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Easter Festival and Aries Full Moon

Easter Festival and Aries Full Moon. All is Energy!. Why are we here?. Aries Presentation. Easter Festival The Sign of Aries The Labours of Hercules The Full Moon Chart - Short Break - Meditation - Short Break - Coffee/Tea - discussion. Easter Festival.

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Easter Festival and Aries Full Moon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Easter FestivalandAries Full Moon

  2. All is Energy!

  3. Why are we here?

  4. Aries Presentation • Easter Festival • The Sign of Aries • The Labours of Hercules • The Full Moon Chart - Short Break - • Meditation - Short Break - • Coffee/Tea - discussion

  5. Easter Festival

  6. She is also known as Eostra, Eostrae, Eostar, Eastre, Easter, Estre, Eástre, and Austra by various European peoples. The name Easter comes from an ancient European goddess of the dawn called Eostre by the Anglo-Saxons and Ostara by the Germanic peoples. History of Easter She was considered the goddess of the growing light and spring, associated with fertility and celebrated with a festival of rebirth. Her name means "movement towards the rising sun" and is related to the Indo-European root word Aus which means "to shine". One story has her entertaining children by performing a trick that changed her pet bird into a rabbit. This rabbit then laid colored eggs that she gave to the children.

  7. The specific day on which the resurrection should be celebrated became a major point of contention within the church. Date for Easter There is evidence that Christians originally celebrated the resurrection of Christ every Sunday, with observances such as Scripture readings, psalms, and a prohibition against kneeling in prayer. At some point in the first two centuries, however, it became customary to celebrate the resurrection specially on one day each year. Many of the religious observances of this celebration were taken from the Jewish Passover.

  8. Esoteric Easter

  9. The Sign of Aries

  10. Which sign is the Sun in? The Sun is in Aries. And which sign is the Moon in? The Moon is in Libra. The exact full moon is Friday, March 21th at 1:39 PM

  11. But I’m not an Aries!

  12. Aries Element: Fire

  13. Aries Mode: Cardinal

  14. What do we know about Aries? • Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac. • As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries represents the first stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. The raw energy of life itself, which is the first step in being part of the universe, is evident in the character and make-up of Aries people. • It is the karmic responsibility of the Aries-born to accept the idea that they are not the center of the universe but part of the larger social order of all men.

  15. Aries people are doers!

  16. Aries individuals react in a physical way to everything they experience in life.

  17. Aries’ Astrological Symbol Aries is symbolized by the ram. The ram has come to represent male fertility, aggression, and courage. A ram’s horn is part of a cornucopia, the “horn of plenty”, symbolizing abundance. In history, rams were often symbols of leadership. Aries natives are said to be leaders and pioneers. 

  18. Aries’ Astrological Glyph The glyph for Aries is a straightforward one -- it depicts the ram’s horns. 

  19. Aries’ Constellation

  20. Aries’ Constellation

  21. The Aries Myth

  22. Robin Hood - the outlaw of Sherwood Forest The whole background in which the Robin Hood myth is embedded is also very Arien. He's an outlaw. He has a band of Merry Men.

  23. Jason and the Argonauts - the capture of the golden fleece.

  24. How do these mythsrelate to Aries?

  25. Energy

  26. Main Challenge

  27. AriesNon-Challenging Energies • Energetic • Enthusiastic • Curious • Spontaneous • Group-leader • Direct • Selfless • Helpful • Risk-taker • Extraordinarily exciting • Frank • Strong-willed • Optimistic • Courageous • Stimulating • Confident • Assertive • Persevering • Independent

  28. Aries Challenging Energies • Bossy • Blunt • Argumentative • Impulsive • Brazen • Impetuous • Impatient • Jealous • Brash • Restless • Lustful • Fool-hardy • Head-strong • Quirky • Self-centered • Hot-headed

  29. Who are some Aries? • J. S. Bach • Pat Robertson • Howard Cosell • Gloria Steinem • Aretha Franklin • Sandra Day O’Connor • Alan Arkin, Eugene McCarthy, Vincent Van Gogh, Warren Beatty, Herb Alpert, Buddy Epsen, Doris Day, Wayne Newton, Colin Powell, Harry Houdini, Ram Dass, Elizabeth C. Prophet, Betty Ford, Hugh Hefner, Harry Reasoner, Tiny Tim, Charles Chaplin, Clarence Darrow, Jane Mansfield, Henry Mancini. etc.

  30. The Exoteric Rulerof Aries is Mars

  31. The Esoteric Rulerof Aries is Mercury

  32. Aries - Rays 1 & 7

  33. The Labours of Hercules

  34. The Labour in Aries Capture of the Man-Eating Mares

  35. Hercules completes his task

  36. Interpretation of the myth

  37. Further Interpretation What do the horses symbolize? What does Abderis symbolize?

  38. The Full Moon Chart Wesak Taurus Full Moon Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:26 AM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, April 21, 2008 6:30 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:26 AM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, April 21, 2008 6:30 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Monday, May 19, 2008 9:11 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, May 19, 2008 6:30 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:26 AM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, April 21, 2008 6:30 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:26 AM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, April 21, 2008 6:30 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:26 AM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, April 21, 2008 6:30 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:26 AM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, April 21, 2008 6:30 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:26 AM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, April 21, 2008 6:30 PM EST Taurus Full Moon Sunday, April 20, 2008 5:26 AM EST Taurus Full Moon Meditation Monday, April 21, 2008 6:30 PM EST Aries Full MoonFriday, March 21, 2008 1:39:00 PM EST

  39. Why are we here tonight?

  40. Seed Thought for Aries I come forth, and from the plane of mind I rule.

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