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Tempus Day March 4, 2007. Half a Decade of Engagement with Tempus: Benefits and Challenges. Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh OIRP Director, UJ. UJ Tempus Programs Joint European Projects (JEP). Title: Micro-Finance at the University. Type: MEDA 2002 Curriculum Development.
Tempus DayMarch 4, 2007 Half a Decade of Engagement with Tempus: Benefits and Challenges Ahmad Y. Majdoubeh OIRP Director, UJ
UJ Tempus ProgramsJoint European Projects (JEP) • Title: Micro-Finance at the University. • Type: MEDA 2002 Curriculum Development. • Objective: To include Micro- Finance (mostly to women) in undergraduate and postgraduate curricula of Business Schools and Faculties of Economics and Social Sciences. • Duration: 3 years. • Budget: 491,499.75 Euro • Partners: 16Universities: 11 from MEDA countries (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia) and 5 from Europe (Greece, Italy, Spain, U.K.) • Outcomes: - Pilot academic course in “Micro-Finance”, • - Website on Micro-finance for MEDA countries, • - Publications (Journals, books, case studies, etc). • Grant Holder: School of Business - University of Turin - Italy.
UJ Tempus ProgramsJoint European Projects (JEP) • Title: Quality Evaluation in MEDA Higher Education: Engineering • Type: MEDA 2002 University Management. • Objective: Creating or reinforcing national systems and/or regional quality evaluation networks in higher education, based on pilot evaluation of engineering education. • Duration: 2 years. • Budget: 297,000.00 Euro • Partners: 22Universities: 14 from MEDA countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia) and 8 from Europe (France, Germany, Denmark) • Stage achieved: Evaluation Report. • Grant Holder: CENTRE INTERNATIONAL D'ETUDES PEDAGOGIQUES (The International Center of Pedagogical Studies) - CIEP – Sevres, France
UJ Tempus ProgramsJoint European Projects (JEP) • Title: Open Learning Models and Technologies. • Type: MEDA 2003 Curriculum Development. • Objective: - Developing an online masters program, • - Reducing the costs associated with higher education. - - improving the quality of available open sources learning platforms, • - Enhancing teacher-learner interaction methods. • Duration: 3 years. • Budget: 490,000.00 Euro • Partners: 7 Universities: 2 from Jordan and 5 from Europe (Spain, Greece, Netherlands, France, Bulgaria) • Grant Holder: UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE - Alicante
UJ Tempus ProgramsJoint European Projects (JEP) • Title: IB for Support of Inclusive Special Education. • Type: MEDA 2005 Training Courses for Institution Building. • Objective: To improve education and integration of children with special needs through creating an ISE Support Centre at the University of Jordan as an open access to Inclusive Special Education ISE services … • Duration: 3 years. • Budget: 466,411.80 Euro • Partners: 5 Universities: 2 from Jordan and 3 from Europe (Sweden, Germany) + 3 Organizations from the field of Special Education (2 from Jordan, 1 from Sweden) • Grant Holder: LUND UNIVERSITY – Lund, Sweden.
Structural and Complementary Measures (SCM) • Title: T3: Training Trainers for Tempus and other Programs. • Type: MEDA SCM 2004 Training Project. • Objective: Specific training of the university academic and administrative staff on effective project management. • Budget: 55,990.00 Euro • Partners: 4 : UJ and 3 from Greece, Belgium, Italy) • Activities: A two-week training course was designed to respond to the project’s objective . • Grant Holder: UNIVERSITA CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE – Milano, Italy • Outcomes: -A group of academic and administrative staff (100) trained on projects’ management, • - A Guide for projects’ applicants, in English and Arabic; • - Material disseminated through web page; • - Evaluation Report.
Structural and Complementary Measures (SCM) • Title: Higher Education for Good Governance: Inventory of Academic Resources • Subject Area: T856 - Public Administration Reform. • Objective: 1) Realization of an inventory of academic resources on governance in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, the Palestinian territories and Lebanon…. • Budget: 89,612.00 Euro • Partners: 8 Universities: 6 from MEDA countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Algeria) and 2 from Europe (Spain, Netherlands) • Grant Holder: UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA – Granada.
Structural and Complementary Measures (SCM) • Title: Jordan Training Course for International Relations • Subject Area: T820 - Education and Teacher Training. • Objective: Improving the skills of the administrative and academic staff at UJ in the management of national and international projects. • Budget: 90,300.00 Euro • Partners: 3 Universities: the University of Jordan and 2 from Europe (Italy, Cyprus) • Activities: Organizing training courses in three sessions: 2 were held at UJ and 1 was held in Italy. • Outcomes: - 15 staff members trained on the management of projects, • Grant Holder:UNIONE UNIVERSITA DEL MEDITERRANEO- UNIMED- Rome, Italy.
Structural and Complementary Measures (SCM) • Title: Stimulating Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Jordan Universities • Type: T932 - Internal Quality Assessment Systems • Objective: To disseminate good practices in the areas of methodologies and instruments for the accreditation and quality assurance in Higher Education, benefiting from the European experience. • Budget: 112,350.00 Euro • Partners: 4 Universities: 2 from Jordan and 2 from Europe (Great Britain, Spain) • Grant Holder: La FUNDACION GENERAL DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE - Alicante, Spain
Erasmus Mundus External Window • Objective: Student Mobility from both sides of the Mediterranean • Number of Mobilities: 124: BA Exchange; MA; Ph.D.; Postdoc. Jordan 38, Syria 27, Lebanon 28, Europe 31. • Partners: Arab: 9; European 11– Lund Applicant; UJ Coordinator • Budget: Recipients fully covered • Duration: Annual
Conclusions • Financial Resources: barely sufficient • Institutional commitment is essential: support; change of practices and regulations • Jordanian Situation Conducive • Coordinator able to work with the institution • Be content with little • Not too many partners, not too few • Follow up is essential: should not end with the end period
Benefits • Specific benefits from the programs themselves: internal review; external review • Intellectual capital • Timeliness: our pursuit of quality; coincides with HE strategy • Closer relations with, first-hand knowledge of Europe: our closest neighbor • Networking, consortia, and many side benefits • Internationalization: CV; benchmarking • Expertise for those involved
Challenges • Competition for “little”; Arab contribution • Some incompatibility • A lot of effort; staff; time commitment • Involvement of the whole institution: willingness and will to do what it takes • European Commission: Strict, almost inflexible
Tip • Tempus partnership is like MARRIAGE: Desirable, BUT … -- Choose partner carefully: not all are alike; compatibility -- Contract: No change of heart later -- Active partnership -- Compromise : some clash -- Chipping in