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溝通談判策略與說服技巧 Negotiation Strategies and Persuasion Skills. 陳彥豪 國立臺北大學應用外語學系專任教授 兼任國際談判及同步翻譯中心主任 Tel: (02)2500-9335 Fax: (02)2515-9354 E-mail:yhpc@mail.ntpu.edu.tw . 一 . 溝通的理念與功能 1 . 溝通的定義
溝通談判策略與說服技巧Negotiation Strategies and Persuasion Skills 陳彥豪 國立臺北大學應用外語學系專任教授 兼任國際談判及同步翻譯中心主任 Tel: (02)2500-9335 Fax: (02)2515-9354 E-mail:yhpc@mail.ntpu.edu.tw
一. 溝通的理念與功能 1.溝通的定義 “Human communication is the process through which individuals inrelationships, groups, organizations and societies create, transmit and use information to organize with the environment and one another.” 2. 完整的溝通=口頭+書面/視聽/網路+非語言 3. 溝通的功能:建立共識,為談判與說服做好準備
二.談判的理念與功能 1. 談判的定義 It is a process of bargaining, which entails two or more interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals and engage in the social interaction to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome. 2. 談判的目標-利益(interest)與立場(position) 3. 零和遊戲(zero-sum game)與雙贏(win-win) 4. 談判者與調停者的建構 5. 談判修辭(negotiation rhetoric) 6. 談判技巧(negotiation skills—strategy and tactic)
三.談判的過程-八階分析法的談判架構與策略 1. 準備階段 (Preparing) A good result of a negotiation can be seen as involving seven elements. The better we handle each element, the better the outcome will be: 1) 利益 (Interests) Whatever our demand or “position” may be, we and others involved in the negotiation would like an outcome that meets our underlying interests—the things we need or care about.
2) 可能達成的協議 (Options) By options we mean possible agreements or pieces of a possible agreement. The more options we are able to put on the table, the more likely we are to have one that will well reconcile our interests. 3) 最佳退路 (Alternative) Another choice.Before we sign a deal—or turn one down—we should have a good idea of what else we might do.
4) 公平合理性 (Legitimacy) We do not want to be unfairly treated, nor do others. It will help to find external standards that we can use as a sword to persuade others that they are being treated fairly and as a shield to protect us from being ripped off. 5) 溝通 (Communication) Other things being equal, an outcome is better if it is reached efficiently. That requires good two-way communication as each side seeks to influence the other. We want to think in advance about what to listen for—and what to say.
6) 關係 (Relationship) Preparation can help us think about the human interaction—about the people at the table. We should have some idea about how to build a relationship that facilitates, rather than hinders, agreement. 7) 承諾 (Commitment) Those commitments are likely to be better if we have thought in advance about specific promises that we realistically can expect, or make, during or at the conclusion of a negotiation.
2. 辯論階段(Arguing) -理智而建設性>情緒而破壞性 威脅,承諾,既威脅又承諾 利益擺中間,立場擺兩旁 3. 暗示階段(Signaling) -用暗示跳開辯論 多聽少說 接收與修正雙方的暗示 4. 提議階段(Proposing) -用比較肯定的語氣和用字提議 掌握好原則,在細節上要有彈性 剛開始的讓步要小,條件要多
5. 配套階段(Packaging) -用不同的變數加以組合 運用創意整合雙方的利益,製造各種配套 隨時尋找新的變數 在主議題上追求雙贏,在次議題可以零和 6.議價階段(Bargaining) -肯定的提議 所有議題一起談 每一個交換都要有代價,每一個讓步都要有條件 7. 結束階段(Closing) -總結式,威脅式,選擇式,讓步式,休會式 8. 簽署階段(Agreeing) -各種協議文件形式
四. 談判實務之技巧 1. Patience (耐心). 2. Slow agony (慢性痛苦). 3. Apathy (沈著). 4. Empathy/sympathy (同理心/同情心). 5. Sudden shifts (突然轉移). 6. Faking (佯裝). 7. Walking (離開現場). 8. Fait accompli (既成事實). 9. Salami (蠶食法). 10. Limits (畫地自限). 11. Deadlines (截止時間). 12.Antagonism (敵對法).
五. 說服技巧 1.說服的心智源頭(The Mental Source of Persuasion) A.信素 (Ethos): “the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution” B.情素 (Pathos): “an element in experience or in artistic representation evoking pity or compassion; an emotion of sympathetic pity” C.理素 (Logos): “reason that is the controlling principle in the universe” --Aristotle 2.當代說服的定義(A Contemporary Definition of Persuasion) “Persuasion is an activity or process in which a communicator attempts to induce a change in the belief, attitude, or behavior of another person or group of persons through the transmission of a message in a context in which the persuadee has some degree of free choice.” --Richard M. Perloff
六. 說服技巧在溝通與談判上的運用 1. interest > position 2. win-win > zero-sum 3. respectful > forceful
七. 結語 參考書目 1.蔡宗揚 譯﹒談判技巧手冊。台北:遠流出版公司,1993年. 2.羅竹茜 譯。實質利益談判法。台北:遠流出版公司,1994年. 3. Chayes, Abram & Antonia H. Chayes. The New Sovereignty:Compliance with International Regulatory Agreements. Cambridge:Harvard University Press, 1995. 4. Fisher, Roger. et al. Coping with International Conflicts: A Systematic Approach to Influence in International Negotiation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997. 5. Fisher, Roger. & Ertel, Danny. Getting Ready to Negotiate. New York: Penguin Books, 1995. 6. Trenholm, Sara & Authur Jensen. Interpersonal Communication. New York: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1996. 7. Lewicki, Roy J. et al. Negotiation. . Boston: IRWIN, 2006. 8. Putnam, Linda & Michael E. Roloff. Eds. Communication and Negotiation. London: Sage Publication, Inc., 1992.