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South Africa has 9 provinces. Free state Gauteng North west Northern Cape Western Cape Eastern cape Kwa–Zulu Natal Mpumalanga Limpopo. The Tribes of south Africa.
South Africa has 9 provinces • Free state • Gauteng • North west • Northern Cape • Western Cape • Eastern cape • Kwa–Zulu Natal • Mpumalanga • Limpopo
The Tribes of south Africa • The San are hunter gathers. The men hunt while the women gather food; berries, tsamma melons, bulbs and fruits from the Marula tree. A rain dance is performed to celebrate the rain season. The Eland bull dance is an important part of the girl’s initiation ceremony. The San imitate animals in their dance.
The Afrikaner tribe • Traditional food • Beans and chicken soup, yellow rice served with raisins, voetkoek (dough fried in fat), roosterkoek, mealie bread and souskluitjies. • Meat cut into strips and dried then called biltong is their favourite. • Traditional dance • They dance the volkspele dance • Traditional occupation A large percentage of farmers in South Africa are Afrikaners. • They love the veld, land and nature.
The Khoekhoe are nomadic hunters who owned cattle. They battered cattle goods to European settlers. They also were interpreters for white settlers and other tribes. They ate wild plants, sheep, cattle and goats, sour milk, tsamma, nara berries and fried sheepskin.
The Xitsonga tribe • Traditional food • Xigugu is a famous dish which is made from roasted peanuts and meali meal. • Traditional occupation • Men an women are very artistic. • They make pottery and weave mats. • Traditional dances • Their dances are accompanied by many istruments such as the xylophone (mbila), the taumborine (comane), ngoma drums, the nanga flute.
Karretjie people of the Karoo are the last nomads of South Africa. They are farm workers. They are sheepshearers, during shearing season they from farm to farm to share their skills. Women also work as domestic workers during this season. They feed on mostly bread and mieliepap. They also eat small game, fish an fruits they kick along the roadside.
The Ndebele tribe • Traditional occupation • Women and young girls do beadwork using pattern and colourful designs. • Women and girls decorate their walls with colourful geometric patterns. • Men and women work on farms to sustain their families. • Traditional food • Porridge made from maize meal called umratha • Little meat and vegetables added to their diet. • Traditional dance • Dancers are accompanied by hand clapping and drums played by women. • Female dancers have to wear hoops head to toe and beaded apron while perfoming.
SiSwati- speaking people are mainly found in Swaziland, Gauteng and Mpumalanga. They have modern day jobs. The umhlanga (reed) dance is performed annually by young maidens. They present the reeds to the queen mother, the reeds are used to keep the house in good condition. They eat normal foods. Traditionally they are known for their beer making.
The English tribe • Traditional occupation • Farmers, coach makers, carpenters, shoemakers, butchers, businessmen and politician. • Traditional food • Chips, sausages, mashed potatoes, beef and Yorkshire pudding. • Traditional dance • They do not have traditional dances but they are rich in musical instruments such as violins, pianos, the harpsichord and the Scottish bagpipe.
The coloured people are from slaves in the Cape colony. They are offspring of the intermarriages of people from Europe, India and Ceylon with the Khoekhoe people. They have modern jobs. The Kaapse Klopse is an parade that happens around New Year. People wear colourful outfits and have many singing and dancing competitions. The bands invite people from their houses to join the parade. They eat koeksisters which are sweet doughnuts and poetjiekos which is a stew that has a variety of ingredients.
The Indian tribe • Traditional dance • Each religion has its own type of dance and beliefs.Bharatha is a famous India dance that is classical. It is expressed through the movement of the limbs, gestures and the rhythm of the feet. • Their dances are mostly accompanied by the harmonium (Eastern keyboard), thabla and mrdangam ( Eastern drums), violin and sitar • Traditional food • Muslims eat Halaal. Meat is considered Halaal when an animal is slaughtered according to the Islamic laws. • Their food is unique and consist of different spices. • They enjoy biryani, bhajias, samoosas, curry and rice, papadum and roti. • Traditional occupations • Farmers, doctors, geologists, specialists, attorneys, accountants and other professionals.
The Coloured tribe • Traditional occupation • The major in agricultural and fishing. • Traditional food • Bredies(stew) prepared with lamb or mutton and vegetables. Waterblommetjiebredie is the most famous dish that is made from water that comes in a flower that is not poisonous. • Traditional dance • They do not have a traditional dance but have their unique music. They songs consist of guitars, mandolins and banjos.
The Tshivenda tribe • Traditional occupation • Men build the huts were they live with their families and the women are responsible for plastering and cutting the grass of the thatching. • They show their creativity by making different kinds of pottery, baskets and beer pots. • Traditional food • Vhuswa (porridge) that is made from maize-meal. They enjoy ground nuts baked into hard cakes, beans and green vegetables. • They drink cow’s and goat’s milk fresh or sour. • They eat delicacies such as caterpillars, locusts, crickets and ants. • Their beer is brewed from a variety of ingredients such as the sap from the palm tree or marula fruit. • Traditional dance • Dance plays a big role in their lives and they perform at all social gatherings, rituals and ceremonies. • Their dances are accompanied by instruments such as the xylophone (mbila), drums (ngoma/mirumba) • Their famous dance Domba is done by forming a straight line, holding the elbow of the person in front of you and moving it in a circular motion.
Pedi people are found mostly in Limpopo and Mpumalanga. They have modern jobs. The kiba and dinaka dance is a traditional dance. They eat porridge, wild spinach and meat. They has a beer that is brewed from sorghum, marula-fruit or prickly pears.
Xhosa tribe • Traditional occupation • Men were hunters and hunted dangerous animals such as leopard and lions. • Women do beadwork. • Traditional dance • They have a shaking dance whereby they shake their torso without moving their lower body. They are accompanied by hand clapping, mouth harps, whistles, rattles and other instruments. • Traditional food • The Xhosa people enjoy “umgqushu” samp and beans and drink sorghum beer.
The Setswana people live in Botswana, the Northern Cape and the North West province. They have modern day jobs. Those who live in rural areas are farmers in their own yards. Women create many beautiful crafts. The traditional dance is the Ditlhaka. They have a traditional beer made from a sprouted corn called momela.
Zulu tribe • Traditional occupation • Women do beadwork and each colour and design has its own meaning.Men make utensils and ornaments from wood and women make clay pots, weave sleeping mats, beer pots and baskets. • Traditional dance Dancers are accompanied by drums, makhweyana- a bow instrument and ox horns are blown. • Traditional food • They have two meals a day of a simple diet that consist of meat, sour milk mixed with mealie meal, yams, vegetables and fruits.Their favourite drink is the sorghum beer which is nutritious.Isijingi is a famous meal that consists of pumpkin and mealie meal porridge.