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Comment on Bruegel Policy Brief : Elements of Europe‘s Energy Union. Daniel Fürstenwerth , Agora Energiewende. Brussels , 01.10.2014. Agora Energiewende – an Overview. Financed by Mercator Foundation and European Climate Foundation, 2012-2017 Independent and non-partisan.
Comment on BruegelPolicy Brief:Elements ofEurope‘sEnergy Union Daniel Fürstenwerth, Agora Energiewende • Brussels, 01.10.2014
Agora Energiewende – an Overview • Financed by Mercator Foundation and European Climate Foundation, 2012-2017 • Independent and non-partisan • Think Tank based in Berlin • Mission: How to make the Energiewendea success story?
Focus ofthiscomment:EU supportforlow-carbontechnologies • - Innovation vs. Deployment • -Targets andMarkets
Innovation vs. Deployment? ct/kWh Wind and PV arecostcompetitivetoday - withnewconventionalandnuclearpower plants Costof Power per Technology (LCOE 2014, newbuild, Germany) Future* *“Future Costof PV until 2050“, Agora Energiewende/Fraunhofer ISE, forthcoming
Other European countries havesimilar, someevenbetterconditionsfor Wind and PV power production Quality of Wind Quality of Solar Costcompetitivetechnologyisavailablefor Wind onshoreand PV Focus shouldbe on removalofmarketbarriersandappropiatemarket design
Technology-specificanalysisrequired: costvariesbetweenrenewabletechnologies Price andQuantityofyearlydeploymentofrenewables in Germany, 2015 (Objective) Focus on innovationappropiatefornewrenewableenergytechnologies (e.g. geothermal, tidal, wave) Biomass Wind offshore Wind onshore & PV Price (ct/kWh) Power Generation (TWh) ~11 TWh
Targets helppolicytofulfillitsrole:enablethemarketto find efficientsolutions Example: Investment in new fossil power plant Power Market, Germany% Non - Renewable 100% Targets enableinvestorstomakeefficientinvestmentdecisions Building Investmentdecision Investmentpayback Research Question:Whatarecostof suboptimal investmentdecisions? Renewable 25% 40-45% 55-60% Year 2014 2025 2035
Summary • Strongerdeploymentof Wind onshoreand PV does not increasecostofthe power systemuntil 2030 – removalofmarketbarriersiskey • Strongerfocus on innovationisappropiatefornewrenewabletechnologies (geothermal, tidal, etc) • Renewabletargetsallowmarketactorstomakeefficientinvestmentdecisions – forboth non-renewableandrenewableinvestments
Agora Energiewende Rosenstraße 2 10178 Berlin T +49 (0)30 284 49 01-00 F +49 (0)30 284 49 01-29www.agora-energiewende.de Comments andquestions: Daniel.fuerstenwerth@agora-energiewende.de
2009 - 2012: „Solar Years“ Success Story for Technology, Challenge forPolicyMakers Feed-in Tarif (EUR/MWh) Build-upofSolar(GW/a) Cost (EUR/MWh, illustrative) Increasedmarginleadsto massive investment in solar • „Race“ betweeninvestorsandpolicy: marketmovedfaster • ~ 30 GW solar build in 5 years • Costwas >2 timeshigherthantoday
Remuneration of new nuclear power in the UK, and large PV and wind onshore in Germany after accounting for inflation, in real Euro2013/MWh Note: Wind onshore remuneration in Germany is presented here in a simplified way by showing average payments. In reality, remuneration at the beginning differs from remuneration at the end. Source: EEG 2012, UK Government 2013a, calculations by Prognos AG.
Comparison of average remuneration for new nuclear power in the UK, and PV and wind in Germany, in Euro2013/MWh -15% -34% -50% Remuneration, in Euro 2013 /MWh * Hinkley Point C agreement ** Wind offshore 2013 without grid costs; in Germany, the regulatory approach excludes grid costs from being covered by the remuneration. Offshore grid costs are estimated to be between 25 and 35 EUR/MWh, depending on the distance to shore. Source: DECC 2013; ECB 2014a; EEG 2012; Prognos AG 2013; UK Government 2013a; calculations by Prognos AG.
Comparison of annual system costs, in million Euro2013 Annual systemcost, million Euro2013 -21% Source: ECB 2014a; EEG 2012; Prognos AG 2013; UK Government 2013a; calculations by Prognos AG.