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Leave this page blank for now. Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXT Mrs. Aguirre’s Webpage: http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre. Light Unit Goals: (copy these down) I can show where light is on the electromagnetic spectrum I can show how light travels to our eye .

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  1. Leave this page blank for now Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre Light Unit Goals: (copy these down) I can show where light is on the electromagnetic spectrum I can show how light travels to our eye . I can describe how light changes as it goes to or through an object. I can show how simple lenses are used. I can describe different colors of light and how our eye sees them. I can draw the rules of reflection. 28 29

  2. Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre Investigation 4A: Light boxes Page 19 of lab manual 1 2 3 30 31

  3. Textbook Notes Page80-82 Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre Copy and complete:(use 6 lines) Light travels in ________ _____ through materials until it hits something. When light hits a different material it can be _________, _________, or ____________. Experiment with the light boxes to see these things happen.Draw a picture and explain 33 32

  4. Bill Nye Movie:Light When light hits something, it can be _______, ________, or _______. Reflection Refraction Periscope Absorbing Waves slow down Infrared Convex Concave Optical fiber Greenhouse Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre Tape in Diffraction grating handout to this page For each, describe or give example from the movie 34 35

  5. How is InfraRed Different? List 5 things you lerned from the video on InfraRed Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre The Eyes and Sight Read pages 395-400 Draw the eye- label all nine parts Answer Q 1-4 on page 400- copy the charts!! The Eyeball List 10 things you lerned from the video on the Eyeball 36 37

  6. Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre Tape in your ElectroMagnetic Spectrum Page 38 39

  7. How a Microscope Works Page 84 textbook Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre For each box, write 2 facts from each paragraph of the reading 40 41

  8. Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre 43 42

  9. Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre Microscope Safety Rules: 1. Never engage in horseplay around the microscopes 2. Make sure the power cord is not hanging down in order to minimize possibility of accidents 3. When storing the microscope, wrap the power cord around the base 4. Always carry the microscope with two hands -- one holding the arm and one supporting the base 5. Never use the coarse adjustment knob to lower the objective unless you are watching the stage and specimen. Prepared Slides: Name: _______ Name: _______ Name: _______ Mag.: ____ X Mag.: ____ X Mag.: ____ X 45 44

  10. Cell Theory- Page 92-94 Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre Similarities Among Cells Page 95 47 46

  11. Onion Cells Lab (Page 27-28 of lab manual) Science Notebook Layout DON’T COPY UNDERLINED TEXTMrs. Aguirre’s Webpage:http://www.quia.com/profiles/caguirre Thinking about what you observed a. Based on your sketches and observations, what is onion tissue made of? b. How many individual square structures could you see under low power? Medium power? High power? c. How can you tell where one square structure ends and another begins? What do each of the individual structures you observed have in common? d. When Robert Hooke looked at cork under a microscope in 1663, he called each of the square structures a cell because they reminded him of tiny rooms. Do your observations of onion cells agree with his? Explain why or why not. e. Look at the diagram of a plant cell in Chapter 5 of your textbook. Which structures can you identify in your onion cells? Label them on your sketches. 49 48

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