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Transition From Non-IDR to IDR Load Profile and LSE 15-minute Data for AMS

This document discusses the transition process from non-IDR to IDR load profiles, processing of 867_03 and 814_20 transactions, timeline for changes, LSE file processing, and market feedback questions for Taskforce meeting on 9/30/09.

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Transition From Non-IDR to IDR Load Profile and LSE 15-minute Data for AMS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Transition From Non-IDR toIDR Load Profile and LSE 15-minute Data for AMS Market Advanced Readings and Settlements Taskforce 9/30/09 Meeting

  2. Transactional Processing • 867_03 Monthly Usage (non-IDR Profile) • Prior month’s non-IDR usage and DRG must be successfully processed and loaded at ERCOT before any changes can be made to the Load Profile assignment • This process usually completes in 3 days – allowing time for: • Meter reading to be processed and non-IDR 867_03 transaction to be created by TDSP • ERCOT to receive 867_03 non IDR transaction and process readings (usage/DRG) • TDSP to verify if ERCOT successfully processed and loaded non-IDR readings. • 814_20 Create/Maintain/Retire ESI ID Request • 814_20 change for Load Profile changes can only be completed in conjunction with a cycle reading, • This process usually completes in 1 Day, however there are system limitations at ERCOT on how many 814_20s can be processed requiring an 814_20 coordination effort between ERCOT and all TDSPs , similar to ERCOT and TDSPs process for Residential Annual Validation. • New Load Profiles changes for AMS will not be accepted at ERCOT if Load Profile Change eligibility dates are before ERCOT’s production implementation of the Interim Settlement Solution – Project 80027.

  3. Transactional and LSE Processing 1st Week after ERCOT’s AMS Project 80027 Go-LIVE LSE FILES for ERCOT in HOLDING Queue LSE Files released and sent to ERCOT for Processing 867_03 Non-IDR usage processed by TDSP ERCOT AMS Production Conversion weekend Monthly Meter Reading 867_03 Non-IDR usage sent to ERCOT 814_20 Load Profile Change Load Profile Accept Tuesday 11/17 Friday 11/20 Wed. 11/18 Saturday11/21 Sunday 11/15 Thursday 11/19 Saturday 11/14 Monday 11/16 Sunday 11/22 To fill 6-day gap, LSE Files containing 15 minute Settlement Quality Data for 11/16/09 through 11/21/09 Verify if Non-IDR 867_03 successfully processed and loaded at ERCOT

  4. Transactional and LSE Processing Any and All meters must follow the same timeline delay for the initial Load Profile Change of the premise from non-IDR to “IDR” meter type and “WS” in the Load Profile assignment before the LSE File for that premise will be accepted by ERCOT. LSE FILES for ERCOT in HOLDING Queue LSE Files released and sent to ERCOT to processing Monthly Meter Reading 867_03 Non-IDR usage processed by TDSP 867_03 Non-IDR usage sent to ERCOT 814_20 Load Profile Change Load Profile Accept Tuesday 01/12 Sunday 01/10 Wed. 01/13 Monday 01/11 Thursday 01/14 Friday 01/08 Thursday01/07 Saturday 01/09 Friday 01/15 To fill 6-day gap, LSE Files containing 15 minute Settlement Quality Data for 1/7/2010 through 1/12/2010 Verify if Non-IDR 867_03 successfully processed and loaded at ERCOT

  5. TDSP’s Questions for Market Feedback • TDSPs are currently planning to send the initial settlement ready meter data 6 days after the billing cycle day.  This time lag would support the initial transition to the new settlement processes (867_03 non-IDR usage loaded at ERCOT and 814_20 change to IDR/WS successfully processed at ERCOT before sending ESI ID AMS data via LSE file), as well as all future meter cycle days.  • Are there any concerns with this time lag from a settlement perspective? • If TDSPs plan to send all 15-minute data, whether it is settlement ready or not, in the LSE file format for processing by ERCOT.  We currently believe that ERCOT will only accept and process the settlement ready data and reject the remainder.  • If there are no concerns with this concept, we would like to proceed with this effort since it will not require additional programming to manage settlement only data especially during our AMS roll-out time period.

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