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Class of 2012 Freshman Orientation

Class of 2012 Freshman Orientation. Financial Literacy: “Me, Myself, My Money”. Want to be more than $2,000,000 Richer? Today I will show you how. Financial Literacy. Making sound decisions about money Your decisions – no one else's. Student Loans. National Bank of Me. Do the math!!!!.

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Class of 2012 Freshman Orientation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Class of 2012Freshman Orientation Financial Literacy: “Me, Myself, My Money”

  2. Want to be more than $2,000,000 Richer?Today I will show you how.

  3. Financial Literacy • Making sound decisions about money • Your decisions – no one else's

  4. Student Loans

  5. National Bank of Me

  6. Do the math!!!! • Smartest investment you will ever make

  7. Video Break

  8. What happened to him??

  9. 33M • 17 Exotic Cars • 12M Mansion • Plane • 2 Helicopters • 200 People • 1996

  10. What was his problem?

  11. It’s all about balance…

  12. How?

  13. Welcome Jill!

  14. Budgets

  15. Budgets • Budgets are a tool that help you determine: • Where your money goes each month • How much you need to save for that big ticket item • Where you want to be in the future

  16. Budgets • Easy • Keep you on track so that you don’t spend more than you take in • Otherwise

  17. You won’t make it through the month

  18. It’s all about balance

  19. Budgets • Determine what your income is • Wages • Loans • Savings • Allowance

  20. Budgets • Determine what your expenses are • Fixed • Flexible • Needs • Wants

  21. Budgets • Fixed • Rent • Car Payment • Flexible • Meals • Clothing

  22. List everything Books School supplies Meals and entertainment Rent Car Clothing Telephone Personal care Laundry Tuition Anything that you spend your money on Be reasonable Budgets

  23. Adjust if needed

  24. Budgets • Success is having the money in be greater than the money out • Set aside for larger expenses • Adjust when necessary • Be a smart consumer • Spend money wisely • Talk to someone if you get in trouble

  25. Thanks Jill!

  26. The Calendar

  27. Adjust as necessary Be smart consumer – spend wisely $ in > $ out Talk to someone Life Skills

  28. Tracking…

  29. Bank Accounts

  30. Just because the bank says……….


  32. Welcome Brooke!


  34. EMERGENCY Build History


  36. The Real Cost of Credit • Purchase $ 1,000 • 17% card • Minimum payments (2%) = $ 20 mo • Total all payments $ 1,755 • Almost paid 2x

  37. Average American Household $10,000 in credit card debt Average College Student $3,000 in credit card debt

  38. BE CREDIT SMART * Avoid Impulse Buys * Charge only what you can pay off * Remember the consequences…..

  39. Review Your Bill Pay On Time Carry Only What You Use ChangingAPR Fees, Fees, Fees and More Fees!


  41. Thanks Brooke!

  42. My Graduation Promise to You

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