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international. *. Web application for transfrontier shipment of waste. ZEDAL provides the necessary forms and mechanisms. The forms can easily be completed, saved and archived on the screen using master data support and validation. *see page 3. international. *.
international • * • Web application • fortransfrontiershipmentofwaste ZEDAL provides the necessary forms and mechanisms.The forms can easily be completed, saved and archived on the screen using master data support and validation. *see page 3
international • * • Forms can then be used in subsequent procedures • as a paper printout • by fax • by email • electronically in eTFS* data exchange format with or without qualified electronic signatures. • The mechanism for communication allows the user to work with a mix of all communication channels, through which every shipping procedure is logged as dispatch entry with status, irrespective of the route it takes *see page 3
international • * * The eTFS format is used in the transfrontier shipment of waste project conducted by ZEDAL AG in collaboration with NiedersächsischeGesellschaftzurEndablagerung von SonderabfallmbH [German Association for Final Deposition of Special Waste] and the Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu [Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment] in the Netherlands. eTFS is based on the interface described in the EUDIN project, which has been extended to include a layering technique and the digital signature. Alongside the above-mentioned project partners, the IKA [Office for the Coordination of Waste Information] in Germany was involved in the adaptation. LAG GADSYS [Joint Waste IT Systems of the Federal States] has extended the German administrative procedure and the consignment note used in transfrontier shipment of waste on the basis of eTFS
The notificationmodule – quick facts Main features Immediatelyworldwidedeployableas a multi-language online portal, inhouseor OEM solutionforexporters, wastegenerators, carriers, importers, wastedisposalfacilities, brokers, merchantsandcompetentauthorities. Supports therequiredformsandmechanisms. All formscanconvenientlybefilled out, savedandarchived on-screen, includingmasterdatasupportandvaliditychecks. The formscanthenbeprinted, sent via fax, email orelectronicallyusingthedataexchangeformateTFS* - withorwithoutqualifiedsignature. *see page 3
The notificationmodule – quick facts Main features The communicationmechanismallowstheusertofreelycombinethe different meansofcommunicationforeachparticipant. Eachtransferisloggedseperately, irrespectiveoftheusedtechnology. Participantshavenoneedtoinvest in softwareorIT-infrastructure. Low annualbasiccostsandbilling per transactionbased on actualusageinclude all update andusersupportservices.
international • * All parties involved will increase their time and cost savings using ZEDAL for notifications. ZEDALis an easy to use, four-step tool to take the hassle out of creating, signing, sending, tracking and filing your waste notifications. *see page 3
Howitworks Step 1 Create a new notification or capture an old one • no need to buy paper based forms • use master data to quickly fill out the form • all required codes are available in a variety of languages • immediate check routines to prevent errors • print, fax or e-mail in different languages, or send as signed xml-document in e-TFS* structure to other applications** ** in the current definition eTFS* contains only the movement documents. *see page 3
Howitworks Step 2 Assign individual means of communication and language for each party involved and generate templates for waste movement documents. • notification data is automatically copied to the template • user rights management for template use available • communication partners table is used for all activities on this notification
Howitworks Step 3 Use the template for movement announcements in a matter of seconds • single or serial functions to sign, send, print and save • send the movement document to every party involved with just one click
Howitworks Step 4 Real-time documenttracking • receive and send the confirmations of receipt and disposal/recovery electronically • waste amount and number of transports tracked per notification
international As ofFebruarythe25th, 2014 • * Thereishugeinterestfromtheindustry Threefurtherpilotprojectscurrently in preparation • A companyfrom Luxembourg withnotificationsto Germany, successfullytestedwiththeLUA Saarbrücken and all involvedcompanies • A French companywithnotificationsto Germany • A German companywithnotificationstotheNetherlands *see page 3
international • * www.zedal.com Thankyouforyourattention! *see page 3
international Contact: www.zedal.com +49 2361 9130600 info@zedal.com