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The Expectations of Implementing Lesson Study in Mathematics Education in Indonesia. Presented by: Puji Iryanti. What is a Quality Education?. A clear educational standard. Indonesia. A Quality education is unclear. 2005. Before. After.
The Expectations of Implementing Lesson Study in Mathematics Education in Indonesia Presented by: Puji Iryanti
What is a Quality Education? A clear educational standard Indonesia A Quality education is unclear 2005 Before After Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on Education National Standard
It is an Educational National Standard It comprises eight minimum standards, namely Standard of Content Standard of Graduate Competency Standard of Educational Assessment Standard of Process Standards of Teacher and Educational Personnel Standard of Management, Standard of Funding Standards of Equipment and Infrastructure Government Regulation no. 19 Year 2005
Focus onStandard of Teacher and Educational Personnel It is elaborated in several Regulations of the Minister of National Education (Permendiknas). One of those is Permendiknas no. 16 year 2007 about Standards of Academic Qualification and Competence of Teachers. Teacher must have a minimum academic qualification diploma four (D-4) or bachelor (S1). Teacher is required to have four competences, i.e. personality, social, pedagogic, and professional.
Pedagogic Competence mastering learner’s characteristics in physical aspects, moral, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual. mastering the learning theories and principles of learning. developing curriculum related to subject matters taught. organizing learning. utilizing information and communication technology for learning purposes. facilitating the development of learners' potential. doing an effective communication by showing empathy and courteous to students. conducting assessment, evaluation processes and learning outcomes. utilizing the results of assessment and evaluation for learning purposes. doing reflective action to improve the quality of learning.
Professional Competence mastering contents, structure, concepts, and patterns of scientific thought that supports subject matter taught. mastering standard of competence and basic competence of subjects taught. developing teaching materials creatively. developing a sustainable professional with reflective action. utilizing information and communication technology for communication and human development.
Developing Teaching Materials Creatively Using numbers, relationships among numbers, number systems and measurement theory. Using measurement and interpretation. Using mathematical logic. Using concepts of geometry. Using statistical concepts and probability. Using patterns and functions. Using concepts of algebra.
Cont’dDeveloping Teaching Materials Using concepts of calculus and analytic geometry. Using concepts and processes of discrete mathematics. Using trigonometry. Using vector and matrices. Explaining the history and philosophy of mathematics. Having capability to use teaching aid, instruments of measurement, calculators, computer software, mathematical models, and statistical models.
How do Indonesian teachers develop their pedagogic and professional competences? Implement Lesson Study
The History of Lesson Study in Indonesia In 1998, IMSTEP (Indonesian Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Project) started in three Institutes of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP)Bandung, Yogyakarta and Malang, in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).Later, the three IKIPs changed their names to Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Yogyakarta State University (UNY) and Malang State University (UM). The purpose of this project was to improve the quality of mathematics education and science
The History, cont’d Innovative teaching models using hands-on activity, real-world context and local materials were developed and tested in the piloting activity at several secondary schools. IMSTEP ended in 2003 and was considered successful in enhancing mathematics and science education. In 2003 – 2005, a project called IMSTEP Follow-up continued the previous project. In 2003 – 2005, a project called IMSTEP Follow-up continued the previous project.
The History, cont’d In 2006 – 2008, a new joint project with JICA named SISTTEMS (Strenghtening In-service Teacher Training in Education of Mathematics and Science) started in three regencies, i.e. Sumedang, Bantul and Pasuruan. the project involved teachers from 92 Junior High Schools (SMPs) and 45 Religious Junior High Schools (MTs) in Sumedang regency, 83 SMPs and 17 MTs in Bantul regency, and 116 SMPs and 107 MTs in Pasuruan regency, (http://www.jica.go.jp/project/Indonesia). Through this project, UPI, UNY, UM with JICA helped mathematics and science teachers in enhancing their professional capabilities.
The Connection Between Lesson Study and TIMSS Lesson Study spread to many countries after the release of TIMSS 1995 eight grade mathematics videos from Germany, Japan, and the United States. The Video Study attempted to reveal the mathematics lesson characteristic in Japan, one of the countries with relatively high scores in eighth-grade mathematics as measured by TIMSS. Japan and Germany have a system to improve the quality of education on ongoing basis. The system in Japan is Lesson Study and is studied and developed by The United States.
A curiosity:do students’ mathematics achievements get improved by implementing lesson study? In case of the US for its eight grade in TIMSS: In 1995, the US ranked 28th of the 41 countries with average score of 500. In TIMSS 1999, the US ranked 19th of 38 countries with average score of 502 while TIMSS 1995’s international average score was 487. In TIMSS 2003, the US was in the 15th position of 46 countries with a score of 504. in TIMSS 2007, the USwasin the position 9th of the 48 countries with average scale score of 508, above the average TIMSS scale, 500.
What about Indonesia? In 1999, Indonesia in the 34th position of 38 countries with the average score of 403, while the international average score of 487. In 2003, Indonesia in the 34th position of 46 countries with average score of 411, while the TIMSS 2003 average score was 467. In 2007 Indonesia in the 36th position of 48 countries with the average score of 397 while the average TIMSS score was 500.
A “Homework” for Developer of Lesson Study in Mathematics Education Have the lesson designs focused on mathematics? Have teachers promoted students’ reasoning? Lesson learnt from Japan: “in the case of Japan, lesson study usually begins by developing a lesson plan in which teachers solve and pose problems from student’s perspectives. By analyzing problems, teachers develop good ways of questioning. Why did students say this? Behind their words, there must be so many kinds of ideas” Isoda in Marsigit (2007)
The Role of SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics in Developing Lesson Study Lesson study in mathematics education should be disseminated in SEAMEO member countries. Conduct Course on Developing Lesson Study in Mathematics Education.
Course had been held: Developing Lesson Study in Mathematics Education, 5 – 30 Oct 2009 The participants were mathematics key teachers at Junior High Schools. Output: lesson plans and an action plan to disseminate the benefits of implementing Lesson Study to other teachers in their countries.
Structure of Programme Course on Developing Lesson Study in Mathematics Education
Enjoy Mathematics with Problem Solving Approach: Beyond the lesson study as a style for professional development managed by administrators delivered by Dr. Masami Isoda
The Implementation of Lesson Study Plan: Designing lesson plans for 4 day implementation in group of four for mathematics grade 8 at SMPN 5 (high achievers) and SMPN 4 Pakem (normal) Do: each participant implemented the lesson plan See: reflection, how did the teacher feel when s/he present the lesson? Did teacher think s/he teach as planned in lesson plan? why did students do that? Why did students ask that? Why did students say this? Based on input and suggestions at the reflection, the lesson plan for the next lesson was adjusted.
Participants' Evaluation on The Course Course Evaluation: From 20 aspects measured, the mode of each aspect fell at the scale 4 on a scale 0 to 5. 0 = not applicable, 1 = strongly disagree, 3 = disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree The mean of all aspect was 4.1797 or 83.59% It can be interpreted that the participants support the implementation of the course.
Cont’d Content Evaluation: From 9 contents measured, the mode of each content fell at the scale 4 on a scale 0 to 5. 0 = not applicable, 1 = strongly disagree, 3 = disagree, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree The mean of all contents was 4.1787 It can be interpreted that the participants agreed with the contents of the course.
The Follow-up Action SEAMEO QITEP in Mathematics will conduct Course on Lesson Study in April 2010, but the participants will be mathematics teachers of Senior High Schools. Delivery strategy will be face to face, collaborate with SEAMOLEC (SEAMEO Regional Open Learning Centre) in term of using ICT and connection points in SEAMEO Member Countries