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MOC IV Comprehensive Adolescent Health Screening Activity. Activity Review, Evaluation Feedback and Data Analysis Cameron Graham, MOC IV Activity Director. Activity Components. 3 Sets of Chart Extractions to see what happens/ and is documented from each patient visit
MOC IV Comprehensive Adolescent Health Screening Activity Activity Review, Evaluation Feedback and Data Analysis Cameron Graham, MOC IV Activity Director
Activity Components • 3 Sets of Chart Extractions to see what happens/ and is documented from each patient visit • (Baseline, Midline, Final) • Pre and Post Test (beginning and end of activity to gauge policies and procedures) • Various Suggested PDSA Cycles • Learning Collaboratives Led by Engaging Faculty • Activity Course Evaluation
23 Total Participants • Started off with 24 total participants at the beginning and MANY observers, faculty, interested people, QI specialists, CCNC, ORH, NCAFP, NCPEDS • 6 month total activity period • Participants have been engaged and completing all activity requirements throughout the activity period. • GREAT WORK!!
Adolescent Immunization Recall System In Your Practice Pre-Test • 35% participants had a recall system in place at the beginning of the activity period (May 2012) Post-Test • 57% now have a recall system in place (October 2012) • 22% INCREASE FOR THIS CORE INDICATOR OVER THE 6 MONTH ACTIVITY PERIOD
CONFIDENTIALITY • 57% were routinely discussing confidentiality with their adolescent patients and families and documenting this in the patient chart at the beginning of the activity (May 2012) • 70% are NOW discussing CONFIDENTIALITY AND DOCUMENTING this in the patient chart (October 2012) • 13% INCREASE OVER THE ACTIVITY PERIOD!
COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING TOOL USED (i.e. Bright Futures, GAPS) • 43% of the providers were utilizing a comprehensive adolescent screening tool at the beginning of the activity period (May 2012) • 87% of the providers are NOW utilizing a comprehensive adolescent screening tool at the end of the activity period (October 2012) • 44% INCREASE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE ACTIVITY
Social and Emotional Health Risks • 97% of the providers were engaging in a discussion with their adolescent patients about social and emotional health risks (May 2012) • 100% of the providers are NOW engaging in a discussion with their adolescent patients about social and emotional health risks (October 2012)
How was this activity at increasing your awareness of how often they are discussing confidentiality policies with adolescent patients and their families?
How was this activity at improving your understanding and utilization of a comprehensive screening tool, such as Bright Futures or GAPS?
COMPREHENSIVE SCREENING TOOL USED (i.e. Bright Futures, GAPS) • 43% of the providers were utilizing a comprehensive adolescent screening tool at the beginning of the activity period (May 2012) • 87% of the providers are NOW utilizing a comprehensive adolescent screening tool at the end of the activity period (October 2012) • 44% INCREASE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE ACTIVITY
How was this activity at increasing your comfort in using techniques to follow up with adolescent on social emotional health risks, specifically motivational interviewing and SBIRT?
How was this activity at enhancing your understanding of the benefits of having a recall system for annual adolescent well checks?
How was this activity at increasing your understanding of how many of their adolescent patients are administered the recommended immunizations?
How was this activity at deepening your understanding of how often you are routinely measuring and documenting BMI?
How do you feel this activity has improved your knowledge on comprehensive adolescent health screening?
SUMMARY • Very high marks overall for the evaluation • Wonderful upward trend demonstrated through the chart extractions and Pre/ Post Test for Every Single Indicator. • Confidentiality Issues came up over and over again. • How was this activity at increasing your comfort in using techniques to follow up with adolescent on social emotional health risks, specifically motivational interviewing and SBIRT? Worst rated • Could further explore benefits of an adolescent immunization recall system • Great work everyone: Participants demonstrated a quest for knowledge and improvement over this activity period.
ATTESTATION PROCESS FOR CME Credits • AAFP 20 Prescribed Credits for the Activity • Cameron will email everyone a certificate that you can use to self-report your CME credits to the AAFP. • The credit is only good until January 1, 2013 for CME with the AAFP. • The certificate will include the application # that was approved which you will use to self-report. • For some reason, the activity is not listed on the AAFP website, but we are rectifying that issue this week.
Attestation Process for MOC IV Credit MOC IV Credit From the ABP (For Pediatricians) Sample Attestation Form For You To Fill Out (located on ABP website when you are logged in) The form NEEDS your original signature on it. Please Complete the Form, Sign and Scan and Email back to Cameron Graham ASAP so she can attest to your participation for the 2012 year. Please note the activity title: Improving Delivery of Care for Adolescents in Pediatric and Family Medicine Practices (North Carolina Pediatric Society Foundation)
Attestation Process for MOC IV Credit MOC IV Credit From the ABFM (For Family Medicine) • Cameron will email the group the ABFM attestation form in case you would like to receive MOC IV Credit from the ABFM, along with the CME certificate. • You can print it off, complete the form, including an original signature and scan it back to me by email • Please note the title of this activity: North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians (NCAFP) module Improving Delivery of Care for Adolescents in Pediatric and Family Medicine Practices
How was this activity at teaching you how to implement the appropriate techniques, policies and procedures related to comprehensive adolescent screening?