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Slovak C urriculum of T eaching English Methodology 3. Eva Karľová Marta Matulová 06/10/09 2Ajm.
Slovak Curriculum of Teaching EnglishMethodology 3 Eva Karľová Marta Matulová 06/10/09 2Ajm
“Learning and speaking other languages encourages us to become more open to others, their cultures and outlooks; it improves cognitive skills and strengthens learners’mother tongue skills; it enables us to take advantage of the freedom to work and study in other countries.”
Content: • ISCED1: - level A1 –Eva Karľová • ISCED2: - level A2–Marta Matulová • ISCED 3: - level B1 and B2 –Eva Karľová, Marta Matulová
ISCED 1 • is for pupils from 1 to 4 grade of primary school • compulsory to start foreign language. • learn at 3rd grade • can choose from English, German, Spain, Italian, Russian and French language • develop their listening, writing, reading and speaking skills • three times in the week • level A1 and A2 are related to primary school
LEVEL A1 • learning foreign languages helps pupils to be more open to other people and also be more free in communication with other people from European Union • the key competence in language is understanding, writing and speaking
LEVEL A1 • Competence • complex of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and attributes • solve everyday situation in foreign country • change information and ideas with young and adult people
LEVEL A1 2. General competences • the key competence in language is understanding, writing and speaking • which are not characteristic for language, but those which are very important for other activities including language activities • describe many different situations • be critical to their themselves • work in pairs or groups
LEVEL A1 3. Communicative languagecompetences Learners whose achieve level A1 are able to: • introduce themselves • ask questions and give also answers • speak very easy
LEVEL A1 Can be divided into 3 sublevels: • Language competence • Sociolinguistic competence • Pragmatic competence
LEVEL A1 3.1. Language competence: • learners of Level A1 have some limits in speaking, vocabulary • limits phrases about personal information • know just a few common words and grammatical structures • they are able to copy words and simple sentences from the board • they are able to spell their address
LEVEL A1 3.2Sociolinguistic competence: • learners are able to communicate in society but very easy • they know to say hello, bye, introducethemselves, apologize and also saythank you 3.3Pragmatic competence: • they are able to combine words or groups of words
LEVEL A1 4. Communicative skills • aredivided into 4 sublevels 4.1 listening with understanding 4.2 reading with understanding 4.3 writing 4.4 oral speaking
LEVEL A1 4.1 Listening with understanding: • they ale able to recognize known words • they understand if speaking is slowly • they are able to understand very easy describing of journey 4.2Reading with understanding: • they understand known name, words and others
LEVEL A1 4.3 Writing: • they are able to write a simple letter or a postcard • they are able to write a word or a sentence 4.4 Oral speaking: • monolog or dialogue • very easy speaking • using simple phrases • are able to ask what she or he needs
ISCED 2 • the second stage of primary school (grades 5 to 9) • at this stagepupils could master at least one modern foreign language at an advanced level • pupils can choose English, French, German, Russian, Spanish or Italian language • The first foreign language is taught on this level from grade 5 to 9 in the extent of 3 lessons per week. And the second foreign language is compulsory in grades 6 - 9 in the extent of 1 lesson per week
LEVEL A2 • it is an elementary phase of using basic communication means • during this level, pupils might continue in improving themselves in fundamental language competences and skills. Language skills: • Understanding (listening, reading) • Speaking ( spoken interaction and individual oral speech) • Writing
LEVEL A2 • Competences • Foreign language learners (FLLs) might be capable to solve common everyday situation in a foreign country and also be able to help foreigners in our country • FLLs should be able to exchange information and ideas with young and adult people from the countries of the EU • FLLs should be able to more and better understand lifestyle and thinking of other nations and their cultural heritage
LEVEL A2 2. General competences FLLs extend already gained general competences from the levelA1. That is why they should be able to: • gain new knowledge and skills • repeat already known knowledge and complete them • understand the strategies of learning foreign languages • understand the need of learning foreign languages • effectively cooperate in pairs or in groups
LEVEL A2 • critically evaluate their progress in learning of foreign languages, accept feedback and understand the possibilities of selfimproving • actively and very often use foreign language • use available materials • be open to cultural and ethnic differences
LEVEL A2 3. Communicative language competences FLLs extend already gained communicative language competences from the level A1 in the following areas: • language competence • sociolinguistic competence • pragmatic competence
LEVEL A2 • use common words and word´s connections in basic communication • communicate about themes where they could use already known vocabulary • express information, offer, request, apology, invitation • explain their own opinions and attitudes • improve a basic social conversation • effectively use basic language means • create simple text
LEVEL A2 4. Communicative skills • listening with understanding • reading with understanding • writing • oral speaking (dialogue & monologue)
ISCED 3 • The upper secondary education in our country is carried out in three streams of institutions: in grammar schools, specialist secondary schools and vocational secondary schools • students study two modern foreign languages - English, French, German, Russian, Spanish or Italian • Levels B1 and B2 are related to the secondary school
LEVEL B1 • document defines some competencies as: content, common competencies, strategies • learning foreign languages helps pupils to be more open to other people and also be more free in communication with other people from European Union • the key competence in language is understanding, writing and speaking
LEVEL B1 • Competence • can be defined as complex of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and attributes • learners have to be able to solve everyday situation in foreign country and also help to another students with their problems • to be able to change information and ideas with young and adult people • better understanding of life and thinking of other countries
LEVEL B1 2. General Competences Are not characteristic for language, butvery important for other activitiesincluding language activities. Learners in level B1 develop their general competences to be able to: • Repeat their achieved knowledge • Describe many different situations
LEVEL B1 • Understand why learning English is very important • Be critical to themselves • Work in pairs or groups • Be open to other cultures
LEVEL B1 3. Communicative language Competences Can be divided into 3 sublevels: • Language competence • Sociolinguistic competence • Pragmatic competence
LEVEL B1 3.1. Language competence: • learners have language competencies on level A2 • they are able to use vocabulary and also phraseology in communication • they use morphologic shapes and lexical shapes
LEVEL B1 3.2.Sociolinguistic competence: Learners on level B1 have adopted knowledge of level A2 and they try to develop their skills to be able to: • give some reaction in common communication • use basic phraseology phrases
LEVEL B1 3.3.Pragmatic competence: Learners on level B1 have adopted knowledge of level A2 and they try to develop their skills to be able to say: • express agreement and disagreement • express emotions • exchange information
LEVEL B1 4. Communicative skills • listening with understanding • reading with understanding • writing • oral speaking
LEVEL B1 4.1 Listening with understanding: • specific information • to be able to say what is important and what is not • easy speaking in every day life • authentic dialogue – making phone call
LEVEL B1 4.2 Reading with understanding: • find information in simple texts • find specific and detail information in texts • understand logic structures • to be able to understand a letter, postcard, fax
LEVEL B1 4.3 Writing: • students are able to write letter and express their feeling, mood and use correct grammar • write message • write apology • write letter • write CV, story
LEVEL B1 4.4 Oral Speaking: Dialogue: • they are able to start, keep going and also finish conversation • be able to give some reaction in communication • interpretation information Monologue: • describe person, picture, subject • tell some easy story
LEVEL B2 • a phase of using communicative competences in common communicative situations • during this level, pupils might continue in improving themselves in foreign language competences and skills. Language skills: • Understanding (listening, reading) • Speaking ( spoken interaction and individual oral speech) • Writing
LEVEL B2 1.Competences • FLLs might be capable to solve common everyday situation in a foreign country and also be able to help foreigners in our country • FLLs should be able to exchange information and ideas with young and adult people from the countries of the EU • FLLs should be able to more and better understand lifestyle and thinking of other nations and their cultural heritage
LEVEL B2 2. General competences FLLs extend already gained general competences from the level A1. That is why they should be able to: • gain new knowledge and skills • repeat already known knowledge and complete them • understand the need of lifelong education in foreign languages • be open to cultural and ethnic differences
LEVEL B2 • complete knowledge and skills, connect them with already known knowledge, systematize and use them for another progress and in real life • use received knowledge and skills in everyday life and in future job • critically evaluate progress in learning of foreign languages, accept feedback and understand the possibilities of selfimproving • use general knowledge relating to geographical and cultural realia
LEVEL B2 3.Communicative language competences FLLs extend already gained communicative language competences from the level B1 in the following areas: • language competence • sociolinguistic competence • pragmatic competence
LEVEL B2 • understand the main ideas of the difficult text • speak fluently and spontaneously with native speakers in common conversation • create a clear formulated text of various themes and explain their attitudes to those themes • use vocabulary as well as phraseological means in various communicative situations • use morphological and syntactic means • correctly communicate and react to various social situations • use common phraseological connections, sayings and proverbs
LEVEL B2 4.Communicative skills • listening with understanding • reading with understanding • writing • oral speaking (dialogue & monologue)
Vocabulary • Family and society • Home and housing • Human body, body care • Transport and travelling • Education and work • Human being and nature • Leisure time and hobbies • Food and drink
Vocabulary • Multicultural society • Clothing and fashion • Sport • Shopping • Countries, towns and places • Culture and art • Human being and society; communication • Teenagers and their world • Job
Vocabulary • Science and technology • Ideals • Slovakia • Country which language I learn