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MAD FOR CREATIVE INDUSTRIES Creative industries: a tool to support economic development, innovation and jobs • In 2008, the sector employed 3.8% of the EU’s total economically active population of around 8.5 million people • 4.5% of the EU’s GDP
MAD FOR CREATIVE INDUSTRIES • Creative industries: a tool to support economic development, innovation and jobs • • In 2008, the sector employed 3.8% of the EU’s total economically active population of around 8.5 million people • • 4.5% of the EU’s GDP • • European Community’s Creative Europe’ Programme (2014-2020): to convince member states to increase their investments in the creative industries by 37% to boost competitiveness DustDeluxe
MAD FOR BELGIUM • In the future, the cultural and creative industry will be a major sector in Belgium, according to 75% of companies* • BELGIAN TOUCH: In the last three to four years, Brussels has started becoming the ‘new place to be’ in Europe for artists • BELGE EPOQUE refers to the creative renaissance in Brussels: a very attractive environment for creatives, the presence of high quality artistic schools (fashion, cinema, architecture and design), high quality event management and the prestige of some cultural institutions (Europalia, la Monnaie) *Etude Culture & Economie, Kurt Salmon 2012
MAD FOR SECTORS DIRECT IMPACT IN 2009* Number of entities Total FASHION 1537 Total DESIGN 250 Total FASHION + DESIGN 1787 TOTAL Brussels-Capital Region34428 Number of employers Total FASHION 1537 Total DESIGN 250 Total FASHION + DESIGN 1787 TOTAL Brussels-Capital Region34428 Number of employees Total FASHION 9072 Total DESIGN 3670 Total FASHION + DESIGN 12742 TOTAL Brussels-Capital Region620875 Piece of chic *Source : ONSS
ADDED VALUE DISTRIBUTION IN 2010* FASHION : total for Belgium€ 3.28 billions DESIGN : total for Belgium€ 1.58 billions *Source : Bel-First
ADDED VALUE OF THE FASHION & DESIGN SECTORS Total for Belgium € 1.023.704.952 *Source Bel-First
MAD CHRONOLOGIE • 2006 : Yeardedicated to Fashion and Design, organized by the government to reinforce Brussels’ attractiveness • 2007/2013 : New European planning to improve territorial competitiveness. Mad Brussels isengaged to redevelop the « canal area » in Brussels • July 2007: Project application to create the Brussels Fashion and Design Center issubmitted • December 2007: The project application isaccepted and the governmentaccordinglyallocates 7 million Euros • End 2009: Building for the future headquartersisbought in the heart of Brussels’ fashion district • December 2010: The non-profit association Brussels Fashion and Design Center iscreated • July 2011 : Preparations • March 2012: Mad Brussels – the association’s new nameispremiered • 2012 : Operating budget is 1.286 million Euros
FIGURES ABOUT MAD • 7 million euro invested by each of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Brussels Capital Region and the City of Brussels • 3,000 metres squared: future headquarters of which 500 metres squared will be dedicated to international residences • 15 professionals working on the project • 1,000 metres squared: Potier residences, seven workshops made available to Brussels designers Alain Gilles
MAD FOR MISSIONS • Promoting activities for designers and fashion designers from the Brussels region • Helping designers and fashion designers develop an economic activity and/or establish relations with people who might call on their skills thanks to the economic help desks and employment catchment desk • Gathering all the information relating to the fashion and design sectors and contributing to the visibility of these sectors • Organising exhibitions, competitions and events in the broadest sense • Bringing initiatives taken by other bodies, even international ones, into line with the aforementioned objectives
MAD FOR BRUSSELS • Improving the overall visibility of the town and the prestige of the region • Showcasing Brussels talents • An interactive and vibrant place in the town, an inclusive space rather than an elitist one • Catalysorof a series of actions marrying creativity with social progress and the competitive development of sectors • Making the most of the district and giving it a lift
MAD FOR THE PROFESSION • A unique shop window for all the professions related to fashion and design • • Detailed snapshot of the two sectors • • Accentuating savoir-faire and expertise • • Addressing the growing importance of the artistic industry on the Brussels creative scene • • Fulfilling an educational mission towards the wider public with regard to all the professions of the two sectors
MAD FOR THE RESIDENCES • Creating seven workshops devoted to artistic research for a minimum period of a year in Potier • A space for international residences within MAD • Allowing young graduates to have a space to continue their development and to start on the first steps in their professional career • Creating a direct link between schools, creators and companies • Partnership with RECYCLART (another brussels association) and link with the district contract Jardinaux Fleurs
MAD FOR JOBS • Access to some job possibilities facilitated • Partnership with ACTIRIS for the creation of a job-related centre of excellence • Mediation between workers and employers: help with research and with recruitment by identifying needs • Specific help for creators in the development of their LOOK BOOK and CV • Group and individual COACHING to help designers achieve their objectives and to reflect on carrying out the profession • Creating an economic help desk to come up with solutions in terms of funding and project management • Accompanying creators right through the process until their projects are complete
MAD FOR DB CONNECTIONS • Unique programme of its kind which brings together designers and local, national and international companies • Encouraging and increasing the activities of actors from the fashion and design worlds by creating new links with companies to generate added value with the same budget • Designers will be able to acquire work experience and sectoral knowledge Corentin Dombrecht
MAD FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ASPECTS • Development of commercial activities with foreign partners, using fashion and design to open new doors • Key role in triggering a new perception of Brussels as an international creative and commercial centre • Showcasing Belgian talent abroad better • Inviting international figures from fashion and design to come to Brussels to attend specific events and programmes • Helping international structures to facilitate the organisation of their fashion and design events in Brussels
MAD FOR SCHEDULE 2012 • September • DESIGN • Residences’ openingduring the Open Doors • Inserctions Atomium 13/09 • Seminar « GraphicDesign’s typologies and new issues » 12/09 • MAD Bike Customisation 16/09, during the Car free Day in Brussels • Design projection atCinema Galerie 27/09 • October • DESIGN • Interieur Kortrijk (Design fair) 20 – 28/10 • Invitation D2B, meeting Designers – Editeurs, in collaboration withWallonia Brussels Design Mode & Brussels Invest Export 24/10 • FASHION • Paris FashionWeek28/09 – 5/10 • Brussels FashionDays19 – 21/10, young designers’ selection and jury • Exhibition « High Fashion, Low Countries » 12 – 14/10 , in collaboration with the DutchEmbassy • Parcours Mad / Modo 12-13-14/10 • Invitation buyers & international medias 12 – 14/10
DESIGN & FASHION • Seminar « New luxury’sdomains » 10/10 • Conference « Le beau, l’utile, le nécessaire », in collaboration with the Royal Fine Arts Academy of Brussels, 29 – 31/10 • November • FASHION • Fashion breakfast 6/11 • Seminar « Production and consumption in the fashionsector » 7/11 • Fashion show - competition « Customisez-moi » • December • DESIGN • UrbanlightingDansaert district • FASHION • Action Hong Kong (Business of Design Week) 3 – 8/12 • Seminar « Collaboration between business firm and designer » 2/12 • « Christmas Windows » Dansaert/Brugmann/Louise/Chatelain districts 8 - 24 /12
MAD TEAM Alexandra Lambert : MAD about Direction Esther Beck : MAD about Deputy Management, Tourism & Communication Martine Van Acker : MAD about Fashion Coaching Emilie Duval : MAD about Design Projects Dirk Meylaerts: MAD about Design Expertise Johanne Schadron: MAD about Design and Business Connections Stéphane Rouffart: MAD about Design Coaching Maryem Ben Hadj Zekri: MAD about Business Development Yasmine Votion: MAD about Accounting Silvia Martinelli: MAD about Events & Communication Olivier Gilson : MAD about Residencies François Houtmans: MAD about Sponsoring & Partners Olivier Zeegers: MAD about Fashion & LuxuryConferences Centre Dansaert Centrum 7-11 Rue d’alost – aalststraat 1000 Bruxelles – Brussel www.madbrussels.be 02/880 85 62 Jean Paul Lespagnard