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Indigenous People of South Africa in the Early 19 th Century

Indigenous People of South Africa in the Early 19 th Century. Map of Southern Africa. Who are these people?. San (Bushmen) Africans (Bantu-speaking people) Capoid Race Khoikhoi (Hottentots). San (Bushmen). Hunters and food- gatheres , inhabited inland

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Indigenous People of South Africa in the Early 19 th Century

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Indigenous People of South Africa in the Early 19th Century

  2. Map of Southern Africa

  3. Who are these people? • San (Bushmen) • Africans (Bantu-speaking people) • Capoid Race • Khoikhoi (Hottentots)

  4. San (Bushmen) • Hunters and food-gatheres, inhabited inland • Hunting animals and collecting fruits, berries roots, etc. • Were classified as “the cave painters in South Africa” The Gods Must Be Crazy

  5. Africans (Bantu-speaking people) • Practice agriculture and cropkeeping

  6. Khoikhoi (Hottentots) • “people people” or “real people” • Koi, a historical division of the Khoisanethinic group, inhabited coastal regions • In 1652,named the “Hottentot” by Europeans, imitating their language -Traditionally hard workers -They were marveled for their work ethic

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