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e-Assessment Session 14.00 – 16.30

e-Assessment Session 14.00 – 16.30. Myles Danson JISC Programme Manager (e-Learning) John Winkley (e-Assessment Consultant) Yvonne Howard (FREMA Project). e-Assessment – Myles. Myles (JISC)– Programme Manager, e-assessment

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e-Assessment Session 14.00 – 16.30

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Presentation Transcript

  1. e-Assessment Session14.00 – 16.30 Myles Danson JISC Programme Manager (e-Learning) John Winkley (e-Assessment Consultant) Yvonne Howard (FREMA Project)

  2. e-Assessment – Myles Myles (JISC)– Programme Manager, e-assessment PM: T&S, CETIS (& Assessment SIG), Programme Level Activities….. e-Assessment lead Yvonne (University of Southampton) – Project Manager Framework Reference Model for Assessment (FREMA) John – (Alpha Plus Consultancy)

  3. Yvonne – Learning Societies Lab, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton • LSL themes - • Technology Enhanced Learning • Interaction with knowledge and semantics • Virtual communities and social systems • Accessible technologies • Innovation in science, engineering and technology education • Yvonne - • FREMA • mPLAT ( mobile Placement & Assessment Tools) • CLAReT (Learning Object repository for Language Teachers and Learners) • Remora ( mobile tools for social work students) • Faroes (web 2 federated repository for language teachers and Learners A good place to be…

  4. Alpha Plus: Technology, strategy and implementation Technology Strategy& Implementation • Led by John Winkley • e-strategy • e-assessment & e-portfolios • e-learning • Customers & work areas: • DfES, Becta, JISC, LTScotland QCA, TDA, LLUK, CCEA, QIA, UFI, Home Office • Summative & Formative Assessment Development • E-Assessment Delivery Systems (Various) • E-Portfolios strategic reviews (Becta, LTScotland) • E-Strategy and regulation (SQA, Becta, QCA, LTScotland)

  5. John – e-Assessment Consultant • Focused on e-assessment only (others for e-portfolio, learning resources, learning environments, and administration) • Supporting the programme manager with • Core activity area documentation: scope of work, overview of activity, stakeholder map, progress reports, priority activities • Development activity review and planning • Evaluation planning and implementation • Project feedback • Representation at external meetings

  6. e-Assessment – JISC Definition The end-to-end electronic assessment processes where ICT is used for the presentation of assessment and the recording of responses.

  7. JISC e-Assessment Objectives • To explore and develop effective practice on the use of e-assessment systems and tools • Through the development of standards and piloting of e-assessment related technologies • To provide guidance for institutions on effective practice in this area • JISC CETIS Assessment SIGhttp://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/Assessment

  8. Objectives • 16.30 finish • Bridge across programmes….Cross Programme SupportMeet new (assessment) contactsAir your issues • Focus…assessment aspects of your projects

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