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Product Liability Attorney in Houston

Houstonu00a0product liability lawyersu00a0from Gibson Hill Personal Injury can help you assert your legal rights and secure the compensation you need to cover your expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. For more info watch this presentation and contact our Product Liability Lawyers or call us today at 713-659-4000.

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Product Liability Attorney in Houston

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Houston Product Liability Lawyer Gibson Hill Personal Injury

  2. Defective products can harm consumers in innumerable ways, whether a defective seatbelt failed to protect you in an accident, a bottle warmer resulted in a severe burn, or a defective guardrail lead to an unnecessary fall. Whenever a manufacturer creates a product and distributes it to consumers, they should make sure it’s safe. Unfortunately, some companies will sell a product they know can cause harm. They put profit over safety. When that happens, they should be held liable for their negligent actions.

  3. There are state and federal laws to protect us from products that can cause physical and emotional harm. Under the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, you can hold manufacturers responsible for the injuries you suffer while using their products. Common Product Liability Claims

  4. If you got injured from any consumer product, you could hold the appropriate parties financially responsible. Product liability laws allow victims to recover compensation from the negligent party that caused their injuries, depending on the type of defect the product had. Who You Can Hold Responsible for Product Liability Injuries

  5. The circumstances surrounding how you got injured will affect the amount of money you can win in a product liability insurance claim or lawsuit. Each case is unique and comes with its own set of challenges. Some people recover quickly and completely, while others require life-long medical treatment. Some can return to work after one month, while others need to rely on disability insurance for the permanent injury that prevents them from doing their job. What Type of Financial Compensation Can I Pursue for My Injuries?

  6. ContactUs PhoneNumber 713-659-4000 EmailAddress ty@gibsonhillpc.com Website www.gibsonhillpc.com Address 636HawthorneSt. Houston, TX77006, USA

  7. Thank-You

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