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The Bologna Process – Towards the European Higher Education Area. Pierre de Maret EUA Board Member Former Rector of Brussels University (ULB) Melbourne, 15 November2007. A borderless, interconnected, interdependent world. We can now jump daily from the local to the global.
The Bologna Process – Towards the European Higher Education Area Pierre de Maret EUA Board Member Former Rector of Brussels University (ULB) Melbourne, 15 November2007
A borderless, interconnected, interdependent world. We can now jump daily from the local to the global. It is for this type of world that we should be educating our students
Bologna… a la Bolognese
Bologna… …the city
Bologna… …its University The oldest University of the world - 1088
A Millennium later, Europe had a tremendous diversity of national higher education systems
…a Process for the creation of a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Bologna is also
Why a European HE system convergence? Complicated study structures difficult to understand and operationalise Rigid study structures, little flexibility, limited scope for reorientations Obstacles for international exchange, restricted mobility
Bologna Process • Overarching Goals: • To facilitate the mobilityof students, researchers and graduates within Europe • To increase the international attractivenessof the European system of Higher Education..
Chronology Sorbonne, Paris: 4 European Education Ministers launch the process for a European Higher Education Area 1998 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 BOLOGNA29 countries sign the Bologna Declaration – the Universities support the process Goal: 2010 PRAGUE33 countries BERLIN 40 countries Bergen 45 countries London 46 countries Leuven
Bologna, an evolving process In 46 countries, the same structures … with sufficient flexibility for for cultural differences and specific demands
Key characteristics • Successful movement for reform across 46 countries, in a relatively short period – over 74% of HEIs now say that they consider the EHEA necessary & desirable • A vast reform agenda to enhance the quality of European HE – a shared responsibility between governments, HEIs, staff & students • A voluntary process with no legal obligations & a tiny bureaucracy • Flexibility and partnership as principles: with a joint responsibility of all partners for successful implementation • Growing interest from the rest of the world in the Bologna reforms
The same structure to Moscow from Reykjavik Diplomas which are recognised all over Europe From Lisbon to Nicosia
European Higher Education Area (EHEA) 46 Countries (signatories of European Cultural Convention of 1957) 800 Mill. Inhabitants
Goals Recognitionof diploma Mobilityof students and faculty Employability all over Europe • Enhanced study structures Attractivenessof the European Higher Education
10 Bologna Actionlines Bologna Declaration of 1999: 1. Adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees 2. Adoption of a system essentially based on two cycles 3. Establishment of a system of credits 4. Promotion of mobility 5. Promotion of European co-operation in quality assurance 6. Promotion of the European dimension in higher education Prague Ministerial summit of 2001: 7. Focus on lifelong learning 8. Inclusion of higher education institutions and students 9. Promotion of the attractiveness of the European Higher Education Area Berlin Ministerial summit of 2003: 10. Doctoral studies and the synergy between the European Higher Education Area and the European Research Area Bergen Ministerial summit of 2005: autonomous universities London Ministerial summit of 2007: European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies EHEA in a global setting
Toward a European higher education area: • 3 years Bachelor + 2 years Master+ Doctorate • European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) • Diploma Supplement • Quality assurance • The Global Dimension of European Higher Education Area Our common model with Bologna is a model of cooperation and solidarity
Three cycle system • Pre-Bologna: a huge variety of national degrees • Long first degree – 5 years • Diplom, Candidature, Magister, License etc. • Now: 3 compatible cycles • Enormous progress since 1999: 82% of HEIs have the 3 cycles in place (fast increase: 2003 only to 53%)
Recognition: European Credit System • Pre-Bologna: few countries have national credit systems • European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) • Developed in 1980’s by European Commission • Adopted by the Bologna Process • 60 credits per year – 1500-1800 workload hours • 1 credit 25-30 working hours • Beginning: Transfer Credits for exchange of students • Student workload-based • Now: Transfer- and Accumulation • Increasingly learning outcome oriented
Diploma Supplement • Bologna Declaration: “a system of easily readable and comparable degrees” • Diploma supplement produced by national institutions on the basis of a template developed by EC, Council of Europe, UNESCO • Eight sections – among them • information identifying the qualification • information on the level of the qualification • information on the contents and results gained, • information on the function of the qualification, • information on the national higher education system • Issued in a widely spoken European language • Benefits graduates, higher education institutions and employers • Implemented by almost 50% of the universities (2006)
The European QA Agency Register • Web-based: easily accessible for international partners. • Will be the responsibility of the stakeholders: HEIs, students, QA agencies and social partners. • Central involvement of stakeholder organisations: ENQA, EUA, European Colleges (EURASHE), European Student Union (ESU) • Legitimacy to QA agencies beyond national level. • Possibility of selecting a QA agency that uses methods most suited to their specific goals/institutional strategies and missions.
Making student centred learning a reality • Using the different Bologna transparency instruments & tools properly: ECTS, DS • Focus on learning outcomes • At national level – developing qualifications frameworks • Progression from one cycle to another • Continued focus on quality – also in response to growing demands for transparency, growth in rankings etc.. • Engaging with society • Removing obstacles to mobility
The Global Dimension of Bologna (1) • Bologna Declaration (1999): “objective of increasing the international competitiveness of the European system of higher education”. • Attract students and scholars from outside Europe. • International partnership and cooperation. • London 2007: European Ministers adopt Strategy for the European Higher Education Area in a Global Setting, comprising information, promotion, cooperation based on partnership, HE policy dialogue, and recognition. • Strategy requires action at institutional, national & European level. • Universities: continue to develop strategies and structures to enhance their international profiles. • Activities of EU (Asia Link, Erasmus Mundus, Research funding under 7th Framework Programme) and individual European countries.
The Global Dimension of Bologna (2) • growing interest across the globe • demand for policy dialogue & enhanced cooperation • How does the 3 cycle degree structure articulate with other regions • What about ECTS and the Diploma Supplement • Interest in the European Register of QA agencies • What about joint degrees? • Responses from around the globe include • Francophone Africa and the MEDA countries of the southern Mediterranean are adopting Bologna Reforms • Latin America considers the Process as model for regional integration • Increasingly positive attitude in the US • Developing dialogue with Asia, Australia and New Zealand
Conclusion • Raising the profile of European HE • Giving European HEIs experience in implementing reforms & increasing their flexibility • Many of the distinctive features are contributing to raising the attractiveness of European HEIs • A catalyst for new thinking • A renewed base for cooperation with other regions based on partnership and solidarity
References for further information • EUA website: www.eua.be • EUA publications (Bologna Brochure, Trends reports etc.) http://www.eua.be/index.php?id=128 • Bologna Handbook • ENQA – European Standards and Guidelines for QA: www.enqa.eu • European Student Union www.esib.org/ • EURASHE – European Colleges http://www.eurashe.eu • European Commission - DG Education http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/educ/bologna/bologna_en.html • Bologna-Bergen website • http://www.bologna-bergen2005.no/ • Bologna Benelux websitehttp://www.ond.vlaanderen.be/hogeronderwijs/bologna/ • Universities UK Europe Unit http://www.europeunit.ac.uk/bologna_process/index.cfm