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3rd Grade Weekly Update

Stay informed on your child's academic progress in Math, Reading, and Writing. Contact me for any questions or concerns. No school on Monday, September 2, 2013.

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3rd Grade Weekly Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dear Parents, Please feel free to contact me if you have ANY questions!! savannajohnston@joplinschools.org 417-625-5345 http://msjohnstons3rdgrade.weebly.com/ Look what we did this week!!! • Math: This week in Math, we took our Envision Diagnostic Test. This test will tell me what specific skills each individual student is lacking from 2nd grade. This is a great tool for me to see what we need to review and cover as we move along this year. We’ve continued our discussion on place value this week and next week we will start reviewing for our first test. Please continue working on addition and subtraction facts at home! • Reading: In reading this week, we continued the Daily 5 and CAFÉ. We’ve introduced five strategies in CAFÉ and the students will work with these five strategies while I am away on leave. Next week, we take the SRI which will tell us the Reading level of your student. I will use this to create small groups this year and to determine which skills to work on with individual students. • Writing: This week in writing, we wrote an informative piece for our assessment. I will be grading these next week when the rubrics come in from the copy center and this will give me some idea as to what we need to talk about as a class and what I need to work on with each individual student. We also talked again about the five parts of the writing process. I want to reiterate again that I am available if you ever have questions or concerns. My email address and school phone number are on this newsletter. The classroom website is up and running and the address is also listed above. Take a look! No school on Monday, September 2, 2013 due to Labor Day! Next week we will be talking about Accepting Responsibility. Be sure to talk about ways to accept responsibility in your home as well as in school!

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