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QRC Enhancements. Overview - General Enhancements. Payees Payee addresses may be edited Unlimited number of payees may be supported The Payee Nickname and Payee Full Name field lengths have increased to 25 characters eBill functionality and alerts have been added MoneyHQ Enhancements
Overview - General Enhancements • Payees • Payee addresses may be edited • Unlimited number of payees may be supported • The Payee Nickname and Payee Full Name field lengths have increased to 25 characters • eBill functionality and alerts have been added • MoneyHQ Enhancements • MoneyHQ Aggregated Accounts module added • Research Utility offers ability to view deleted aggregated accounts • MoneyHQ may be unsubscribed by QRC user • MoneyHQ Alerts can be viewed and unsubscribed
Payee Address Change Payee addresses may be edited. Select the “Update” button to save changes.
Payee Address Change • If the payee being edited has scheduled transactions pending, QRC will generate a pop up message. • The end user must first delete any scheduled transactions prior to editing the payee’s address.
Payee Address Change • If the payee being edited is enrolled for eBills, QRC will generate a pop up message. • The end user must first un-enroll that payee for eBills prior to editing the payee’s address.
Payee Address Change • When the new address causes the days to pay to change, QRC will generate a pop up message. • After verifying the new payee address is correct, select the “OK” button to continue.
User Services – eBills Information Once an end user sets up their first eBill their status will change to subscribed and will show the date and time they subscribed.
User Services – eBill Alerts To unsubscribe the end user’s eBill Alerts, select the “Remove All” button. The “View” button will display the eBill Alert details. This text box is hiding an email pop up captured with this screen shot.
eBill Alert Details When the “View” button is selected, the eBill Alert details will appear. The eBill Alert details include the account, the type of alert, settings, email address and the date of last alert.
Payees – eBills Information The new “Supports eBill” column indicates which payees are eligible for eBills. To see if the end user has set a particular payee up for eBills, click on the link number.
Payee Details – Delete eBill Service for User All QRC user roles with update capabilities will be able to delete an eBill for a consumer at the payee level. This text box hiding
Payee Search – Payee Details The Payee Search Module in QRC will display at the merchant level, whether a merchant/payee is eligible for eBills.
Consumer Tools – MHQ Aggregated Accounts MoneyHQ Aggregated Accounts module has been added to the Consumer Tools Menu. It can also be accessed from the sub-navigation bar within an end user’s profile.
MoneyHQ – Aggregated Account Summary & Details The Aggregated Account Summary displays the account number, company name, nickname, foreign institution name and status. For aggregated account details, select the “View” button.
MoneyHQ – Aggregated Account Summary & Details The Aggregated Account Details include the type of account, balance, last update date and time and the account add date.
User Services – MoneyHQ Account Aggregation Once the end user aggregates their first account, their status will change to “Subscribed” and will show the date and time the account was aggregated.
Research Utility – Deleted Aggregated Accounts The Deleted Agg Accounts tab of the Research Utility will display details regarding aggregated accounts which have been deleted.
MoneyHQ – Money Movement Once the end user sets up their first account for Money Movement, their status will change to “Subscribed” and will show the date and time they subscribed.
MoneyHQ - Unsubscribe To unsubscribe an end user from MoneyHQ place a check in the box and select the “Unsubscribe” button.
MoneyHQ Alerts – View & Unsubscribe Selecting the “Remove All” button will unsubscribe an end user from MoneyHQ Alerts. MoneyHQ Alert details will display when the “View” button is selected.
MoneyHQ Alerts – View & Unsubscribe MoneyHQ Alert details include the alert type, settings, email address, and date of last alert.