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Flux Emergence Workshop 2011 SSL, Berkeley, CA, USA 22nd August 2011. Magnetic Tongues, Magnetic Helicity and Twist in Active Regions. É. Pariat & P. Démoulin LESIA, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, France. Outline. Introduction: twist in actives regions Magnetic tongues
Flux Emergence Workshop 2011 SSL, Berkeley, CA, USA 22nd August 2011 Magnetic Tongues, Magnetic Helicity and Twist in Active Regions. É. Pariat & P. Démoulin LESIA, CNRS, Observatoire de Paris, France
Outline • Introduction: twist in actives regions • Magnetic tongues • Magnetic helicity: measurement methods • Observational properties of injected helicity • Observed helicity flux distribution 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Global view Conjecture: To limit the buildup of Hcorona H has to be ejected via CMEs ICMEs magnetic clouds flux tubes need twist, so H, ( Rust 1994, Low 1997 ) to cross the CZ ( Emonet & Moreno Insertis 1998, Cheung et al. 2006 ) observed photospheric H flux : best measurement of H ( the photosphere is the only region where 2D maps of B are measured ) H cascade to large scales very low dissipation dissipate on the global resistive time scale ( > 100 years ) H is a conserved quantity ( Frisch et al. 1975, Berger 1984, Alexakis et al. 2006 ) 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Evidences of twist * Shift / J-shape of ribbons * Magnetic tongues I.L. Shift ( Lopez et al. 2000 Green et al. 2007 ) ( Moore et al. 1995, Démoulin et al. 1996 ) * feet/barbs of filaments * magnetic clouds MC B// ( Bothmer & Schwenn 1998, Dasso et al. 2006 ) ( Martin et al. 1994, Aulanier et al. 1999 ) * Sunspot whorls *vector magnetograms ( Hale 1925, Chae 2001, Nakagawa et al. 1971 ) ( Hagyard et al. 1990, Metcalf et al. 2005 ) * coronal loops * X-ray sigmoids sunspot ( Brown et al. 2003, Schmieder et al. 1996 ) ( Manoharan et al. 1996, Canfield et al. 1999 ) All have H > 0, for H < 0 : mirror symmetry 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Quantitative methods to estimate twist What is the amount of twist of the active regions magnetic fields? • (Non-linear) Force Free extrapolation: e.gabestparameters(eg. Pevtsov et al. 02) • Total Magnetic Helicity • Properties of UV coronal loops(e.g. Chae & Moon 05) • Geometricalshape and distribution of coronal loopscompared to (N)LFFF model (e.g. Malanushenko et al. 09, 09b, 11) Anna’s Talk • Magnetic helicity injection • MagneticTongues (?) • Shear/Rotation of the polarities(e.g. Magara & Tsuneta 08, Magara 09) (Chae & Moon 05) Model-based (Magara 09) Obs-based 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Outline • Introduction: twist in actives regions • Magnetic tongues • Magnetic helicity: measurement methods • Observational properties of injected helicity • Observed helicity flux distribution 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
MagneticTongues Luoni et al. 11 • Magnetic tongue: extensions of the approximately round magnetic field polarities (López Fuentes et al. 00, Démoulin & Pariat 09, Luoni et al. 11) • ~ horizontal Taijitu (yin-yang) symbol: ☯ • angle formed between the global PIL and the axis of the main magnetic polarities • Large scale property of the magnetic field: • Less obvious when considering small scale structures at the PIL: e.g. sea-serpents • Less obvious but still present in complex/multipolar AR Hood et al. 2009 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat Magara & Tsuneta 08
Interpretation of magnetic tongues MDI Magnetograms AR 8015b • Magnetic tongues: direct signature of the emergence of a twisted flux tube • Elongation is due to the projection of the azimuthal field on the vertical direction H>0 AR 8015c H<0 • Two possible configuration depending only on the chirality/helicity of the twisted FT AR 8203 H<0 AR 8011 H>0 H<0 Luoni et al. 11 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat Hood et al. 09
MagneticTonguesevolution • Typical feature of the early phase of “standard” (i.e. bipolar) active regions emergence • Tongue are present while appex of the FT is crossing the photosphere • Obs. retraction & disappearance of the tongue: projection of the azimuthal field decrease Luoni et al. 11 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat Hood et al. 09
Quantitative estimation? • Analytically, for a given model of the emerging FT the twist directly sets • the angle between the tongue and the axis of the polarity: d~arctan(1/2Nturn) • Uniform twist= dis constant • tongues extension • Observationally, itsextremelydifficult to retrieve the twist • Difficult to define the location of the PIL and the center of polarities • Tongue onlyobservedduring a relatively short period. • Angle d change because the twist islikely not uniform in the FT • Extremelydifficult to fit a simplisticemerging flux tube model to actual observation Nturn=0.2 Nturn=1 Nturn=6 • Pariat et al. 05 • Luoni et al. 11 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Outline • Introduction: twist in actives regions • Magnetic tongues • Magnetic helicity: measurement methods • Observational properties of injected helicity • Observed helicity flux distribution 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Definition of H Coronal field Reference field (usually potential field ) S S Boundary condition : same magnetogram ( normal component ) relative magnetic helicity (to a reference field) ( Barnes 1988, Berger 1988 ) Equivalent IF 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Measuring Helicity in AR: extrapolations • Direct measurements of magnetic helicity are not possible • Magnetic field almost only estimated in the photosphere • Magnetic field Extrapolation (Green et al. 02) • Linear force free field assumption • Use of longitudinal magnetograms only • LFFF Linearized equation (Green et al. 02) (Lim et al. 07) • Nlfff & Non-force free fields • Needs to numerically integrate A and AP in a box with the proper condition on A, AP, B & BP • Carefull choice of the gauge (DeVore et al. 00, Rudenko & Myshyakov, Thalmann et al. 11 , Valori et al 11, 12) 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat (Thalmann et al. 11 )
Measurementsprecision • Coronal helicity computation: • Relies on extrapolation methods and are hence subject to their validity & caveats (DeRosa et al. 09) • :Very sheared/twisted structures (highest helicity) are the most difficult to obtain • : Helicity is a large scale quantity stored in large scale structures easier to get • Different extrapolation methods (Regnier at al. 05) : • H varies by a factor 2 • : Helicity computation in a small box is very sensitive to the choice of the gauge at the boundary: different choice different sign of H (Valori et al. 11) • : New understanding of how to compute H in a boxed domain (Rudenko & Myshyakov, Thalmann et al. 11 , Valori et al 11, 12) 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Measuring Helicity in AR: photospheric flux (Chae et al. 04) A better proxy of the helicity flux density is : ( Pariat et al. 2005 ) Magnetogram + velocity ( arrows ) Rotation rate x’ B// > 0 B// < 0 Helicity flux density: summation of the relative rotation of all the elementary flux tubes, weighted by their magnetic fluxes x • Magnetic helicity can be estimated by time-integrating the flux of magnetic helicity through the photosphere.(Chae 01) • Flux of helicity: 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Measuring Helicity in AR: photospheric flux • How to measure the Helicity flux? • B is given from spectropolarimetry (magnetograms) • Udeduced with methods based on Local Correlation Tracking(November & Simons, 1989) LCT: basic method to deduce velocities. More sophisticated methods solving the induction equation (Welsh et al. 07) *Induction Method Kusano et al. (2002, 2004) * Inductive LCTWelsch et al. (2004) *Minimum Energy Fit Longcope (2004), Ravindra et al. (2008) *Differential Affine Velocity Estimator Schuck(2005, 2006) *DAVE for Vector Magnetogram Schuck (2008) *Non-linear Affine Velocity Estimator Chae & Sakurai (2008) 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Measurementsprecision • Photospheric helicity flux measurements: • Relies on flux transport velocity methods (Welsh et al. 07) • : Helicity poorly estimated in shootout: wrong sign and/or an order of magnitude difference • : LCT methods mostly capture Vperp • : Improved methods (e.g. Schuck 08, Chae 08) • Sensitive to data cadence, resolution, noise levels (e.g. Zhang et al. 08, Yamamoto & Sakurai 09, Chandra et al. 10, Romano et al. 11, Tian et al. 11) : Helicity given with a factor 2-3 • : Cannot recover helicity flux along the isocontours of B: twisting motions (high helicity flux) (Green at al. 02) • : New data set with higher cadence/resolution (Lim et al 07) • Comparison of helicity flux and coronal helicity computations (Lim et al 07, Park et al. 10) : • Results agree within a factor 2 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Outline • Introduction: twist in actives regions • Magnetic tongues • Magnetic helicity: measurement methods • Observational properties of injected helicity • Observed helicity flux distribution 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Differential rotation : theory 0 dH/dt < 0 dH/dt > 0 H time Hmutual dominant =>H > 0 H north south bipole dH/dt > 0 dH/dt < 0 0 time diff. rot. ( DeVore 2000, Démoulin et al. 2002 ) H = Hself + Hmutual Competition between: * Hself : rotation of each polarity * Hmutual : relative rotation of one polarity / the other one with differential rotation : Hself . Hmutual< 0 east-west bipole Hself dominant =>H < 0 diff. rot. Differential rotation: Time-independent shearing flow BUT: time dependant input of magnetic helicity + can change of sign 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Differential rotation : AR case studies Helicity injection rate ( 1040 Mx2 h-1 ) 0 only differential rotation without differential rotation Helicity injection by differential rotation: * smaller than the helicity injected by internal motions (typical ~ 1/10 to 1/2 ) *not enough for launched CMEs / MCs * could have the opposite sign than Hcoronal ( Chae et al. 2001, Jeong & Chae2007, Labonté et al. 07, Tian & Alexander 2008 ) ( Démoulin et al. 2002, Nindos et al. 2002, 2003 ) ( Green et al. 2002, Tian & Alexander, 2007 ) In most ARs, differential rotation cannot provides Hcoronal AR 8668 Hcoronal < 0 Hinjected < 0 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Hemisphericrule ? ( Pevtsov 2002 ) • Due to the solar rotation: • H<0 in the North • H>0 in the South • Independently of the solar cycle • True mostly for quiet sun features! • For active features the rules is only marginally validated H < 0 Whythisdifference ? H > 0 independent of solar cycle • Magnetic helicity studies close to equipartition • Labonté et al. 07: 57-60% of 393 ARs. • Yang et al. 09: 56-57% of 58 emerging ARs. • Weak correlation likely due to the diff. Rot. at the surface Mechanism generating the twist in emerging flux tube is likely not correlated to the W effect of the solar rotation Labonté et al. 07 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
AR emergence H injected ( 1042 Mx2 ) low high AR 10831 Magnetic tongues: H< 0 low high Total magnetic flux ( 1022 Mx) -H injected ( 1042 Mx2 ) ( Jeong & Chae 2007 ) high high ( Tian & Alexander, 2007 ) low low low low Helicity injection follows a low-high-low evolution. high high Significant helicity injection is delayed ~ 2 days compared to magnetic flux low low low low 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Photospheric flux of magnetic helicity Similar peaks of helicity flux Helicity flux Helicity flux simple analytical evolution longitudinal magnetograms 3D MHD simulation emergence of a twisted flux tube constant vertical velocity emergence of AR 10365 ( Pariat et al. 2005 ) ( Cheung et al. 2005 ) ( Chae 2004 ) high high high low low low low low low H injection evol. can be interpreted by the emergence of a globally twisted FT 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
AR recurrences CMEs with low H later on? Rather: Not enough injected helicity measured in evolved ARs ? 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Helicity injection in ARs Helicity flux over 6 days ( Mx2 ) 345 non-X-flaring ARs 48 X-flaring ARs Twisted flux tube with n turns Magnetic flux ( Mx ) ( Yang et al. 2009 ) • Statisticalstudies of helicity injection assuming a single twisted flux tube: • Yamamoto et al. 05: n=0.01-0.02/day • 7 ARs, averaged injection • Jeong & Chae 07: n=0.07, • 6 ARsfollowed over a few days • Labonté et al. 07: n=0.02 • 393 ARs over 5-6 days • Verylowcad. underestimation • Tian et al. 08: • 23 sigmoidalARs: n=0.08 • 18 justemergedARs: n=0.03 • Yang et al. 09: n=0.04 • 58 emerging AR over 2-8 days (F=(|F+|+|F-|)/2) H = 0.039F2 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat ( Labontéet al. 2007 )
Helicity accumulation in ARs. How much helicity isinjected in ARs? H=0.005-0.02 F2/days • 1 turn in 100 days(3 Carrington Rotations) • Helicity accumulated in AR over their passage on disk: • <DH>~0.08-0.2 F2 • Typical instantaneous flux of Helicity in AR: • <dH/dt> ~ 1042 Mx².day-1 but large variation ; <dH/dt> ~ 10-2 F²/day (F = 1022Mx) • Total helicity accumulated in AR over several rotation (Démoulin et al. 02, Lim et al. 07) • <DH>~1-100 x1044 Mx² ; <DH>~ 0.5-2 F² • Is the normalisation by F2 valid?: Not fully! • Jeong & Chae 07: a=1.3 • Labonté et al. 07: a =1.8 • Yang et al. 09: a=1.85 • Why? lifetime of ARs increases significantly with their amount of magnetic flux hence helicity accumulation not fullyobserved for largerARs 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Outline • Introduction: twist in actives regions • Magnetic tongues • Magnetic helicity: measurement methods • Observational properties of injected helicity • Observed helicity flux distribution 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Evolution of helicity flux density ( Pariat et al. 2006 ) AR 9144 • In most active region, helicitty injection isrelativelyunipolar: only helicity of one signisinjected! • Constraint on the emerging flux tube generationmechanism Coherent evolution AR 10955 AR 8375 AR 8210 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Asymmetricinjection (?) • Helicity is asymmetricaly injected: 3-10 more helicity flux in the leading magnetic polarity (Tian & Alexander 09, Tian et al. 11) • Origin (Fan et al. 09) : stronger field in the leading leg of the Ω-shaped emerging flux tube • Field lines wind about each other more smoothly more coherent values of the local twist, • greater Alfvén speed: faster rotation • However… Helicity flux density per unit surface is not a physically meaningful quantity!! • Helicity flux density is only defined for a given flux tube: defining a different helicity at both footpoint of a field line is incorrect • It’s not an asymmetry of Magnetic Helicity • Result is very likely physical because proxies of helicity flux density may carry more information than magnetic helicity • Results obtained with 2 proxies of helicity flux density with very different properties puzzling! • Part of the asymmetry just results may just results from the weighting of in region of higher field strength 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
A puzzlingmagneticcloud • Geoeffectivemagneticcloud of 20 November 03 a positive helicity (e.g. Gopalswamy et al. 05;Yurchyshyn et al. 05, Möstl et al. 08 ) • AR 10501, at the source of the CME has a global negative helicity. • How can a negativemagnetic helicity AR generate a positive helicity magneticcloud? • Mixed helicity signs in the southern filaments Global negative helicity accumulation in AR 10501 Wind Data: Positive helicity MC Grad-Shafranov reconstruction M flares Chandra et al. 10 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat Möstl et al. 08
Mixed helicity in filaments • Topological analyze: existence of a close connectivity domain where is the South filament • Helicity injection in the south filament: localized positive injection. • Ejected South filament forms the observed magnetic cloud South Filament Localized positive helicity acc. in South filament 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Mixed helicity in filaments ( Romano et al. 2011 ) • Filament in AR 9862 • Eruption on 01/11/01 • Mixed sign of helicity during the eruption • Helicity injection: • Whole active region: H<0 • Injection in filament footpoints: H<0 • Mixed helicity: larger energy may be released (e.g Linton et al. 01). • Filament eruption in mixed helicity region (Kusano et al. 04) BBSO Ha, 31/10/01 MDI Helicity map Whole AR: H>0 A+B: H<0 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Dynamo : coupling of the hemisphere north: H < 0 south: H > 0 but why dominance of only 60 % ? Helicity budget ( H is a conserved quantity ) Hcorona from magnetic extrapolation Observed photospheric H flux HMC from magnetic cloud modelling Maps of H injected in ARs Why some ARs have H < 0, and some H > 0 ? constraints on the solar dynamo Conclusion corona interplanetary space photosphere tachocline dynamo : produce H <0 & H >0 H stored in the corona, then ejected via CMEs H in ICMEs & Magnetic Clouds B emergence & H transfert Helicity storage in the solar corona Improved method to compute H in 3D domain • Mixed helicity regions few examples of mixed helicity region associated with large eruptions Flux of helicity through the photosphere H=0.005-0.02 F2/days constraint for models Why CME rate is constant over several carrington rotation while H injection decrease? Is the eruptivity of mixed helicity region particular? Does all the helicity of emerging FT cross the photosphere ? Is there H accumulating bellow?
Flux density of magnetic helicity All previous studies with GA maps : simultaneous injections of both sign of magnetic helicity. True ? GA & Bn GA & velocity GA & velocity ( Chae 2004 ) ( Kusano et al. 2002 ) ( Nindos et al. 2003 ) Total H flux : well established physical meaning Flux density : Does it had a physical meaning ? 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Simplest example: a translated magnetic flux tube Flux tube u u Photosphere u Example of an observed AR --> ( Kusano et al. 2002 ) => GA is NOT a good proxy of the flux density ! ( Pariat et al. 2005 ) GA introduces fake signal of both signs in equal amount Only the total flux of helicity is reliable Bn > 0 While no helicity is injected ! GA 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Flux density of magnetic helicity A better proxy of the helicity flux density is : ( Pariat et al. 2005 ) Rotation rate Magnetogram + velocity ( arrows ) Helicity flux density: summation of the relative rotation of all the elementary flux tubes, weighted by their magnetic fluxes x’ B// > 0 B// < 0 x + Double integration on the magnetogram => 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Magnetic helicity flux : theory B Phostosphere Simple interpretation of : photospheric footpoint motion of magnetic flux tubes Corona Corona emergence emergence Photosphere Photosphere Helicity flux emergence horizontal motions Can always define : => 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat
Which velocities are measured by LCT ? *Mostly the horizontal motions : ( Ravindra et al. 2008, Shuck 2008 ) =>Miss a large part of the helicity flux ! This conclusion comes from testing LCT with an anelastic MHD simulation Limitation: B field dominated by the convection => similar to super-granule cells Would need an AR-like B field to test LCT *The footpoint motions of flux tubes: ( suppose simple emergence ) ( Démoulin & Berger 2003 ) =>Full helicity flux from longitudinal magnetogram time series ( close to centre disk ) But emergence is a complex phenomena e.g. it involves magnetic reconnection ( Magara 2004, Pariat et al 2005, Archontis et al. 2007 ) 22/08/11 - FEW 2011 - E. Pariat