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This talk outlines the challenges of developing and maintaining embedded software systems, which are crucial for various industries such as aerospace, telecommunications, and healthcare. The focus is on ensuring high-confidence verification through Monte Carlo methods, automata-theoretic verification, and dynamic analysis techniques. The talk delves into temporal properties, linear temporal logic, and the semantics of LTL formulas. It also explores the use of randomized algorithms, particularly the Monte Carlo approach, to provide efficient and probabilistic verification results in software systems.
Static and Runtime VerificationA Monte Carlo Approach Radu Grosu State University of New York at Stony Brook grosu@cs.sunysb.edu
Talk Outline • Embedded Software Systems • Automata-Theoretic Verification • Monte Carlo Verification • Monte Carlo Model Checking • Static Verification of Software-Systems • Dynamic Verification Software-Systems
Embedded Software Systems • Systems with ongoing interaction with • their environment. • Termination is rather an error than expected behavior • Becoming an integral part of nearly every • engineered product. • - They control:
Embedded Systems Commercial Aircraft Telecommunication Household devices Automobiles Nuclear Power Plants Medical devices
Boeing 777: Super Computers with Wings Has > 4M lines of code > 1K embedded processors In order to - control subsystems - aid pilots in flight mngmnt. A great challenge of software engineering: • hard real-time deadlines, • mission and safety-critical, • complex and embeddedwithin another complex system, • interacts with humans in a sophisticated way.
Embedded Software Systems • Difficult to develop & maintain: • Concurrent and distributed (OS, ES, middleware), • Complicated by DS improving performance (locks, RC,...), • Mostlywritten inC programming language. • Have to be high-confidence: • Provide thecritical infrastructure for all applications, • Failuresare verycostly (business, reputation), • Have toprotect againstcyber-attacks.
Temporal Properties • Safety (something bad never happens): • Airborne planes are at least 1 mile apart • Nuclear reactor core never overheats • Gamma knife never exceeds prescribed dose • Liveness (something good eventually happens): • Core eventually reaches nominal temperature • Dishwasher tank is eventually full • Airbag inflates within 5ms of collision
Linear Temporal Logic • An LTL formula is made up of atomic propositions p, boolean connectives, , and temporal modalities X (neXt) and U (Until). • Safety: “nothing bad ever happens” • E.g. G( (pc1=cs pc2=cs)) where G is a derived modality (Globally). • Liveness: “something good eventually happens” • E.g. G( req F serviced ) where F is a derived • modality (Finally).
LTL Semantics • Semantics given in terms of the inductively defined entailment relation ⊨ . • is an infinite word (execution) over the power set of the set of atomic propositions. • is an LTL formula.
LTL Semantics X p : p pUq : p p p q p p Fp : p G p : p p p p p p
What is High-Confidence? Ability to guarantee that ? system-software Ssatisfies LTL property φ
Talk Outline • Embedded Software Systems • Automata-Theoretic Verification • Monte Carlo Verification • Monte Carlo Model Checking • Static Verification of Software-Systems • Dynamic Verification Software-Systems
Checking if • Statically (at compile time) • Abstract interpretation (sequential IS programs), • Model checking (concurrent FS programs), • Dynamically (at run time) • Runtime analysis (sequential program optimization). • Basic Idea: • Intelligently explore S’s state space in attempt to • establish that S ⊨
Automata-Theoretic Approach • Büchi automaton: NFA over -words with acceptance condition - a final state must be visited -often. • Every LTL formula can be translated to a BüchiautomatonB such that L()= L(B). • State transition graph of S can also be viewed as a Büchi automaton.
Automata-theoretic approach • Satisfaction reduced to language emptiness: • S⊨ ≅L(BS) L(B )≅L(BS) ∩ L(B )= • ≅L(BS) ∩ L(B )= ≅L(BS B )=
Büchi Automata • Finite automata over infinite words. A B a a b b 1 2 1 2 L(A) = { ab } L(B) = • Checking non-emptiness is equivalent to finding a reachable accepting cycle (lasso).
Checking Non-Emptiness Lassos Computation Tree (CT) of B recurrence diameter Explore alllassos in the CT DDFS,SCC: time efficient DFS: memory efficient
Talk Outline • Embedded Software Systems • Automata-Theoretic Verification • Monte Carlo Verification • Monte Carlo Model Checking • Static Verification of Software-Systems • Dynamic Verification Software-Systems
Randomized Algorithms Huge impacton CS: (distributed) algorithms, complexity theory, cryptography, etc. Takes of next step algorithm may depend on random choice(coin flip). Benefitsof randomization include simplicity,efficiency, and symmetry breaking.
Randomized Algorithms • Monte Carlo: may produce incorrect result but with bounded error probability. • Example: Election’s result prediction • Las Vegas: always gives correct result but running time is a random variable. • Example: Randomized Quick Sort
Monte Carlo Approach Lassos Computation tree (CT) of B recurrence diameter … flip a k-sided coin Explore N(,) independent lassos in the CT Error margin andconfidence ratio
Lassos Probability Space • Sample Space: lassos in BS B • Bernoulli random variable Z (coin flip): • Outcome = 1 if randomly chosen lasso accepting • Outcome = 0 otherwise • pZ= ∑ pi Zi(expectation of an accepting lasso) where pi is lasso prob. (uniform random walk)
1 pZ = 1/8 1 qZ = 7/8 1 2 2 ½ 4 3 3 4 1 4 4 ¼ ⅛ 4 ⅛ Example: Lassos Probability Space
Geometric Random Variable • Value ofgeometricRV Xwith parameterpz: • No. of independent trials (lassos) until success • Probability mass function: • p(N) = P[X = N] = qzN-1 pz • Cumulative Distribution Function: • F(N) = P[X N] = ∑i Np(i) = 1 - qzN
How Many Lassos? • Requiring1 - qzN= 1- δ yields: N = ln (δ) / ln (1- pz) • Lower bound on number of trials N needed to achieve success with confidence ratioδ.
What If pz Unknown? • Requiringpz εyields: M = ln (δ) / ln (1- ε) N = ln (δ) / ln (1- pz) and therefore P[X M] 1- δ • Lower bound on number of trials M needed to achieve success with confidence ratioδ and error marginε .
Statistical Hypothesis Testing • Null hypothesisH0:pz ε • Inequality becomes: P[ X M | H0 ] 1- δ • If no success after N trials, i.e., X > M, then rejectH0 • Type I error:α= P[ X > M | H0] <δ
Monte Carlo Verification (MV) input:B=(Σ,Q,Q0,δ,F), ε, δ N = ln (δ) / ln (1- ε) for (i = 1; i N; i++) if (RL(B) == 1) return (1, error-trace); return (0, “reject H0 with α = Pr[ X > N | H0 ]< δ”); RL(B): performs a uniform random walk through B storing states encountered in hash table to obtaina random sample (lasso).
Correctness of MV Theorem: Given aBüchi automaton B, error margin ε, and confidence ratio δ, if MV rejects H0, then its type I error has probability α= P[ X > M | H0] <δ
Complexity of MV Theorem: Given aBüchi automaton B having diameter D, error margin ε, and confidence ratio δ, MVrunsin timeO(N∙D) and uses spaceO(D), whereN = ln(δ) / ln(1- ε) Cf. DDFS which runs in O(2|S|+|φ|) time for B= BS B
Talk Outline • Embedded Software Systems • Automata-Theoretic Verification • Monte Carlo Verification • Monte Carlo Model Checking • Static Verification of Software-Systems • Dynamic Verification Software-Systems
Model Checking[ISOLA’04, TACAS’05] • Implemented DDFS and MV in jMocha model checker for synchronous systems specified using Reactive Modules. • Performance and scalability of MV compares very favorably to DDFS.
DPh: Symmetric Unfair Version (Deadlock freedom)
DPh: Symmetric Unfair Version (Starvation freedom)
DPh: Asymmetric Fair Version (Deadlock freedom) δ = 10-1 ε = 1.8*10-3 N = 1278
DPh: Asymmetric Fair Version (Starvation freedom) δ = 10-1 ε = 1.8*10-3 N = 1278
Related Work • Random walk testing: • Heimdahl et al: Lurch debugger • Random walks to sample system state space: • Mihail & Papadimitriou (and others) • Monte Carlo Model Checking of Markov Chains: • Herault et al: LTL-RP, bonded MC, zero/one ET • Younes et al: Time-Bounded CSL, sequential analysis • Sen et al: Time-Bounded CSL, zero/one ET • Probabilistic Model Checking of Markov Chains: • ETMCC, PRISM, PIOAtool, and others.
Talk Outline • Embedded Software Systems • Automata-Theoretic Verification • Monte Carlo Verification • Monte Carlo Model Checking • Static Verification of Software-Systems • Dynamic Verification Software-Systems
Checking for High-Confidence (in-principle) All Lassos Non-accepting BA BS LTL-P BA BS B Instrumenter (Product) Execution Engine Accepting Lasso L
Checking for High-Confidence (in-practice) • Combine static & runtime verification techniques: • Abstract interpretation (sequential IS programs), • Model checking (concurrent FS programs), • Runtime analysis (sequential program optimization). • Make scalability a priority: • Open source compiler technology started to mature, • Apply techniques to source code rather than models, • Models can be obtained by abstraction-refinement techniques, • Probabilistic techniques trade-of between precision-effort.
GCC Compiler • Early stages: a modest C compiler. • Translation: source code translated directly to RTL. • Optimization: at low RTL level. • High level information lost: calls, structures, fields, etc. • Now days: full blown,multi-language compiler • generating code for more than30 architectures. • Input: C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java and Ada. • Tree-SSA: added GENERIC, GIMPLE and SSA ILs. • Optimization: at GENERIC, GIMPLE, SSA and RTL levels. • Verification: Tree-SSA API suitable for verification, too.
C File C++ File Java File GPL AST Build CFG C Parser C++ Parser Java Parser .. Parse Tree SSA/GPL CFG Rest Comp Genericize GEN AST RTL Code Code Gen Gimplify Obj Code GPL AST GCC Compilation Process
C File C++ File Java File GPL AST Build CFG C Parser C++ Parser Java Parser .. Parse Tree SSA/GPL CFG Rest Comp Genericize GEN AST RTL Code Code Gen Gimplify GPL AST Obj Code GCC Compilation Process API Plug-In
C Program and its GIMPLE IL int main { int a,b,c; int T1,T2,T3,T4; a = 5; b = a + 10; T1 = foo(a,b); T2 = a + T1; if (a > T2) goto fi; T3 = b / a; T4 = b * a; c = T2 + T3; b = b + 1; fi:bar(a,b,c); } int main() { int a,b,c; a = 5; b = a + 10; c = a + foo(a,b); if (a > c) c = b++/a + b*a; bar(a,b,c); } Gimplify
FUNCTION DECL a b c T1 T2 T3 T4 Entry int int int int int int int A a = 5; b = a + 10; T1 = foo(a,b); T2 = b + T1; if (a > T2) goto B; CE = CE CE a 5 CE = B true false + C b T3 = b / a; T4 = b * a; c = T3 + T4; b = b + 1; = bar(a,b,c); return; a 10 = + if T2 CallE T1 > b T1 B foo a b Exit a T2 Associated GIMPLE CFG
SS S Gimplify GCC CFG BS CFG BS B LTL-P Instrument GAM Verifier static MC Static Verification of ESS [SOFTMC’05, NGS’06]
Monte Carlo Algorithm • Input:a set of CFGs. • Main function: A specifically designated CFG. • Random walks in the Büchi automaton: generated on-the-fly. • Initial state:of the main routine + bookkeeping information. • Next state: choose process + call GAM on its CFG. • Processes:created by using the fork primitive. • Optimization: GAM returns only upon context switch. • Lassos: detected by usingahierarchic hash table. • Local variables: removed upon return from a procedure.
Program State Shared Variables Valuation (channels & semaphores) List Of Process states p2 p3 p1 … Control State Data State CFG Name Statement #
Program State Shared Variables Valuation (channels & semaphores) List Of Process states p1 p2 p3 … Control State Data State Heap Global Variables Valuation Frame Stack f1 f2 … Return Control State Local Variables Valuation