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Learn about modern technologies for accumulation and distribution of environmental information at the subregional workshop. Understand the importance of integrated environmental registers in decision-making processes at various levels. This workshop covers elements of environmental information, the "Permission-Report-Taxes" model, data analysis tools, and more.
Subregional Workshopof the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers for EECCA Countries Modern technologies of accumulation and distribution of environmental information Viktor Yurochko Minsk’2011
Contents Integrated environmental registers Information as a basis for making decisions Elements of environmental information Model "Permission-Report-Taxes“ Integrated environmental registers Useful links
All people systematically make some decisions Information as a basis for making decisions Good decisions needthe right informationat the right time The decision in environmental issues are make by individual citizens and also by local, regional, national and internationallevels
Information as a basis for making decisions Informationaboutenvironment For stateagenciesand local governments For citizensand otherstakeholders Both directions are connected, based on certain data and can not be considered separately
Elements of environmental information Environmental information Information about using of natural resources and pollution by enterprises Information about the conditions of environmental (monitoring) Air Air Water Water Other Wastes Other Information managed by different bodies
Report (period) Report (period) Report (period) Taxes Taxes Taxes Model "Permission-Report-Taxes" Permission for use of natural resources (pollution) Using of natural resources (pollution) The model is similar for different areas (air, water, waste, etc.) Information is dispersed in environmental agencies, statistical, tax and other organs
Subject of impact on the environmental (enterprise, etc.) Air Water Permission Permission Other Reports Reports Taxes Taxes Wastes Permission Reports Taxes Model "Permission-Report-Taxes" Concrete subject (operator - enterprise, etc.) takes impact on the environment (use of natural resources and pollution)
Main results: • An integrated approach to each subject • Increasing the efficiency of state agencies Integrated environmental registers ! It is necessary to implement an integrated national register of subjects, which use of natural resources and pollute of environment All environmental permits, reports, taxes should be based on this register
Specifying in the register placesof environmental impact of subject as coordinates (longitude, latitude) will allow: Integrated environmental registers • Use the data in GIS systems (online and paper maps, spatial modeling) • Perform analysis at local and regional levels, in river basin, etc.
[Environmental] inspectors and other personnel working on enforcement lack the capacity, the human and financial resources, and above all up–to-date data and the modern technology needed for data collection and analysis. Integrated environmental registers Evaluation of the European Commission'sCooperation with Ukraine, 2010http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/how/evaluation/evaluationreports/2010/1283_docs_en.htm
Key elements of information systems Integrated environmental registers Tools for data analysis at local,regional and national levels. Tools for access of stakeholders Analysis(reports, maps) Data must be entered onlyonce, according to functionalresponsibilities Datamanagementsystem(inputing, editing) The data structuremust correspond tostructure of documents,provided by law Data structure(interlinked tables)
These registers better to realize on the Intranet and Internet technologies: Integrated environmental registers • High reliability • Minimum cost for scaling and support (open-source basis, on users' computers requires only a browser) • Using open-source software
Next steps: Integrated environmental registers • Creating online tools to access the stakeholders (citizens, scientists, neighbouring countries, etc.) to environmental information. • Electronic reporting of enterprises in environmental protection. • Standards of international exchange of environmental information in electronic form. e-Government (from electronic government, also known as e-gov, digital government, online government) refers to government's use of information technology to exchange information and services with citizens, businesses, and other arms of government. http://wiki.answers.com
Business @ the Speed of Thought(Bill Gates, 1999) Integrated environmental registers Governance @ the Speedof Thought
Integrated environmental registers Useful links • EU Shared Environmental Information System http://ec.europa.eu/environment/seis • European Pollutant Release and Transfer Registerhttp://prtr.ec.europa.eu/ • United States Environmental Protection Agencyhttp://www.epa.gov/myenvironment/ • Warehouses of toxic pesticides in the Lviv region (Ukraine)http://epsi.org.ua/
Thanks for your attention Viktor Yurochko vyuroch@gmail.com