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HUNGARY. Hungary is a beautiful small country in Central Europe. Republic of Hungary. Hungary borders on Slovakia in the north, on Ukraine in the northeast, on Romania in the east, on Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia in the south, and on Austria in the west. Politics.
Republic of Hungary Hungary borders on Slovakia in the north, on Ukraine in the northeast, on Romania in the east, on Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia in the south, and on Austria in the west.
Politics The highest authority is the Parliament with almost 400 members. National parliamentary elections are held every 4 years. While the president of the Republic is elected every 5 years.
Pictures of Budapest Heroes’ Square Parliament Building Chain Bridge Castle of Buda Chain Bridge
The forint is the currency of Hungary. Although coinshavenot been in circulation since 1999. In 2004Hungary joined the European Union, which uses the euro.
Hungary is known for its wines, especially the sweet wines of the Tokay region.
The largest religion in Hungary is Roman Catholicism (50% of the population), with a significant Calvinist minority (16% of the population) and smaller Lutheran (3%) and Greek Catholic (3%) minorities.
Tokaj WineRegionHistoricCulturalLandscape The culturallandscape of Tokaj demonstratesthelongtradition of wineproductioninthisregion.Vineyards, farms, villages and smalltowns, withtheirdeepwinecellars, illustratestheproduction of thefamous Tokaj wines.
Caves of Aggtelek Karst 712 cavescurrentlymakeup a typicaltemperate-zonekarsticsystem - an extremelyrarecombination of tropicalclimaticeffects, theymakeitpossibletostudygeologicalhistory over tens of millionsofyears.
The old village of Hollókő and its surroundings Hollókő is an outstanding example of apreserved traditional settlement. This village, which developed mainly during the 17th and 18th centuries, is a living example of rural life before the agricultural revolution of the 20th century.
The cultural and economic centre of region Jászság:Jászberény Jászberény lies 80 kilometres east of Budapest and 40 kilometres south of the Matra mountains on the banks of the River Zagyva. Jászberény, which has 28 thousand inhabitants, possesses unique geographical, ethnical and historical features.
The visitor can admire the historic building monuments built in baroque and classicist style. Wherever you go you can see the traces of the talent, diligence and localism of the people living here. Statues in Rococo style along the bank of the River Zagyva The Town Hall A playground on Margaret Island Girl carrying a pitcher
The Teacher Training college was founded in 1917. Now its determining function is still teacher training but it also trains informatical librarians, social organisers, social-pedagogists and human resource managers. Teacher Training College Botanic garden belonging to the College
Tecnical secondary school Public health Transportation Trade and marketing Catering industry and Tourism Adult education Vocational school Engineering industry Electronics-electricity Light industry Metal industry Wood industry Agriculture Food industry Social service Training Forms
Our workshops • Workshop for students at metal industry at Electrolux Lehel Factory • School restaurant for waiters/waitress • Kitchen for cooks • Workshop for cabinet makers • Workshop for shop assistant • Workshop for hairdressers • Workshop for car mechanics • Private enterprises
Photos of the school • Computer science classrooms • Libraray • Interactive classroom • Communication room • Medical consulting room 6. Gym
Our traditions • Ball for school-leaver students • School-leaving ceremony • Students’ Day
For ages we have been participating in the European Union’s educational programs. • Our schools are successful participants of Comenius, LDV programs. On our website our projects are presented in details
The availability of our school is the following: • Adress:2 Hatvani street Jászberény 5100 Hungary Telefon/fax: 00- 36-57-502-750 E-mail: adminisztrator@server.klapkagy.sulinet.hu Web: http://klapkagy.sulinet.hu