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The Sound of Waves Chapters 10-16 Comprehensive Questions

Chapter Ten This chapter deals with the aftermath of Chiyoko’s telling Yasuo about Shinji &Hatsue. Review pages 95-102. What is the primary focus group for each of these selections? Review pages 102-104. What is the primary focus group for this selection?

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The Sound of Waves Chapters 10-16 Comprehensive Questions

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  1. Chapter Ten This chapter deals with the aftermath of Chiyoko’s telling Yasuo about Shinji &Hatsue. Review pages 95-102. What is the primary focus group for each of these selections? Review pages 102-104. What is the primary focus group for this selection? Review pages 104-105. What is the primary focus group for this selection? Review pages 106-108. What is the primary focus group for this selection? Chapter Eleven What does Hatsue tell Shinji in her letter? What is the new conflict the couple must overcome? Hatsue describes Uncle Teru’s response to being told of Yasuo’s attempted rape. Describe his reaction and where have we seen similar behavior before? What do you think will happen later on? What does and does not happen during the meeting between Shinji and Chiyoko? Why is this significant? Chapter Twelve This chapter introduces the legend of Prince Deki. What similarities can you find between the novel up to this point and the legend? What role does it [the legend] play in this story? Shinji’s mother has played a passive role up to this point; how does she change in this chapter? What causes this change? On p. 131, we see that from a distance, the “unknown from a distance…[left] his heart peaceful, but once he himself had boarded the unknown and set sail, uneasiness and despair, confusion and anguish…borne down upon him. Explain the symbolism behind the unknown ship. How does this chapter serve differentiate this story from tragic romances such as Romeo & Juliet? The Sound of WavesChapters 10-16 Comprehensive Questions

  2. Chapter Thirteen This chapter opens on the beach with all of women divers standing around a fire without their clothing on as they dry off. Why are the women comparing themselves to one another? Where do we see examples of this in our culture? How does this competition set up a future conflict? When the peddler arrives, he offers the “Omiya Prize” to the best woman diver in the village. Describe this competition, and how is the end result significant especially when considering the previous “competition” with Hatsue and Shinji’s mother? Chapter Fourteen What is the significance of the arrival of the Utajima-maru freighter? Why do you think Uncle Teru asked for Shinji to apprentice alongside Yasuo? What important detail does Shinji overlook when he hears about Yasuo’s apprenticeship? Shinji declares that he is free—at least, to himself—in the beginning of this chapter. How does the apprenticeship make him free? What sort of sailor is Shinji? What sort of sailor is Yasuo? Respond from the perspective of one of the crewmembers. What is the significance of Shinji resetting the lifeline on the boat? What do we learn of Yasuo? The Sound of WavesChapters 10-18 Comprehensive Questions

  3. Chapter Fifteen Does Shinji partake of the festivities immediately after disembarking from the ship? Explain what he does and how this is significant. How is Shinji seen as different in this chapter from previous chapters of this story? Give some specific examples. How does Chiyoko redeem herself? What results from her attempt at redemption? What takes place during the meeting between Uncle Teru and Mistress Lighthouse-Keeper. What do we learn of Uncle Teru and how do his previous actions become clearer? Chapter Sixteen Where do Shinji and Hatsue announce their engagement? How is this significant? As they approach Yashiro Shrine, the connection between Shinji & Hatsue to Nature is mentioned. Explain what takes place and how this relationship with Nature comes full circle. The Sound of WavesChapters 10-18 Comprehensive Questions

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