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Sentence. Pengertian: Adalah satuan bahasa yang merupakan kesatuan pikiran lengkap yang paling tidak terdiri dari satu subyek dan satu predikat. Contoh. 1. The students are studying now . The students studied yesterday. The students study every Monday. 2. The campus is big.
Sentence Pengertian: Adalah satuan bahasa yang merupakan kesatuan pikiran lengkap yang paling tidak terdiri dari satu subyek dan satu predikat.
Contoh • 1. The students are studying now. • The students studied yesterday. • The students study every Monday. • 2. The campus is big. • 3. They work in ISI Surakarta. • 4. She is beautiful. • 5. She was beautiful two years ago. • She works in ISI Surakarta. • He studies English every Monday.
To be: • Is, am, are • Personal pronouns: • I • We • You • They • He • She • It
1. Subject • Adalah: unsur kalimat yang menjadi pokok pembicaraan. • Subject bisa berupa: • orang • benda • binatang
Jenis Subject • 1. Noun • 2. Pronoun • 3. Adjective used as noun • 4. An infinitive used as a noun. • 5. Participle used as a noun. • 6. Noun phrase • 7. Noun clause • 8. Kata It dan There
1. Noun (kata benda) • 1. The woman sings a song. • 2. The cat is funny. • 3. They draw pictures. • 4. The book is on the table.
2. A Pronoun • Adalah: kata ganti orang • 1. She is telling a story. • 2. We talk about a sentence. • 3. He walks along the street. • 4. He and she buy the food.
3. Adjective used as a noun • Adalah: kata sifat yang digunakan sebagai noun • Contoh: • 1. The rich have helped the poor. • A rich man has helped the poor. • 2. The employed are losing hope. • 3. The poor have tried to find aid. • She is rich. • He is poor.
4. An infinitive used as a noun • Adalah: infinitive yang digunakan sebagai kata benda. • Example: • 1. To speak English is easy. • 2. To sing is difficult. • 3. To do is difficult. • 4. To write a novel is interesting. • 5. To write is interesting.
5. Participle used as a noun • Adalah: participle sebagai kata benda. • Contoh: • 1. Smoking is a bad habit. • 2. Reading is my hobby. • 3. Swimming is my sister’s hobby.
6. Noun Phrase • Adalah: frase kata benda • Contoh: • 1. The big tiger eats the other animal. • The foot tiger • 2. The new book is on the table. • 3. The new red car is very expensive. • 4. The new red little car .... • Mobil kecilmerah yang baru • 5. The new and expensive red little car .... • Mobil kecilmerah yang barudanmahal
1. All of these people have an important role in the theater.
7. Noun Clause • Adalah: klausa yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda. • Contoh: • 1. What he said makes his father angry. • Apa yang dia katakan .... • 2. Where I went is none of your business. • 3. What he said wasn’t true.
8. Kata It dan There • Kata It dan There dianggap sebagai subject apabila kalimat tersebut tidak ada subjectnya. • Contoh: • 1. It is a nice day. • 2. There was a big snake in the garden. • 3. It is my house. • 4. that is my house • Those are my books. • It, that, this, these, those
Predicate • Adalah : yang menerangkan perihal subject. • Predicate bisa berupa: • 1. kata kerja (verb) • 2. kata sifat (adjective) • 3. kata keterangan (adverb) • 4. kata benda (noun) • Article: a, an, the • A woman • An apple • A university • The women • Preposition: in, on, under, behind, beside, in front of, between, among, near, etc. • Woman—women • Man—men
Diabelajardisebuahuniversitas. • He studies in a university. • Diabelajardiuniversitasitu. • He studies in the university.
example • 1. kata kerja: • I am studying English now. • I study English every Tuesday. • 2. kata sifat • She is beautiful. • 3. kata benda • My father is a teacher. • They are students. • 4. kata keterangan • We are in Solo.
Ketwaktuuntuk present tense: • Every….. : every Monday • On ….. : on Mondays • Ketwaktuuntuk present continuous • Now, at this time, at this moment, etc. 1. Fitrisudahmakanpagiselama 3 jam. • Fitri has had breakfast for 3 hours. 2. Galang lulus SD sejaktahun 1995. Galang has graduated from Elementary school since 1995. Rumus present perfect tense: S+has/have+V3 Rumus past perfect tense: S+had+V3
1. diaseorangsopir 2 tahun yang lalu. • He was a driver 2 years ago. • 2. Diamenjadiseorangsopirselama 2 tahunpadawaktusayakecil. • He had been a driver for 2 years when I was a child. • Future: S+will/to be going to/+Pred (V1)
Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art. • The word theater means a “place for seeing…
3. Object • Adalah noun atau pronoun yang menjadi sasaran predicate. • Object diperlukan oleh kalimat yang mempunyai kata kerja transitive (transitive verb). • Kata kerja transitive adalah kata kerja yang memerlukan object.
Jenis Object • Ada 2 macam object: • 1. Direct Object (object langsung) • Contoh: She reads a love story. • 2. Indirect Object (object tak langsung) • Contoh: He borrows me a book. • A book = direct object • Me = indirect object
Catatan • Indirect object bisa diletakkan di depan atau di belakang direct object. • Jika indirect object menggunakan preposition maka diletakkan di belakang direct object. • Susunan Object: • 1. Direct Object + Prepositional Object • He borrows a book to me. • 2. Indirect Object + Direct Object • He borrows me a book.
Example • Direct Object + Prepositional Object • 1. The woman tells a good story to her children. • 2. The girl calls honey to her boy friend. • Indirect Object + Direct Object • 1. The woman tells her children a good story. • 2. The girl calls her boy friend honey.
The performers may communicate this experience to the audience … • Theatre today includes performances of plays and musicals…
4. Complement (pelengkap) • Adalah: unsur kalimat yang berfungsi melengkapi informasi tentang object. • Complement hampir sama dengan object karena keduanya memiliki kemiripan yaitu sama-sama berbentuk nomina tetapi bisa juga berbentuk adjective, adverb, atau preposition with object.
Pembahasan Complement • Complement diperlukan oleh: • 1. kata kerja transitive: • Appoint, choose, consider, elect, find, make, name, render,etc. • 2. kata kerja intransitive • Appear, come, look, fall, grow, remain,run, seem, stand, stay, etc. • 3. kata kerja bantu (helping verb) • To be: is, am, are, was, were, will be, etc.
Example • Kata kerja transitive: untuk melengkapi keterangan perihal objectnya: • 1. He makes me happy.(compl) • 2.The man makes a good design.(obj) • 3. Her mother names her Susi. (compl) • Kata kerja intrasitive: untuk melengkapi keterangan perihal subjectnya: • 1.She looks very happy • 2.My mother came here yesterday. • Kata kerja bantu: untuk melengkapi subjectnya • 1. She is beautiful. • 2. We are in this room.
contoh • 1. They elect him a President. • 2. We choose her Putri Indonesia 2011. • 3. The athlete runs fast.
5. Adjunct (keterangan tambahan) • Adalah: kata-kata yang memberi keterangan atau penjelasan tambahan tentang subject atau object. • Adjunct bisa berupa: • 1. keterangan waktu (adverb of time) • 2. keterangan tempat (adverb of place) • 3. keterangan pembatasan • Etc.
Contoh • 1. They often come late. • 2. We are leaving for Surabaya soon. • 3. We calls her Miss Indonesia. • 1. He makes the book clean. • 2. They choose him a president in America.