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Leadership Workshop. July 19, 2008. Agenda. Constitution and By-Laws. Constitution Articles. Preamble Name Purposes and Rights Declaration of Faith Synodical Affiliation Membership Organization Pastors, Teachers, and Other Workers Separation or Division By-Laws Amendments.
Leadership Workshop July 19, 2008
Constitution Articles • Preamble • Name • Purposes and Rights • Declaration of Faith • Synodical Affiliation • Membership • Organization • Pastors, Teachers, and Other Workers • Separation or Division • By-Laws • Amendments
By-Laws Articles • Communicant Membership • Voting Membership • Discipline in the Congregation • Meetings of the Voters’ Assembly • The Office of the Pastor • Election of Officers and Administrative Boards • Duties of Officers – Functions, Powers, Organizations of Administrative Boards, Committees, and the Parish Planning council • Amendments to the By-Laws
Mission • Christ’s mission for His church is to preach the Gospel to the whole world
Objectives • Unite in worship • Practice fellowship with one another • Witness to all men • Help each other grow in the Word • Serve the needs of all men in Christian love • Administer the Office of the Keys • Maintain decency and order
Congregational Purpose • Conduct divine services proclaiming the Word of God and administering the Sacraments, to provide Christian education, and to do all other things incidental to the conduct of a Christian congregation
Organization • Voting membership represents and administers the affairs of the congregation • Voters elect officers and boards to administer congregational affairs
Organization Structure (see the handout)
President • Enforce Constitution and By-Laws • Carry out resolutions • Boards are responsible to the President • Meet quarterly with VPs to assess implementation of Congregational Plan • Preside over Parish Planning Council to coordinate plans and activities
Vice President • Oversee and coordinate meetings and activities of boards under their purview • Meet quarterly with President to report on activities and plans of those boards
Treasurer • Record receipts and disbursements and budgeted and actual expenditures • Present financial report to PPC and Voters’ Assembly • Responsible for offerings and payment of salaries and bills • Coordinate flow of money from treasury to boards • Keep current record of actual expenditures and budget allotment
Administrative Boards • Responsibility and authority for administering congregational affairs • One member of each board serves as Director • Organized under the VPs to receive guidance, and so VPs may coordinate and integrate their activities • Initiate and carry out activities in support of the mission and according to Constitution and By-Laws • Administer funds set aside for activities in budget • Time and frequency of board meetings at Director’s discretion
Parish Planning Council (PPC) • Forum for discussing, evaluating, and coordinating Board activities • Overall function: Enable the congregation and administrative boards to carry out the Great Commission • Specific functions • Plan the total work of the congregation • Settle jurisdictional issues between Boards • Present a yearly plan of activity at the February Voters’ Assembly for the entire congregation and long range plans • Prepare the agenda and date for Voters’ Assembly • Appoint a nominating committee as required • Members are Pastors, Officers, Board Directors • Meet prior to Voters’ Assembly Meetings
Voters’ Assembly • Feb, May, and November each year • ¼ of voters are a quorum • Voting member is a communicant member who is 18 years or older – apply for voting membership at Voters’ meeting • Roberts Rules of Order
Voters’ AssemblyOrder of Business • Opening devotion • Attendance of new members • Reception of new voting members • Reading of minutes • State of the Parish Report (Pastors) • Reports (President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Boards, Committees, Recommendations from PPC) • Unfinished Business • New Business
Town Hall Meetings • Provides a forum to communicate thoughts, ideas, and concerns in the congregation • A chance to discuss issues informally before the Voters’ Assembly • Usually held the Sunday before each Voters’ Assembly
Evangelism (Outreach) • Develop a plan for bringing the gospel to unbelievers • Submit an annual budget • Recruit and oversee duties of board members • Encourage involvement of the congregation • Carry out, with support from other boards as required, a plan for bringing the gospel to unbelievers
Fellowship (Assimilation) • Develop a plan for congregational fellowship activities • Submit an annual budget • Recruit and oversee duties of board members • Encourage attendance and involvement of the congregation • Carry out, with support from other boards as required, a plan for congregational fellowship
Christian Education • Develop a plan to administer Christian Education • Submit an annual budget • Recruit and oversee duties of board members • Encourage attendance and involvement of the congregation • Carry out, with support from other boards as required, a plan to administer Christian Education
Young People’s Activities • Develop a plan for young people • Submit an annual budget • Recruit and oversee duties of board members • Encourage attendance and involvement of congregational youth • Carry out, with support from other boards as required, a plan for young people
Church Property • Develop a plan for maintaining church property and keeping it functional • Submit an annual budget • Recruit and oversee duties of board members • Encourage the congregation to carry out the work • Carry out, with support from other boards as required, a plan for maintaining church property and keeping it functional
Public Relations • Develop a plan to promote the congregation to the community and advertise special events to the congregation • Submit an annual budget • Recruit and oversee duties of board members • Encourage attendance and involvement of the congregation at special events • Carry out, with support from other boards as required, a plan to promote and advertise
Elders • Assist Pastors in overseeing the spiritual welfare of the congregation • Supervise and coordinate congregational worship (ushers, organist, altar committee, choirs, acolytes, substitute Pastors) • Submit an annual budget for staff salaries, benefits, professional allowances, altar supplies, music, LWML, baby sitting, nursery • Ensure the congregation functions in accordance with church doctrine • Review new forms of worship liturgies and hymns • Manage the Pastor Call process • Assist Pastors with the Services as required • Social concerns, abuse groups, personal financial needs • Oversee LWML and AMOB • Review church attendance of members • Supervise instruction of youth and adults for confirmation and membership • Visit Hospitals, Shut-ins, Nursing homes
Human Resources Director • Identify human resources to help Boards carry out their plans • Maintain and update a talent survey form for collecting talent data from the congregation • Maintain and update a database that manages talent data • Keep the database current by soliciting talent information from new members and periodic updates by current members • Be aware of the human resource needs of the Church through the Congregational Plan and direct interface with Boards. The Boards will be the source of human resource requirements. • Develop creative and effective means to recruit volunteers to give their time and talent in fulfillment of their stewardship responsibilities and to satisfy human resource needs. • Report to the Congregational President
Greet Visit Sustain Welcome Welcome team bring a small gift, deliver welcome package, focus on their interests, present opportunities to serve, encourage participation in service and activities School Board, Fellowship Board, Elders, Sunday School Board, Youth Board introduce themselves as applicable Monitor attendance and participation Greet and sign guest book Assist with service Come downstairs for coffee Invite to Sunday School - Introduce to Superintendent or Teacher Invite to ABS - Introduce to Pastor Tour the Day School Building - Introduce to a School Board Member Invite to fellowship event – Introduce to Fellowship Board member Start Visitor Form Visit Coordinator review the Visitor Form and arrange a visit Visit team review the Visitor Form and make a thank-you call Visit Team learn more about the family, their interests, their spiritual and physical needs, how we can help, desire a visit from Pastor? Visit Team update the Visitor Form Visit Coordinator and Pastor review Visitor Forms weekly and prepare for next visit Visitor Outreach
Board Plan • Annual (covers July 2008 – Dec 2009) • Created and carried out by the Director with Board member support and VP oversight • Supports the mission • Says what you’re going to do and what you need – make it achievable (eg, we’re going to invite every new member to join a fellowship group) • Includes Congregational Plan initiative if it applies • Source of report to Voters’ Assembly
Board Budget • Church Budget is an estimate of income • Board budgets are included in the 2008 Church Budget • Board budget request for 2009 should be an estimate of cost to carry out the 2009 Board plan • 2009 budget will be estimated and presented to Nov Voters’ Assembly • Boards work with Treasurer to prepare budget
Planning and Budgeting Calendar • Directors prepare board plans with VP (Sep-Oct) • Directors coordinate 2009 budget with Treasurer (Sep-Oct) • Directors present board plans and budgets to PPC (Oct) • PPC approve board plans and budgets and total budget (Nov) • Directors present board plans and budgets to Voters (Nov) • Treasurer present total budget to Voters (Nov)
Board Plan Benefit • Documented baseline for managing activities and budget • Fast and easy way to communicate information to PPC and the congregation • Enables board authority and accountability • Ensures board budgets are consistent with Congregational Budget
Expectations • Carry out a documented plan for your Board that includes any Congregational Plan initiatives • Attend all PPC and Voters meetings • Nov – 2009 plan, status of 2008 activities • Feb – 2009 plan, final report of 2008 activities • May – status of 2009 activities • Check email and Bethlehem web site • Communicate – Pastors, officers, within boards and across boards
Congregational Plan • Six initiatives approved by the Congregation at the Feb 06 Voters’ Assembly • Topics: Resources, Ease of Worship, Greeters, Sunday School, Youth, and Fellowship • Human resource dependent
Resources • Initiative Description: • Develop a Human Resources person to develop volunteerism. Provide a goal of an opportunity for every member and a member for every opportunity. Getting all members involved in the church activities to some of any degree beyond worship attendance increases church growth. • Have all Administrative Boards evaluate what they are doing and review for wasted effort or distractions from the mission. Continually concentrate efforts and human resources upon what the Board does well. Advise the Human Resource person of needs. • Recognize we are a transient congregation with a lot of turnover due to military member. Work to promote quick integration and assimilation of new members to the volunteer opportunities available. Recruit school families and invite them to be a part of the congregation. • The leadership of the church through the Voter’s Assembly should focus on the goals of expansion of the physical plant of the church and acquisition of new land. While flexibility is a must, a direction for this resource should be communicated and put in writing. Resources for physical growth should be identified. • Task: Communicate human resource needs, identify human resources to satisfy human resource needs, and encourage volunteerism to do the work of the church. Work with the Pastors, Parish Planning Council (PPC) and congregation to develop creative and effective means to recruit volunteers to give their time and talent in fulfillment of their stewardship responsibilities and to satisfy human resource needs. Be on the lookout for physical growth opportunities to accommodate church and school membership growth. • Skills: One person with organizational and social skills to lead a stewardship program that communicates human resource needs, identifies human resources, and encourages volunteerism and participation in the work of the church. One person with knowledge of Fairborn real estate who can identify physical growth opportunities. • Responsible Organization: PPC
Ease of Worship • Initiative Description: Set programs for visitors ease in worship. Create an atmosphere to attract young families to continually attend BLC. This is important due to military turnover and the aging demographics of the congregation. Focus long term on methods and persons who can make attendance by non-Lutherans comfortable so the service is not overwhelming. • Task: Make it easy and rewarding for first-time visitors to participate in and follow the service. Focus on retention of visitors. Follow up by inviting them to return. Set a goal that 100% of first time visitors will attend the service a second time. • Skills: One person with Knowledge of the worship service to plan and execute the task. • Responsible Board: Elders
Greeters • Initiative Description: • While many members act as greeters before and after services, ask other members to step out on an occasional Sunday and join the greeter forum so all in attendance have the opportunity to be greeted. • Incorporate greeters as an institution overseen by the Board of Evangelism. Greeters can welcome visitors, have them sign the register, provide bulletins and information and direct the visitors to facilities in the church. • Task: Greet all visitors who attend church services and fellowship activities. Make them feel welcome and leave with a desire to return. Set a goal that 100% of first-time visitors will return either to another service or fellowship activity. Set a goal that 50% of first-time visitors enroll in the Adult Information Class. Make a schedule of greeters who are trained to recruit and retain with specific methods of achieving the above goals. • Skills: One person with knowledge of the worship service to plan, organize, schedule and train greeters. Ten people with social skills to greet visitors at services and fellowship activities and to follow-up with the individuals they greet. • Responsible Board: Evangelism
Sunday School • Initiative Description: • Recruit and prepare members to teach Sunday School. Contact all families and encourage their help in ensuring their children participate in Sunday school. Enroll all children of current members in Sunday school. Work with Elders in their home visits to enhance this function. Seek out materials appropriate for ensuring educational success in Sunday School programs. Encourage Sunday School participation in worship with events such as a children’s choir performing in Divine Services. Encourage participation of BLC school students. These activities provide meaningful participation of young people. Encourage school children to attend Sunday School. • Increase Sunday School attendance each year. With a strong program of participation, encourage children to bring their family and friends. Integrate our school rooms and gym into the Sunday School program. Utilizing all our resources exposes all participants to the BLC School and will encourage growth. Continue to use an annual Rally Day approach to start new classes. Gather all participants in a single location to begin Sunday School. Establish methods to inform every member and outreach to community of the meaning of Rally Day and importance of recognizing the participants at church. • Task: Recruit teachers. Set a goal that there is a teacher scheduled to teach each class for the next four quarters. Contact families to ensure their children attend. Set a goal to enroll 100% of the children of members. The ultimate goal is to increase Sunday School attendance significantly. Contact all Bethlehem Lutheran School (BLS) families, BLC visitors, and the local community to encourage them to bring their children and their friends’ children to Sunday School. Think of innovative ways to get children to come and their parents to bring them back. Use appropriate curriculum and train teachers to teach the Word and encourage students to return. Invite children and their parents to participate in worship services. Conduct Rally Day and other recruiting methods. • Skills: One person to lead and organize the task. One Sunday School Superintendent to recruit teachers. Three persons to contact BLC families, BLS families and local community and think of innovative ways to increase Sunday School attendance. • Responsible Board: Christian Education
Youth • Initiative Description: • Establish a strong Youth Ministry. Think of innovative ways to increase youth attendance (high school and college). Leadership is needed to direct educational and youth activities. Make youth want to come to church. Recruit and assimilate youth from outside the church, i.e., Lutheran Youth Fellowship (LYF). Plan and organize youth servant events and fun things to do with other Christian youth. Use the physical resources of the church and school such as the Multi-purpose room and school classrooms for intramurals, state and national conferences, concerts, bible studies, counseling and other activities. • As membership grows and resources increase, consider the employment of a Director of Christian Education (DCE), who can professionally direct educational and youth activities. Consider a tie-in to responsibilities in BLS. • Task: Recruit high school and college age youth to attend services and other church activities. Think of innovative ways to encourage participation in youth activities. Contact BLC families to ensure their youth attend. Set as a goal that 100% of BLC youth will attend a youth program kick-off meeting and 80% will attend the first activity. Encourage participation by parents of youth. The ultimate goal is to establish a strong youth program and increase participation annually. Plan youth activities and personally invite all BLC youth. Encourage them to bring their friends. Make a plan to get youth to come and stay. • Skill: One person who has experience with youth programs or counseling to lead and organize the task. Three people with experience with youth to execute the task. • Responsible Board: Young Peoples Activities
Fellowship Groups • Initiative Description: • Expand existing fellowship groups, poll members to find those without a fellowship group connection. Set a goal of at least two new fellowship groups. • As fellowship groups expand, consider these groups as a resource to provide support within the congregation for aging members, and young married families by tracking needs and provide assistance. Our continued greatest asset of church membership should include a focus on the needs of our members. Have fellowship groups target new members and visitors for invitations. • Task: Invigorate the Fellowship Group Program. Make a plan to ensure there is a Fellowship Group for every member. Account for groups of similar ages, backgrounds, marital and family situations, etc. Plan to sustain and support Fellowship Groups and to place new members as they arrive. Contact all BLC members to ensure they have an opportunity to participate in a Fellowship Group with members of similar background. Set a goal that 100% of BLC members will be given the opportunity to join a Fellowship Group and that there is an appropriate Fellowship Group for every member. Coordinate with current group leaders for ideas about size and make-up of the groups. • Skill: One person to lead and organize the task. Three people to execute the plan. • Responsible Board: Fellowship
Implementing the Plan • Congregational Plan describes the work to be done and the talent required • Revise the Talent Survey Form accordingly • Congregation provide member talent data using the Talent Survey Form • Activate a HR Director to work with Pastors to create a program to promote participation, develop volunteerism, and help find workers • Boards ultimately responsible for planning the work, recruiting, and carrying out the work
Work and Human Resources Congregation Plan the work Congregational Plan Document the work and resources needed to do the work Boards Manage the work HR Director Locate the human resources Congregation Do the work