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Welcome to the NMMSS Annual Users Conference

Welcome to the NMMSS Annual Users Conference. Catherine Haney Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards. NMMSS Conference. Objectives Present up-to-date information Discuss regulatory drivers, requirements, & impacts Provide system training and orientation Share your knowledge

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Welcome to the NMMSS Annual Users Conference

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the NMMSSAnnual Users Conference Catherine Haney Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards

  2. NMMSS Conference • Objectives • Present up-to-date information • Discuss regulatory drivers, requirements, & impacts • Provide system training and orientation • Share your knowledge • Engage on ideas and solutions • Welcome new reporters

  3. Long and Winding Road 1964 – NMIS at Oak Ridge 1967 – Transaction reporting 1971 – Daily processing of incoming data 1975 – NRC/ERDA established 1976 – NMIS renamed NMMSS 1977 – DOE established; ID replaces MUF 1977-78 – Country of origin reporting 1980 – US-IAEA Safeguards Agreement 1995 – NMMSS on PC Platform 2008 – NMMSS at SRS 2009 – NMMSS at DOE-HQ

  4. Consistent Themes • Providers understand the importance of the data • Users harmonize their information needs • User input is key to anticipating changes and refining NMMSS • Information Technology challenges • Addressing / planning for change

  5. Imagine • NMMSS has served its users and the Nation well • Imagine if there were no NMMSS? How would we accomplish these functions? • Imagine what NMMSS can be with your input? • What could NMMSS do differently?

  6. Productive Conference • Engage! • Give us your input • How can NMMSS serve the Nation better today? • How can NMMSS serve you better? • Thanks for your involvement!

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