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Foundations of Moral Reasoning: A Critical Analysis

Explore the systematic approach of moral reasoning, employing ethical principles to make sound decisions defensible through reasoned analysis. Understand the significance of context, philosophical foundations of moral theory, and critical thinking in moral decision-making. Delve into virtues ethics, care-based ethics, deontology, utilitarianism, and relativism. Cultivate critical thinking skills to evaluate ethical dilemmas and identify ethical alternatives for decision-making.

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Foundations of Moral Reasoning: A Critical Analysis

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  1. Ethics and Moral reasoning

  2. • Moral Reasoning is a systematic approach to making ethical decisions • It is a structured process, an intellectual means of defending our ethical judgments against the criticisms of others • Knowledge of ethical principles is important but it’s the application and defense of rules of conduct that are core to moral reasoning  • Can you provide rational grounds upon which moral decisions have been made? • Different circumstances/ethical dilemmas- require the application of ethical frameworks which moral agents can use to make ethical judgments • Moral judgments should be based on sound ethical theories and defensible through reasoned analysis

  3. • Process of moral decision making • moral agent must posses knowledge and skills in three areas: • context • philosophical foundations of moral theory • critical thinking. • Understanding of the three areas will support moral decision making

  4. The Context • Ethical decisions are not made in a vacuum • Moral agents must understand context within which the dilemma has occurred. • Context consists of all factors that could influence an individuals resolution • Understand the issue itself, facts of the situation, values, principles and moral duties of the situation • Contextual factors are often culturally determined (i.e. company values and behavioral codes) • Company values and behavioral codes can influence the rendering of moral judgments • Considerations that are unique to a particular situation constitute the context of the ethical dilemma • Moral agent must have knowledge of environment (social and cultural context)

  5. The philosophical foundations of moral theory • Ethical principles have contributed to an individuals moral sense  • Ethical theories provide guidelines for moral reasoning • They provide standards and principles for evaluating moral judgments

  6. • Virtues ethics emphasize character development • Attain virtuous character through habits-practice moral reasoning • Through repetitive moral behaviors, the notion of good is inculcated into the individuals value system. Moral virtues become a way of thinking and acting • Care-based ethics: treat people affected by our decisions with respect. • Moral decisions should be based on respect for the dignity of persons as an end in itself than as means to an end. • Deontology: the intent of the act is as important as the act itself. • Moral agents have a duty to live up to moral principle

  7. • Utilitarianism: consequences of an ethical judgment • Recognize that difficult moral choices sometimes cause injury to others • Does not take into account the special obligations to individuals or small group of people • It forces us to weight the impact of our behavior on others.  • Relativism: what is good for one is not necessarily right or good for another, even under similar circumstance. • Determine what is right or wrong from one’s own view point

  8. Critical thinking in moral reasoning • Critical thinking is the engine that drives moral reasoning • It can be traced back to the work of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle • It enables a more rational approach to decision making • Requires one to devote time to analyzing and evaluating the ethical dilemma and providing decision for ethical judgments made • Critical thinking is a skill that can be learnt • It involves, to some extent, learning to know when to question something and what sort of questions to ask

  9. • Critical thinking begins with something to critically think about (knowledge of the subject to be evaluated; principles and practices; understanding of moral theories) • Critical thinking requires an ability to identify problems and to gather, analyze and synthesize all relevant information relating to the problem • It also requires an ability to evaluate available alternatives and decisions to be made • The following list identifies the components of critical thinking that are important for moral reasoning • Acquisition of knowledge and an understanding of the context of the ethical situation • Critical analysis of that knowledge and consideration of ethical alternatives • Decision based on available alternatives

  10. A model of moral reasoning • Situation Definition- acquire knowledge and facts and understanding of the context of the ethical dilemma • Understand the situation/subjects to be evaluated • Description of facts • Provide facts and details of the ethical situation; this may include, where possible, the original purpose/intent of the action • Identification of principles and values • Identify relevant principles and values in an ethical dilemma.(principles vary according to situation i.e. right to privacy, justice, fairness, right to life, right to information, loyalty) • Statement of ethical issue or question • Provide a clear statement of the ethical question and the question must be specific. For example; “it is permissible for public communicators to withhold information in their communication?”

  11. • Analysis- identify the issues, information and assumptions surrounding the problem • Examine the situation and evaluate the ethical alternatives • Weighing of competing principles and values • Examine the situation and identify conflicting principles and values • Consideration of external factors • Identify and understand external factors that may influence ethical decision making (i.e. company policies, legal constraints, precedents, political climate) • Examination of duties to various parties • Examine the standards of ethical conduct expected of a particular role and the moral duties governing behavior • Discussion of applicable ethical theories • Evaluate ethical theories that you could apply in a moral dilemma. Look at the issue from different ethical perspectives and identify the most appropriate ethical judgment

  12. • Decision • Rendering of moral agents decision • Defense of that decision based- upon moral theory • Examine alternative and reach a conclusion • Use available information to make a decision and defend decision based on situation definition, situation analysis as well as moral theory

  13. References • Day, A.L. (2006). Ethics in Media Communications: Cases and Controversies. (5th Ed).USA: Wadsworth • Benz, I. 2001. Moral Reasoning (SAD) Formula. Retrieved from: web.monroecc.edu/ibenz/stories/storyReader$56

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