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By Farhaan P. Sahil V. Vijay R.

Combination watch box. By Farhaan P. Sahil V. Vijay R. Have a great idea for an invention?. We want to make an invention for kids who lose their things often want to hide their things from their siblings, house help etc. It is called the combination watch box!.

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By Farhaan P. Sahil V. Vijay R.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Combination watch box By FarhaanP. SahilV. Vijay R.

  2. Have a great idea for an invention? We want to make an invention for kids who • lose their things often • want to hide their things from their siblings, house help etc. It is called the combination watch box!

  3. Investigate inventions and ideas of the past *still not invented COMBINATION WATCH BOX*

  4. Draw pictures and diagrams to show your invention and how it works

  5. Build your prototype or model of your invention We have built the machine with something called Lego mindstorm

  6. Keep improving your invention Need a way to scare the intruder • Light Sensor Monitor's movement • Loud Alarm triggered by movement We have improved our invention by adding a sensor to the machine

  7. Test your invention

  8. Market your invention to people who might buy it. • People would want to buy our invention because they would be able to keep their things more safely in an amazing box. It has a numbered combination which can be used by turning a gear which makes a soothing noise as you turn it, so if you type the correct combination it opens automatically but if you type the wrong one then it doesn't grant access.

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