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TRAINING YOUTH LEADERS. YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONTINUUM. The vision of the Boy Scouts of America is to be the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training We strive to fulfill the following objectives:

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  2. YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONTINUUM The vision of the Boy Scouts of America is to be the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training We strive to fulfill the following objectives: • Offer young people responsible fun and adventure • Instill in young people lifetime values and develop in them ethical character as expressed in the Scout Oath and Law • Train young people in citizenship, service, and leadership • Serve America’s communities and families through a quality, values-based program.

  3. YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONTINUUM • TLT –Troop Leadership Training • (conducted at the troop level) • NYLT –National Youth Leadership Training • (conducted at the council level) • NAYLE –National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience • (conducted at the national level)

  4. YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONTINUUM The youth leader training courses are built around the slogan Be-Know-Do, which serves as the building blocks for all three courses • “Be” encompasses many of the values of Scouting. The course modules focus on ethical decision making as well as how a Scout can and must put the team’s needs before his own needs. • “Know” describes the information that the Scout needs to successfully fill his leadership position. This includes not only the nuts and bolts of the position and its expectations, but what he needs to know about his team and himself in addition to the skills of teaching and leading. • “Do” provides the youths with a vast set of skills to be effective in his position by employing the skills in the leadership skills toolbox. How do they determine the stage of their team’s development so as to most properly use the Leading EDGE™ to guide their progress? How do they resolve conflict and communicate effectively? These are the skills that are taught in the youth leadership training continuum.

  5. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Running the Troop Leadership Training course starts with collecting and familiarizing yourself with the materials you will be using: • Troop Leadership Training Book (34306A - $6.99), Includes instructions on how to run the course. • Troop Leadership Training Cards (30521 - $3.99), replacement Leadership Description Cards to give to the new leaders. • Scoutmaster Handbook (33009C - $11.99, you will be teaching the material covered in chapters three and four.

  6. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Materials participants should bring: • You can’t be a Scout without a Scout Handbook and you are leading blind without the Senior Patrol Leader or Patrol Leader Handbook. • Senior Patrol Leader Handbook (32501A - $8.99) • Patrol Leader Handbook (32502A - $8.99) • The Scoutmaster will also need a supply of trained strips to recognize the youth leaders upon completion of the course

  7. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Preparing the New Senior Patrol Leader • Training of a New SPL is a one on one conversation with the Scoutmaster • This is your first opportunity to bond with your troops top leader and let him know that he has your confidence • You should share your philosophy on what makes Scouting great and let him know your personal vision for the troop.

  8. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Training the Senior Patrol Leader • He needs to understand the Aims of Scouting and the he now plays a major role in fulfilling these aims • Go over the position description card for the Senior Patrol Leader. • Tell him what you expect from him and let him know what he can expect from you • Go through the SPL Handbook with him • Discuss the task of TLT

  9. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Module 1 – Introduction (Know) • The Scoutmaster begins by discussing the principles of the youth-led troop in Chapter 3 of the Scoutmaster Handbook • The Senior Patrol Leader then follows with an explanation of the power of a youth-led patrol from Chapter 4 of the Scoutmaster Handbook • The Scoutmaster will then go though the troop organization chart so that the youths see where they fit in the structure of their specific troop. Examples of these organizational charts are found in the Scoutmaster, PL & SPL Handbooks or make your own if needed

  10. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Module 1 (continued) • The Scoutmaster and the Senior Patrol Leader go over each of the positions in detail and introduce the position description cards • The Senior Patrol Leader concludes with a description of the National Honor Patrol Award requirements

  11. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Module 2 – How to Do Your Job (Be) • The Scoutmaster and senior patrol leader begin by describing their own vision of success, which they have written before the training session to ensure that the two visions are aligned and that each paints a vivid picture of future success for the troop. • The Scoutmaster, senior patrol leader, and the troop then work to ensure that all members share in this vision, so that they are excited about making it come to life. Creating Future Success will encompass: • VISION—What success looks like—a picture • GOALS—What needs to be done to reach what the group calls success • PLANNING—How the group will execute its goals

  12. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Module 2 (continued) • The Scoutmaster, an assistant Scoutmaster, or a youth who has experience with NYLT will then lead the discussion on Teaching EDGE™. This is a simple four-step process used for teaching any skill. • Explain—The trainer explains how something is done. • Demonstrate—The trainer demonstrates while explaining again. • Guide—The learner tries the skill while the trainer guides him through it. • Enable—The learner works on his own under the eye of the trainer. • After the Teaching EDGE™ discussion, the senior patrol leader or an assistant Scoutmaster will ask the troop how they are doing. They will use the process called Start, Stop, Continue: • What should we start doing that we are not currently doing? • What do we stop doing that is not working? • What should we continue doing that is working well and helps us succeed? • Lastly, the Scouts are assigned to get to know the team they are responsible for leading. During this session, the Scoutmaster is getting to know more about his troop leaders and should take this assignment to heart as well.

  13. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Module 3 – What is Expected of Me (Do) • At the beginning of this module, each Scout is given a card with the responsibilities of his new position. The Scoutmaster reviews each of the responsibilities with him. • The Scoutmaster then leads a discussion of how to be an effective leader who helps each member of his team succeed, explaining that their role is not to simply tell people what to do, but to care about their team and help them succeed. This leads into a discussion of servant leadership, or others-first leadership, with the group.

  14. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • Module 3 (continued) • The Scouts learn to create a vision of success for their patrol as well as to define goals for how to get there. They define this vision for themselves for their new leadership position and write it on the back of their leadership position card. • The Scoutmaster ends the training with a Scoutmaster Conference with each new leader, helping the new leaders set the goals to achieve their vision of success. Then recognizes the new leader with the Trained strip.

  15. TROOP LEADERSHIP TRAINING • TLT is designed to be run often in the troop and with small groups of leaders that share a common vision • Scoutmaster, Senior Patrol Leader, and Patrol Leaders • Scoutmaster, Patrol Leader, and Patrol Officers • Scoutmaster, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Troop Officers • TLT is designed as a perfect introduction to Scouting and is a great program for new Scouts • Module 1, what is a Scout & how do you fit as a member of our troop • Module 2, how do we create a vision, goals, and a plan to succeed in Scouting • Module 3, what are the expectations of how a Scout behaves, leads, follows, and end with creating his personal vision of success


  17. NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING 1. A Month in the Life of a Troop • NYLT is a six-day course where the Scouts live and work in an outdoor setting as part of a patrol within the NYLT troop • The first three days represent a week complete with Troop Meetings, Patrol Meetings, and PLC Meetings • The final three days represents a weekend outings with activities and a chance to test their plans from the meetings • Patrol leaders’ council meetings and planning for the big monthly outing • Use of the patrol method throughout the course • Rotate leadership positions so that each can experience different roles • There is an immediate application of learning in a variety of structured and fun events

  18. NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING 2. Four Stages of Team Development • They Begin • Forming - High Enthusiasm, Low Skills • They realize the task • Storming - Low Enthusiasm, Low Skills • They start getting use to the task • Norming - Rising Enthusiasm, Growing Skills • They get it! • Performing - High Enthusiasm, High Skills

  19. NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING 3. Leadership Requires Vision, Goals, and Plans • The boys are shown several video clips with the theme of Finding Your Vision/Creating a Future. They learn that “if you can see it, you can be it.” Each Scout develops his personal vision for what future success looks like. • Vision = I want to eat an elephant • Goals = One bite at a time • Plans = I need to get a fork and knife

  20. NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING 4. Toolbox of Leadership Skills • Each skill is summarized on the memory tips card as follows: • 1. Vision—Goals—Planning: Creating Future Success • 2. SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely • 3.Planning and Problem Solving Tool: What, How, When, Who • 4. Assessment Tool-SSC: Start, Stop, Continue • 5. Teaching EDGE™: Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, Enable • 6. Leading EDGE™: Matching the leader’s behavior is to the team’s stage • 7. Valuing People-ROPE: Reach out, Organize, Practice, Experience • 8. Conflict Resolution Tool-EAR: Express, Address, Resolve • 9. Ethical Decisions: Right vs. Wrong, Right vs. Right, Trivial • 10. Communication-MaSeR: Message, Sender, Receiver

  21. NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING 5. Consistent Leadership Modeling • The adults and staff of the NYLT courses are wonderful role models who continuously set the example using the NYLT skills for the participants. 6. Scout Oath and Law • The course is always centered around the Scout Oath and Law and all of the values of the Scouting program. 7. Have Fun! • This course is a blast! The boys are constantly busy with so many fun activities that they are always doing something new and exciting. 8. Traditions • NYLT is full of tradition that makes Scouts want to come back to serve on staff and create memories.

  22. NATIONAL YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING Who May Participate? • The course is open to any Boy Scout who meet the following criteria: • Is at least 13 years old • Is at least First Class Rank • Has experience or is currently serving in a troop position of responsibility • Has previous long-term camping experience and has mastered certain outdoor skills, all of which are required to be First Class rank • Is recommended and approved by his Scoutmaster

  23. The Key to an Ultimate Leadership Experience… From TLT to NYLT to NAYLE Strong leaders are made, not born – Make the most of yourself at NAYLE!!

  24. What is NAYLE? NAYLE is an exciting, week-long training program designed to enhance NYLT leadership skills National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience NAYLE is an exciting, week-long training program designed to enhance NYLT leadership skills NAYLE will provide Scouts with a Philmont-based wilderness encounter that motivates them to follow a life of helping others succeed based on the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Law.

  25. The Details - COPEPurpose: Team Development • NYLT skills: • Valuing People • Leadership Behaviors

  26. Wilderness First Aid Purpose: Advanced Outdoor Skills • NYLT Skills: • Planning • Communication • Problem Solving

  27. GPS and GeocachingPurpose: Advanced Outdoor Skills • NYLT skills: • Teaching EDGE • Conflict Resolution • Problem Solving

  28. Search and RescuePurpose: Advanced outdoor skills • NYLT skills: • Teaching EDGE • Communication • Problem Solving

  29. LNT Backcountry ExperiencePurpose: Learn Leave No Trace NYLT skill:Ethical Decision Making

  30. ConservationPurpose: Give back to Philmont through service • NYLT skill: • Teaching EDGE • Servant Leadership

  31. HistoryPurpose: Understand the Value of a Legacy • NYLT skill: • Servant Leadership

  32. NAYLE-ADVANCE LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE • Who May Participate? • The course is open to any Boy Scout who meet the following criteria: • Is at least 14 years old • Has experience or is currently serving in a troop position of responsibility • Has completed or staffed the National Youth Leadership Training Course • Is recommended and approved by his Scoutmaster • Successfully complete a Philmont Level A physical (meet the Philmont backcountry height/weight requirement) Get the application at www.nayle.org

  33. Remember….. Strong leaders are made, not born – Make the most of yourself at NAYLE!!


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