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Ch 20

Ch 20. America in WWII. The Arsenal of Democracy U.S. Industrial Output Twice that of Germany Five times that of Japan 3. Govt. Began mobilizing economy before entering the war. B. Cost-Plus Contracts C. Reconstruction Finance Corporation -Made loans to companies

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Ch 20

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  1. Ch 20 America in WWII

  2. The Arsenal of Democracy • U.S. Industrial Output • Twice that of Germany • Five times that of Japan • 3. Govt. Began mobilizing economy before entering the war. • B. Cost-Plus Contracts • C. Reconstruction Finance Corporation • -Made loans to companies • II. American Industry Gets the Job Done • A. After Pearl Harbor, 200,000 companies converted to war production

  3. B. U. S. Auto Industry 1. Built trucks, jeeps, tanks, artillery, rifles, mines, helmets, pontoon bridges, cooking pots 2. 1/3 of all war production 3. Henry Ford set up an assembly line for B-24 Bombers C. Henry Kaiser’s shipyards built Liberty Ships D. War Production Board and Office of War Mobilization

  4. III. Building an Army A. Selective Service and Training Act 1. First peacetime draft in American History B. Uniforms labeled “Government Issue” 1. GI’s C. Military was completely segregated D. African Americans were disenfranchised in America 1. “Double V” campaign E. 99th Pursuit Squadron-Tuskegee Airmen F. Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps G. American troops suffered least casualties of any major power in the war.

  5. Section 2 • Holding the Line Against Japan • After Pearl Harbor-Admiral Chester Nimitz could do little to stop Japanese offensive. • B. Japan attacked the Philippines • 1. U.S. leader there Gen. Douglas MacArthur • 2. Retreated to the Bataan Peninsula • 3. American forces surrendered • 4. Thousands died on the Bataan Death March

  6. C. The Doolittle Raid 1. Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle 2. B-25 Bombers placed on Carriers 3. Bombed Japan D. Japan planned an attack on Midway Island 1. To lure the American fleet into battle 2. Would cut American supply lines to Australia 3. Americans broke the Japanese code E. Turning Point of the war in the Pacific 1. Battle of Midway 2. Americans sank 4 Japanese aircraft carriers.

  7. U.S.S. Yorktown Japanese Carrier Hiryo

  8. II. Turning Back the German Army A. First U.S. action 1. Stalin wanted U.S. to open a second front in Europe. 2. Churchill wanted an attack on the periphery or edges of the Germans 3. Roosevelt ordered the invasion of Morocco and Algeria in N. Africa B. N. Africa invasion under the command of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower 1. Gen. George Patton led U.S. forces in Morocco 2. U.S. was beaten in Battle of Kasserine Pass

  9. Eisenhower and Patton

  10. 3. Patton put in charge 4. German Afrika Korps led by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel 5. May 13, 1943 Germans surrender in N.Africa

  11. C. Battle of the Atlantic 1. German subs began sinking American ships 2. Navy set up “convoy system” 3. By July 1942 American shipyards were building more ships than the Germans could sink. D. Battle of Stalingrad 1. Hitler wanted to destroy the Soviet economy 2. Tried to capture Stalingrad 3. Soviets won 4. Turning point of war in the in the East

  12. Section 4 • Striking Back at the Third Reich • The Casablanca Conference • Roosevelt and Churchill decided to increase the bombing of Germany • To destroy military, industrial, and economic systems + hurt German morale • Would attack Axis powers at Sicily • B. Results of bombing campaign • 1. Oil shortage • 2. Destroyed railroads and aircraft • 3. Air Superiority

  13. C. Victory in Italy 1. Germany evacuated Sicily 2. Mussolini was arrested by King 3. Italian government surrendered 4. Hitler sent troops to Germany 5. Reinstated Mussolini 6. Mussolini was captured 7. May 1944, Germany retreated II. Landing in France A. Operation Overlord led by Gen. Eisenhower B. Advantage of surprise 1. Bluff at Pas-de-Caalais 2. Invasion would come at Normandy

  14. C. D-Day – June 6, 1944 1. 7000 ships 2. 23,000 paratroopers D. Beaches had Code Names 1. Utah Beach-not much trouble 2. Omaha Beach-met intense fire a. Gen. Bradley thought of retreating b. Eventually broke through 3. Over 58,000 allied men ashore

  15. D-Day

  16. III. Driving the Japanese Back A. Island Hopping Campaign 1. Nimitz-Hop from island to island 2. MacArthur-Lead ground troops a. Solomon Islands b. New Guinea c. Retake the Philippines B. Amphtrac-Used to cross reef

  17. C. Philippines 1. Leyte Gulf-Largest naval battle in history a. Kamikaze Pilots b. Japanese commander ordered a retreat. c. MacArthur retakes the Philippines

  18. Section 5 • The Third Reich Collapses • Allies broke through German Lines • Paris was liberated August 25, 1944 • B. Battle of the Bulge • 1. Hitler attempted 1 last offensive • 2. Caught the Americans off guard • 3. U.S. won the battle • 4. Germans could not mount another offensive • C. Hitler committed suicide • D. Nazis surrendered May 7 • E. May 8, 1945 – V-E Day – Victory in Europe

  19. II. Japan is Defeated A. Iwo Jima 1. American bombers could reach Japan more easily 2. Battle of Iwo Jima-6,800 Casualties B. Tokyo Fire bombings 1. Gen. Curtis LeMay a. Began dropping napalm on Tokyo b. Killed over 80,000 people c. Destroyed more than 250,000 buildings C. April 1945, President Roosevelt Died 1. Replaced by Harry S. Truman

  20. Iwo Jima Memorial

  21. D. Okinawa 1. 350 miles from Japan 2. Could build up force for invasion 3. 12,000 Casualties E. The Manhattan Project 1. General Leslie R. Groves 2. Dr. Robert Oppenheimer 3. First atomic bomb detonated a. July 16, 1945 b. Alamogordo, N.M.

  22. Gen. Groves Oppenheimer

  23. F. U.S. threatened “Prompt and Utter Destruction” 1. August 6, 1945-Dropped A-Bomb on Hiroshima a. The Enola Gay b. Little Boy c. Leveled 63% of the city d. Between 80,000 and 120,000 died instantly 2. August 9-Dropped 2nd A-Bomb on Nagasaki a. Between 35,000 + 74,000 killed G. August 15- V-J Day

  24. Hiroshima Explosion Little Boy

  25. After Before

  26. III. Building a New World A. United Nations 1. Charter 2. General Assembly a. Each country has one vote 3. Security Council a. Britain, France, China, U.S.A., Soviet Union permanent members B. International Military Tribunal 1. Punish German and Japanese leaders for war crimes. 2. Germans-Nuremburg Tribunal 3. Japanese tried in Tokyo

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