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Marine Ecology Selected Adaptations

Marine Ecology Selected Adaptations. Let’s set sail for adventure!!!. Basic Ecology. factors regulating the distribution and abundance of organisms in the ocean. influence of physical and chemical parameters on organisms in the various ecosystems that constitute the ocean.

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Marine Ecology Selected Adaptations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Marine EcologySelected Adaptations Let’s set sail for adventure!!!

  2. Basic Ecology • factors regulating the distribution and abundance of organisms in the ocean. • influence of physical and chemical parameters on organisms in the various ecosystems that constitute the ocean.

  3. Selected Adaptive Strategies:Bioluminescence • Fishes - important nektons • Many are deepsea predators • Need their own light to attract prey • … to attract mates • photophores • luciferin + luciferase

  4. The Blue Planet

  5. PREDATOR Fangtooth Striped tuna, Bluefin tuna Marlin Sei whale Manta ray, Ray Pacific Mackeral Spotted Dolphin Sailfish Blue Shark Deepwater crab Wahoo PREY Sardines Flying fish Surgeonfish eggs Yellowfin tuna eggs PLANKTON NUTRIENTS The Blue Planet

  6. More Nekton Strategies • predator/prey • must be swift and efficient swimmers • move swiftly to • eat • avoid being eaten. • Thus fish have evolved to maximize their ability to move through water.

  7. Caudal (Tail) Fins•most important for speed • flared to increase vertical thrust

  8. ROUNDED fin (e.g., angelfish)very flexible, slow-speed manuevering

  9. TRUNCATE fin (e.g., coho salmon)somewhat flexible, manuevering

  10. FORKEDfin (e.g., yellow goatfish)somewhat flexible, manuevering

  11. The Blue Planet

  12. LUNATE fin (e.g., bluefin tuna or blue marlin)very rigid, no good for manuevering,built for pure speed

  13. HETEROCERCAL fin (“uneven tail)• most of mass & surface area in upper part to produce lift• pectorals balance to aid lift, but limits manueverability

  14. Caudal Fins • rounded • very flexible, manuevering • truncate & forked • somewhat flexible, manuevering • lunate • very rigid, propulsion • heterocercal • “uneven tail” for lift and propulsion

  15. Built for Speed • speed related to body length • 4-foot yellowfin tuna, 46 mph • 13-foot bluefin tuna, 90 mph (theoretically) • 9-foot porpoise, 25 mph • 30-foot killer whale, 34 mph

  16. Giant Squid:• traps water in mantle and forcefully jettisons it from siphon in head

  17. • active predator of fish• arms to capture• tentacles to bring to beak• both lined with suckers

  18. The Kraken is a legend, but giant squid DO exist!…~20 feet long!

  19. Go to the web now matey!! Colossal Squid CapturedWellington, NZ, April 2003330 pounds - 16 feet long

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