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Real-time concepts

Real-time concepts. Lin Zhong ELEC424, Fall 2010. Real time. Correctness Logical correctness Timing Hard vs. Soft Hard: lateness is intolerable Pass/Fail courses Soft: lateness can be tolerated but penalized Regular courses. Non real-time. Soft real-time. Hard real-time.

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Real-time concepts

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  1. Real-time concepts Lin Zhong ELEC424, Fall 2010

  2. Real time • Correctness • Logical correctness • Timing • Hard vs. Soft • Hard: lateness is intolerable • Pass/Fail courses • Soft: lateness can be tolerated but penalized • Regular courses Non real-time Soft real-time Hard real-time

  3. Example real-time systems • Hard real-time systems • Target acquisition system on jet fighters • Electronic engine control unit • Fuel injection • Ignition timing • Anti-lock braking system (ABS) • Air traffic control • Reservation system • ………

  4. Example real-time systems • Soft real-time system • Media player • WiFi interface card

  5. Model of a system • Key question • Can the system finish the requests in time? (Feasibility analysis) Arrival of requests Execution of tasks

  6. Key variables • Execution of requests • Predictability • Probabilistic distribution of execution time • Range: Worst case execution time • Arrival of requests • Predictability • Probabilistic distribution of arrival intervals • Range: worst case

  7. Tasks: unit of scheduling • OS-based real-time system • Process, threads • OS-less real-time system • Interrupt handlers • Periodic vs. Aperiodic

  8. Model of a system Task 2 Task 1 Execution of tasks • Feasibility analysis

  9. Assumptions • There are multiple tasks • ti, i=1,…,m • Tasks are periodic • Ti • Each occurrence is called a request • Execution time for each task is known • Ci • Pre-emptive • Tasks are prioritized • Task switching is instant Liu, C. L.; Layland, J. (1973), "Scheduling algorithms for multiprogramming in a hard real-time environment", Journal of the ACM20 (1): 46–61

  10. Priority assignment Scheduling

  11. Definition of feasibility Pre-empted C1 Task 1 T1 C2 Task 2 T2 Every request of every task is finished before the next request of the task

  12. Feasibility analysis • Given a set of tasks, how do we know if a feasible scheduling exists? • Sufficient condition • Necessary condition

  13. Fixed priority scheduling • Each task has a fixed priority • Rate monotonic scheduling (RMS) • Higher request rate (1/T)  Higher priority

  14. Theorem of RMS optimality • A scheduling of a set of tasks is feasible if deadlines of all requests are met • Given a set of tasks, If a feasible scheduling exists, the rate-monotonic scheduling is feasible • RMS is the best in terms of feasibility • Give high priority tasks to high-rate tasks

  15. Feasibility analysis • Given a set of tasks, how do we know if a feasible scheduling exists? • Sufficient condition • Necessary condition Given a set of tasks, how do we know if the RMS is feasible?

  16. Necessary condition • Utilization of a system=(busy time)/(total time) • Utilization factor for a set of tasks • UF =Σ(Ci/Ti) • Necessary condition of feasibility • UF≤1 Can we make the bound for necessary condition smaller?

  17. Sufficient condition • Theorem: if UF ≤ m(21/m-1), the set of tasks are feasible • m(21/m-1)ln(2)≈0.69 • The bound is TIGHT • There exists infeasible sets whose UF m(21/m-1) • The opposite is NOT true • Average real utilization factors of feasible sets is about 88% • Theorem: if ∏(Ci/Ti+1) ≤2, the set of tasks are feasible • Less pessimistic EnricoBini, Giorgio C. Buttazzo, Giuseppe M. Buttazzo, "Rate Monotonic Analysis: The Hyperbolic Bound," IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 933-942, July, 2003.

  18. Dynamic priority scheduling • Earliest deadline first (EDF) • Higher priority to requests with earlier deadline • The sufficient and necessary condition of feasibility • UF≤1

  19. Assumptions • There are multiple tasks • ti, i=1,…,m • Tasks are periodic • Ti • Each occurrence is called a request • Execution time for each task is known • Ci • Pre-emptive • Tasks are prioritized • Task switching is instant ?

  20. Synchronization Pre-empted C1 Task 1 T1 C2 Task 2 T2

  21. Synchronization • Task 1 • A[0] accelerometer • B[0] A[0] • Task 2 • If(A[0]!=B[0) exit LD R13, (A[0]); LD R14, (B[0]) ; CMP R13, R14; JEQ EXIT

  22. Synchronization (Contd.) • Critical section • Section of code that access a shared resource that must not be concurrently accessed by more than one thread of execution • Atomic operation • A set of operations that appears to be one to the system • System state change due to the operations invisible until all the operations are successful • If any of the operations fails, the entire set fails; and no change to the system state • Assembly instruction • Disable interrupt

  23. Lock-based synchronization • Lock • Limited access to critical section • Task 1 • Lock(); A[0] accelerometer; • B[0] A[0]; • Unlock(); • Task 2 • Lock(); If(A[0]!=B[0) exit; unlock();

  24. Lock implementation • Lock() and unlock() must be atomic • A bit • Lock() • Disable interrupt • check if the bit is set • if not, set it and enable interrupt; • else enable interrupt and wait; • Unlock() • Disable interrupt • unset the bit; • Enable interrupt

  25. Lock implementation (Contd.) • Lock() • Disable interrupt • check if the bit is set • if not, set it and enable interrupt; • else enable interrupt and wait; • Spinning • Keep on calling lock() • Block • Sleep • The OS checks the bit and wake the blocked thread up to call lock()

  26. Lock implementation (Contd.) • Task 1 • Lock(); A[0] accelerometer; • B[0] A[0]; • Unlock(); • Task 2 • Lock(); If(A[0]!=B[0) exit; unlock(); Why don’t we simply replace lock() with disable_interrupt and unlock() with enable_interrupt?

  27. Programming primitives • Semaphore • A data structure for lock • Allow multiple access to the data structure • Mutex • Binary semaphore • Usually blocking

  28. Problems with locks • Priority inversion • A low-priority task has the lock but has been pre-empted by a high-priority one • Deadlock • Two tasks each are holding a lock that is needed by the other • Convoying • Multiple threads with equal priority contend for the same lockToo many context switches

  29. Transaction memory • Transaction • A series of speculated operations • Commit or abort • Implementation • Hardware • Software WWW WWW Herlihy, M. and Moss, J. E. 1993. Transactional memory: architectural support for lock-free data structures. SIGARCH Comput. Archit. News 21, 2 (May. 1993), 289-300

  30. OS-less real-time system • Latency in interrupt handling • Predictable • Arrival of interrupts • Predictable (Periodic) • Unpredictable (Aperiodic) • Any statistics? • Worst case? System idle Interrupt Interrupt TimerA() USARTRX() Interrupt handlers

  31. Real-time operating system (RTOS) • Interrupt latency • Interrupt controller • Interrupt masking • OS interrupt handling • Thread switching latency WWW

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