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Non-verbal. 分类及特点. 一、分类: 1 、动词不定式( to ) do 2 、分词 doing/ done 3 、动名词 doing 二、特点: 1 、不能单独作谓语 2 、 没有人称和数的变化. 一、不定式: to do/ do 有 n. adj. adv. 和 v. 特征。可作主语、表语、 宾语、定语和状语。 主语: 1. To talk with him is a great pleasure. 2. It’s a pleasure to talk with him.

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  1. Non-verbal

  2. 分类及特点 一、分类: 1、动词不定式(to)do 2、分词 doing/ done 3、动名词 doing 二、特点: 1、不能单独作谓语 2、 没有人称和数的变化

  3. 一、不定式:to do/ do 有n. adj. adv.和v.特征。可作主语、表语、 宾语、定语和状语。 主语: 1. To talk with him is a great pleasure. 2. It’s a pleasure to talk with him. 表语: Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks. 宾语: We decided to make changes in our plan.

  4. 复合宾语:ask sb. to do sth.(order persuade advise like want tell know help ) 定语: He is always the first one to get up. 状语: He is studying to prepare for the exam. 不带to的不定式一听(hear , listen to)二看(see , watch)三让(make , let)四感觉( feel) 半帮助(help)和 有( have ): I have something tell you.

  5. 注意: • 被动语态不能省to 1)He made me suffer a great deal. 2)He was seen to enter the room. • 不定式的否定not to do She warned the pupils not to skate on the thin ice. • 疑问词+不定式 1、主动To write/ to be writing/ to have written 2、被动to be written/ to have been written 1)She seems to have read the book before. 2)He seems to be recovering.

  6. 二、动名词:doing 有n和v的特征。可以作主语、表语、宾语(动 词/介词)和定语。 • 主语:Seeing is believing. • 表语:Her job is washing clothes. • 宾语: 1. Please stop talking. 2.Our factory succeeded in making many new products. • 定语: Miss Li uses a very good teaching method.

  7. 否定: not doing Trying without success is better than not trying at all. • 复合结构: 1. Would you mind his smoking here? 2 . Please excuse my interrupting you. • 时态结构:Writing/ having written • 被动:Being writing/ having been written I’m regretting having been unable to write to you earlier. Being criticized helped him see thing more clearly.

  8. 动名词与不定式的区别: • 1、 除具备动词性质外,动名词只具有名词性质,而不 定式还具有adj.和adv.性质,动名词不能做状语。 • 2 、定语:动名词具有名词性质,前置修饰语不定式具 有adj.性质,后置…… • 3 、作主语、宾语的区别: 动名词:概念性动作,较笼统,抽象。 不定式:多表示具体、一次性行为。 1)I like dancing. 2)I don’t like to dance tonight.

  9. 4、有些动词后,forget , remember ,go on 不定式:后于谓语动词发生的动作。 动名词:先于……。 1)I didn’t remember to phone them last night. 忘了…打电话. 2)I remember writing down the phone num. 记得记下……

  10. 另:有些动词,stop, remember, forget后接动名词和不定式,意义有所不同: 1. Stop talking. 2. The workers stopped to have a rest at noon. 3. I remember seeing him. 4. You must remember to post the letter.

  11. 三、分词: 1、 现在分词 doing 2 、过去分词 done 具有v.和adj.的特征,可有宾语(doing)或状语。 现在分词(doing)与过去分词(done)的区别: • 1) 语态:doing 表示主动, done 被动。 An exciting story;excited people 2 )时间上:doing 正在进行,done 已经完成。 Boiling water;boiled water

  12. 用法: • 1、定语:放所修饰词之前。 I am reading a very interesting book. • 2、表语:The cups are broken. • 3、状语: Opening the drawer,he took out a book. • 4、 否定:not doing/ done Not knowing what to do, she went to the teacher for help. * Have sth. done You’d better have your clothes washed.

  13. 分词作复合宾语: • 1、看:see, watch • 2、听: hear,listen to • 3、让: keep ,get , have ,set • 4、发现: find 1)We saw them walking across the road. 2)I found my town almost completely rebuilt. 3)I had my watch mended in town.

  14. 现在分词与动名词的区别: • 1、作主语补语时, 动名词相当n.,现在分词相当adj. 1)His job is moving garbage.(垃圾) 2)His story is moving . (现在分词) • 2、动名词不能作状语。 He tore his clothes by climbing trees.(弄破)

  15. 现在分词与不定式的区别: • 1、现在分词不能作主语或宾语。 • 2、一些感官动词后,do:表示动作全过程,doing: 正在进行。 1)I heard her sing a song.(唱了) 2)……singing a song (在唱)

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