchy with Council of Ministers and Consultative Council
Saudi Arabia By: Emma Wentzel Rosaria Silvana Gurpreet Mall Islam Nasyrov
Summary of Saudi Arabia • Current form of Government: Monarchy with Council of Ministers and Consultative Council • Population (July 2010 est.): 28.7 million (23.1 million Saudis, 5.6 million foreign nationals) • Work force: 6.49 million, about 35% foreign workers (2005 est.); industry--25%; services (including government)--63%; agriculture--12%. • Export 7.635 million barrels/day (#1 in the World) • Saudi state began in central Arabia in about 1750 • Modern Saudi kingdom was founded by the late King Abdul Aziz Al Saud
Philosophers & Their Ideas • Rousseau: believed in social contract. Without social contract people will rebel • Kind Abdullah needs a Magna Carta to restrict his powers & give individual rights to its citizens. • Women need the right to drive • French Revolution • Abdullah has all money. Just like 3rd Estate during French Revolution. Lower class rebelled against King & Queen b/c they were spending all the money on themselves. This is what is going to happen to Abdullah.
Islam's Tweets 1. Ppl of Saudi Arabia deserve 2 B free & rich! 2. Abdullah, let Saudi ppl decide thats best 4 v country! 3. Abdullah, thr is no king other than Allah! U r blasphemer!
Islam Blog #1 More facts about Saudi royal family rulers: • Being number 1 exporter of oil Saudi Arabia is only 56 on GDP per citizen rank. • Abdullah trying to knock together USA and Iran in new war, in order to eliminate powerful competitor in the Middle East. • Saudi Arabia sponsored Osama Bin Laden in his terror war against Russia in Afghanistan in 1980s. • Saudi Arabian military forces put down Bahrein revolution with tanks this year. • The Harry Potter banned in SA for being witchcraft book
What country it is? What country it is? Women have to wear hidjubs, can't drive cars, can't initiate divorce, have no right to get children after husband intiated divirce. Newlywedds got gift of $64,000 from a Governement to buy house, rest got loans to buy house or car interest free. Women being panished by stoning for witchcraft $730 unemployment monthly benefits Being homosexual is the crime Education and full medical insurance was FREE. Death Penalty for counterfeiting prescription drugs. Political parties are banned There was no rent for renters, free electricity for everyone No freedom of speech Food for kids was very cheap. Gas was cheaper than water, $0.53/ Gallon No freedom of faith. Wahhabism is only permited religion $20,000 to open your business Islam Blog #2
Emmas Tweets @RightsForSaudi • Religus rules stop citizns frm hvng freedom. #Whenwillitend • Bheaded for being “sorcerer”? Wth is wrng w/ the gov? #WHAT! • Gaddafi is jst the beginning
Emma's Blog #1 Abdullah: The next victim? • King Abdullah is scared • Why? Because he is worried he will end up like the recent ruler of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi; dead. • King Abdullah is providing stability for his country by throwing his citizens bones • He is building religious centers and houses, pretending to let people vote when it is really all a mirage. 1.8 million out of 18 million are able to vote in Saudi Arabia. In 2015, women MIGHT be able to vote. That is if King Abdullah will follow through with his word. • Main reason why Saudi Arabian citizens haven’t overthrown King Abdullah is because they don’t even know what is going on around them. • lived the same way their whole lives and don’t see that anything is wrong. If people knew how King Abdullah is trying to keep control of a country that will most likely erupt in a revolution, there WOULD be a revolution in Saudi Arabia at this moment.
Emma's Blog #2 Unfair government • a man was beheaded for being a “sorcerer” • the executioner dragged him out of his car and beheaded him on the spot with no fair trial at all. • Why would the government agree to such a messy, on-the-spot beheading with no fair trial? • Something like that sends a strong message to the citizens of his country that there is not a fair government • Also shows that the government will not listen to anyone to save its own people. • Government must listen to its people!
Gurpreet's Tweets • Iran tried to kill a Saudi Arabian Envoy on U.S soil, people need to know the truth. • Saudi arabian woman standing up for their rights? • Eid prayers offered in saudi arabia gulf.
Gurpreet's blog #1 Iranians plotted to kill Saudi's Envoy Iran tried to kill Saudi Arabian envoy on the U.S soil. Two men were attempting to kill the saudi ambassador in Washington. The government learned of the plot when Arbabsiar allegedly attempted to ask Mexico's drug cartel for help in the assassination. Saudi's minister Saud Al-Faisal said "we will deliver a measured response to the plot".
Gurpreet's Blog #2 Womans Rights Saudi Arabian woman have no rights. Saudi Arabian woman cant vote to high political positions,can't drive, and have to wear hi jabs. They also don't have their basic rights such as they cant speak out. Woman in Saudi Arabia are now protesting and getting arrested for defing driving ban.
Rosaria Silvana Blogs #1 • We don't want the king to rule anymore. A form of government in which the head office or state is usually held until death and is often hereditary, is unfair. people want freedom to participate in a government because everybody has the right. In the french revolution Rousseau believed that direct democracy was the best way for the people to have rights. The king need to live by the same rules as the people do so everybody will live peacefully together. King Abdullah is not respecting the social contract.
The End! Thank you for your time.