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British columbia by dan

British columbia by dan. The Information. In British Columbia there is the rocky mountains The pacific ocean borders British Columbia and Yukon ,Alberta, U.S.A., Northwest Territories borders British Columbia. Land population and area. British Columbia’s population is 3,910,738.

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British columbia by dan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Britishcolumbiabydan

  2. The Information In British Columbia there is the rocky mountains • The pacific ocean borders British Columbia and Yukon ,Alberta, U.S.A., Northwest Territories borders British Columbia

  3. Land population and area • British Columbia’s population is 3,910,738. • British Columbia’s land area is 926 492 square kilometers.

  4. The year my province was made • My province joined Canada in July 20, 1871.

  5. British Columbia’s Flag • British Columbia’s flag was adopted on March 31, 1906

  6. Coat of arms • The coat of arms was first used in 1906

  7. flowers British Columbia’s flower was adopted in 1956. It is called “Pacific Dogwood.”

  8. weather In winter cold and snow dose not stay lBritish Columbia in the coast it can be really warm and some times ong. • Spring and fall can be very pleasant because the sun hits the surface andmake it hot!

  9. Capital city • Victoria was adopted in 1871 • In 2011 there are 80 071peaple living in Victoria B.C. • In the mid 1700s Russian traders were bartering for furs with the haida. • The burgess shale is a strange place to study ancient sea life. • About 5000 million years ago the rock that makes up the burgess shale was part of a reef in a tropical sea

  10. industry • In B.C. they use a lot of energy and did a lot of mining in 1858 and 1860 • Vancouver is the place to ski and snow board – tourism is a big industry. • There is a Chinatown in Victoria made in 1858 during the gold rush. • Two-thirds of B.C is covered in forest. • Totem poles are these towering wooden sculptures have become a symbol of the province and are unique to the west coast

  11. Culture • In B.C. there are people from Europe/Germany/Ukraine/Holland • IN BC thay have a rugby team a foot ball team a soccer team and a baseball team and a soft ball team bc has a roller derby stadm. • In BC they eat salmon oysters chutneys and berries as some of its main ingredients. • First nations tradition is to carve totem poles most totem poles are animals the bird is represented for the chief of the tribe.

  12. About the author • Hi my name is Daniel and I am 10 years old. • I like to play video games and play outside. • I'm a good sport and like to play hockey . • I love to bike and sleep and walk.

  13. Bibliography • http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/factSheets/flash.cfm?tceVersion=A&ArticleId= • http://www.canada-maps.org/British Columbia by Carrie Gleason • http://www.google.ca/

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