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ROTARY CLUB OF SAN PABLO CITY SOUTH Rotary International District 3820 & Club ID No. 17007. MID-YEAR ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT. “ENGAGE ROTARY CHANGE LIVES” R.I. Theme for Rotary Year 2013-14. (July 1 to December 31, 2013). Table of Contents. Page 1. Club Organizational structure
ROTARY CLUB OF SAN PABLO CITY SOUTHRotary International District 3820 & Club ID No. 17007 MID-YEAR ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT “ENGAGE ROTARY CHANGE LIVES” R.I. Theme for Rotary Year 2013-14 (July 1 to December 31, 2013)
Table of Contents Page 1. Club Organizational structure 2. Kick-Off Project (s) completed in July 2013 3. Memo of Monthly Club Accomplishment (MOCA) from July to December 2013 4. Completed Projects / Activities under Club Administration and Leadership Development Committees 5. Completed Projects / Activities under Club Membership Committee 6. Completed Projects / Activities under Community Service Committee 7. Completed Projects / Activities under Vocational Service Committee 8. Completed Projects / Activities under Youth Service Committee 9. Completed Projects / Activities under International Service Committee 10. Completed Projects / Activities under Public Relations Committee 11. Completed Projects / Activities under the Rotary Foundation Committee 12. Completed Projects / Activities under Finance Service Committee
KICK-OFF PROJECT SUBMISSION FORM Dear First Class Presidents, It’s now time to roll-up our sleeves and start another Rotary Year. And what a better way to start RY 2013-14 than to make your club’s presence felt in your respective communities. Clubs are hereby encouraged to implement meaningful projects during the first week of July 2013. These so-called Kick-Off Projects should touch any of the committees mentioned below. Please reproduce this form. Limit (one) form per completed project, and submit promptly before the end of July 2013 to the Office of DG Danny Ona all completed Project Submission Report Forms. Don’t forget to enclose with your report action photos of Rotarians, beneficiaries and cooperating organizations (maximum of 4 photos per project).
** ***Please print or type legibly all information) SUBMITTED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF: SAN PABLO CITY SOUTH AREA: 1 GROUP……. PROJECT CHAIRMAN (Rotarian’s Name & Club Position) SANNY ANTONIO/ SERVICE PROJECT Please select (put a check mark) from the list below the COMMITTEE that best described your club project: ( ) COMMUNITY Service ( ) YOUTH Service ( ) PUBLIC RELATIONS ( ) VOCATIONAL Service ( ) INTERNATIONAL Service ( ) MEMBERSHIP SUB-COMMITTEE: HEALTH PROJECT TITLE: JOINT DENTAL PROJECT WITH Y.O MEMORIAL DENTAL MISSION 2013 (JAPAN) • VENUE WHERE PROJECT WAS HELD: Golden Star Mega Restauarant, San Pablo City
• DATE & TIME: July 1, 2013 STARTED: 9:00 am COMPLETED: 3:00 pm BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT: Free dental check-up and/or extraction plus medicines for indigent families. PROJECT IMPACT: • Who & How Many Benefited From Your Club Project: 279 patients • Number of Participating Club Members: 35 • Participating Partners-In-Service o Rotarians From Other Clubs, Interactors, Rotaractors, Spouses & Kids of Rotarians: RC Downtown Manila, RC San Pablo Central, RC San Pablo City, RC Sta. Rosa, RC Hazaki Japan RID2820, RC Tokyo Chuo Japan RID2750, RC Asahikawa Japan RID2500 o Participating Organizations (Government &/or NGOs) and Nature of their Participation: San Pablo City Dental Association • Number of Hours Spent To Complete The Project: 5 • Manhours Involved (Number of Rotarians x Number of Project Hours) : 175
TOTAL EXPENSES OF THE PROJECTS: Estimated market value of the project: (please indicate): P 500.00 per patient x 279 patients = P 139,500.00 Actual cost of the project: (please indicate) P 24,890.00 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Source of Funding: (Explain briefly): Dental equipment and medicines provided by Rotary Clubs from Japan plus special assessment for the club members CARLOS HERRANZ Name & Signature of Club President
RI District 3820 (Philippines) RY 2013-2014 Memo of Monthly Club Accomplishments Club Presidents: At the end of each month, please fill-up two (2) copies of this form and submit to District Governor Danny Ona and your Assistant Governor before the 7th day of the succeeding month. Assistant Governors: Add your feedback to the accomplished form. Use it as reference for your Memo of Club Visit. Rotary Club of: SAN PABLO CITY SOUTH Month / Year: July 1 to December 31, 2013 Membership For RY 2013-2014, my club’s membership goal is to achieve a 15 % increase in our club membership by Feb. 28, 2014. *Number of Members on June 30, 2013: 39
*Number of Members by month-end: 43 as of December 31, 2013 *Our club achieved a 10 % Membership Growth this month. Did the club implement a Membership Recruitment plan?…… YES …… NO *If yes, please expound: title & nature of the activity, date, venue, no. of participants, etc. Use a separate sheet of paper please. Did the club conduct Orientation Programs for new members?…… YES …… NO *If yes, please expound: title & nature of the activity, date, venue, no. of participants, etc. Use a separate sheet of paper please. SERVICE PROJECTS This month, did your club engage in: *Community Service activities?…… YES…… NO *Vocational Service activities?…… YES…… NO *Youth Service activities?...…YES……NO *International Service activities?...…YES…….NO
THE ROTARY FOUNDATION For RY 2013-2014, our club set a goal of $…………. contribution to the Rotary Foundation by Feb. 28, 2014. *Since July 1, 2013, our club has remitted to our D3820 TRF Chairman a total amount of $ 173.00 for The Rotary Foundation. Did the club engage in the following TRF programs this month? If yes, please expound. Use a separate sheet of paper. *Matching Grant? …… YES …… NO *3-H Grant? …… YES …… NO *Nomination of GSE Team Leader? …… YES …… NO *Nomination of GSE Team Members? …… YES …… NO *Polioplus? …… YES …… NO LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Did your new members attend the Membership Dev’t Seminar? …… YES …… NO *If yes, how many?...............
Did the club President-Elect attend the PETS (______ 2013)? …… YES …… NO How many club leaders attended the DISTASS (May 18, 2013)? 7 How many club members attended DISCON (March 2014)? ……. How many club members attended the DLS (March 2014)? ……. PUBLIC RELATIONS Did the club implement a Public Relations activity this month? …… YES …… NO *If yes, please expound on the activities. CRITERIA FOR A FUNCTIONING CLUB Did the club pay its per capita dues to RI *On July 2013? …… YES …… NO *On Jan. 2014? …… YES …… NO Did the club meet regularly? …… YES …… NO *No. of Meetings this month: …………
Did the club ensure that its members subscribed to Rotary Magazines? …… YES …… NO * No. of subscriptions to the Phil. Rotary Magazine: 18 *No. of subscription to The Rotarian Magazine: 21 Did the club receive the visit of the Governor, Assistant Governor and any other RI Staff? …… YES …… NO Come March 2014, did your club achieve its *Membership Goal? …… YES…… NO *TRF contributions? …… YES…… NO *Service Goals? …… YES…… NO *Public Relations Goals …… YES…… NO *Has your club implemented CLP? …… YES …… NO ….... PARTIALLY *Please submit your club’s Organizational Structure, together with the list of officers, avenues of service + directors, and committees + chairpersons.
Club President: CARLOS HERRANZ Club Secretary: EMMANUEL FULE Assistant Governor: RONNIE SANTIAGO Date Submitted: January __, 2014
MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT PLAN ACTIVITIES: a. Organize and select a recruitment committee chairman and members during the 1st club assembly. b. Publication in the local newspaper and airing in the local TV channel the important club projects and events. c. To encourage each member to propose a new member using the classification principle. d. To conduct comprehensive rotary information to all approved proposed members. e. To invite the proposed members to attend the club meetings and projects. f. Once inducted to the membership, had settled the admission fee and semestral dues, the Rotarian should be given all the basic needs of or information as a new member.
g. Assign a mentor to each new member for 6 months to 1 year and each member is obliged to make the new Rotarian interested in the club projects and meeting and feel accepted by all members. h. To conduct a formal induction for all the new members during the acquaintance party dubbed as “New Members Day”.
ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR NEW MEMBERS ACTIVITIES: a. To conduct a continuing rotary information to all the members emphasizing the basic structure of Rotary, history of Rotary, programs and updates in the different Rotary International projects and events. b. Make the club regular meetings interesting by inviting guest speakers who will talk on present community concerns. c. Encourage the new and old members to give a classification talk. d. To enhance and maintain the member’s interest in Rotary, by allowing each member to select the club projects they would like to undertake. e. Giving of incentives in the form of awards and recognition to all the members who had participated in successful projects. f. Encourage the members to attend the district and international meetings, conferences and activities (inductions, programs, Distass, Discon, RI Convention)
g. Selection of club projects that will arouse and develop members’ interest to Rotary. h. Invite the family members to participate in the club projects. i. Encourage members, most especially the newly inducted members, to attend the fellowships after the club regular meetings and projects.
PUBLIC RELATIONS ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES: a. The Club was duly accredited as a Non-Government Organization by the San Pablo City Government representing the Local Development Council. b. The Club hosted the weekly flag raising ceremony of the city government last August 5, 2013; c. Continuing coordination with the Club Secretary for news write up of projects that are being published in the Club Bulletin. The Committee then will use the same material for distribution to local media for its local daily publication. d. Random air-time coverage of selected projects via local cable Celestron or Telmarc and print media. e. Create a FACEBOOK page and a Yahoo Group specifically for the Public Relations committee to officially document all projects undertaken by the club.
PROJECT SUBMISSION REPORT FORM Dear First Class Presidents, To gain knowledge about the state and effectiveness of all clubs in District 3820, the District Governor fully encourages clubs to submit a project Submission Report Form for each completed project. Please reproduce this form, and limit (one) form per completed project. At the end of each month, clubs must submit promptly to the Office of DG Danny Ona all completed Project Submission Report Forms. The District Awards & Recognition Committee will surely find it easier to evaluate and validate the club activities if submitted early and on time. Don’t forget to enclose with your report action photos of Rotarians, beneficiaries and cooperating organizations (maximum of 4 photos per project). * Please print or type legibly all information SUBMITTED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF SAN PABLO CITY SOUTH AREA: 1GROUP: ___ PROJECT CHAIRMAN (Rotarian’s Name & Club Position): LARRY MASANGA / CLUB ADMINISTRATION&LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT
Please select (put a check mark) from the list below the COMMITTEE that best described your club project: Club Membership Club Administration New Generations Service The Rotary Foundation Community Service Vocational Service International Service Leadership Development Finance Service Public Relations District Special Projects SUB-COMMITTEE: ACTIVITIES & FELLOWSHIP PROJECT TITLE : ____ • VENUE WHERE PROJECT WAS HELD ____ • DATE & TIME: STARTED: COMPLETED: ____ BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT: (i) Club assemblies were held and/or conducted on April 12, 2013 and June 26, 2013; (ii) Election of the officers, President Nominee and PN Designate for Rotary Year 2014-15 was conducted on December 11, 2013;
(iii) Halloween party was held on October 30, 2013 and Christmas party on December 18, 2013; (iv) Regularly submits the average monthly attendance report and copy of the weekly bulletin every quarter to the District Chairpersons; (v) Rotary information is already an integral part of the weekly program of the club; (vi) Issuance of club uniform / polo jack. PROJECT IMPACT: • Who & How Many Benefited From Your Club Project: ______________________ • Number of Participating Club Members: _____________ • Participating Partners-In-Service o Rotarians From Other Clubs, Interactors, Rotaractors, Spouses & Kids of Rotarians: o Participating Organizations (Government &/or NGOs): ____ • Number of Hours Spent To Complete The Project: ____ • Manhours Involved (Number of Rotarians x Number of Project Hours) : ____
TOTAL EXPENSES OF THE PROJECTS: Estimated market value of the project: (please indicate) _________________ Actual cost of the project: (please indicate) ____________________________ Source of Funding: (Explain briefly) CARLOS HERRANZ Name & Signature of Club President
HALLOWEEN PARTY October 30, 2013
PROJECT SUBMISSION REPORT FORM Dear First Class Presidents, To gain knowledge about the state and effectiveness of all clubs in District 3820, the District Governor fully encourages clubs to submit a project Submission Report Form for each completed project. Please reproduce this form, and limit (one) form per completed project. At the end of each month, clubs must submit promptly to the Office of DG Danny Ona all completed Project Submission Report Forms. The District Awards & Recognition Committee will surely find it easier to evaluate and validate the club activities if submitted early and on time. Don’t forget to enclose with your report action photos of Rotarians, beneficiaries and cooperating organizations (maximum of 4 photos per project). * Please print or type legibly all information SUBMITTED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF SAN PABLO CITY SOUTH AREA: 1GROUP: _
PROJECT CHAIRMAN (Rotarian’s Name & Club Position): LARRY MASANGA / CLUB ADMINISTARTION Please select (put a check mark) from the list below the COMMITTEE that best described your club project: Club Membership Club Administration New Generations Service The Rotary Foundation Community Service Vocational Service International Service Leadership Development Finance Service Public Relations District Special Projects SUB-COMMITTEE: DISTRICT AFFAIRS & CLUB TO CLUB VISITS PROJECT TITLE : __________________ • VENUE WHERE PROJECT WAS HELD ____ • DATE & TIME: STARTED: __ COMPLETED: _______________
BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT: (1) Attendance to PETS, Multi- District PESETS, DISTASS, Mass Induction; (2) Matched Club Agreement with RC Downtown Manila, RC San Francisco del Monte, RC Sta. Rosa Centro and RC JeonjuJuAng of South Korea RID3670. PROJECT IMPACT: • Who & How Many Benefited From Your Club Project: ____________ • Number of Participating Club Members: ____ • Participating Partners-In-Service o Rotarians From Other Clubs, Interactors, Rotaractors, Spouses & Kids of Rotarians: o Participating Organizations (Government &/or NGOs): ____ • Number of Hours Spent To Complete The Project: _____________ • Manhours Involved (Number of Rotarians x Number of Project Hours) : ___________
TOTAL EXPENSES OF THE PROJECTS: Estimated market value of the project: (please indicate) ___________________ Actual cost of the project: (please indicate) ______________________________ Source of Funding: (Explain briefly) ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ CARLOS HERRANZ Name & Signature of Club President
DISTASS May 18-19, 2013
MASS INDUCTION June 29, 2013
PROJECT SUBMISSION REPORT FORM Dear First Class Presidents, To gain knowledge about the state and effectiveness of all clubs in District 3820, the District Governor fully encourages clubs to submit a project Submission Report Form for each completed project. Please reproduce this form, and limit (one) form per completed project. At the end of each month, clubs must submit promptly to the Office of DG Danny Ona all completed Project Submission Report Forms. The District Awards & Recognition Committee will surely find it easier to evaluate and validate the club activities if submitted early and on time. Don’t forget to enclose with your report action photos of Rotarians, beneficiaries and cooperating organizations (maximum of 4 photos per project). * Please print or type legibly all information
SUBMITTED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF SAN PABLO CITY SOUTH AREA: 1GROUP: PROJECT CHAIRMAN (Rotarian’s Name & Club Position): LARRY MASANGA / CLUB ADMINISTRATION & RIO Please select (put a check mark) from the list below the COMMITTEE that best described your club project: Club Membership Club Administration New Generations Service The Rotary Foundation Community Service Vocational Service International Service Leadership Development Finance Service Public Relations District Special Projects SUB-COMMITTEE: SPEAKER’S BUREAU PROJECT TITLE : GUEST SPEAKER • VENUE WHERE PROJECT WAS HELD _______________________________ • DATE & TIME: ____ STARTED: _____ COMPLETED: ____
BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT: Resource persons or speakers were invited to discuss their respective concerns and/or topics such as the Social Security System (Ms. Tiffany Lobo), Philhealth (Ms. Joann Marie Rabulan), Condohotel Management / Megaworld ( Ms. Barleta), the Art of Tattooing (Mr. Mayo Landicho), Philippine Red Cross (Ms. DorieCabela), Veterinary Medicine (Dr. Frederick Sarte) and BuwanngWika (headed by rtn. Larry Dizon). PROJECT IMPACT: • Who & How Many Benefited From Your Club Project: ____________ • Number of Participating Club Members: ____________ • Participating Partners-In-Service o Rotarians From Other Clubs, Interactors, Rotaractors, Spouses & Kids of Rotarians: ______ o Participating Organizations (Government &/or NGOs): ____ • Number of Hours Spent To Complete The Project: ____ • Manhours Involved (Number of Rotarians x Number of Project Hours) : ____
TOTAL EXPENSES OF THE PROJECTS: Estimated market value of the project: (please indicate) _________________ Actual cost of the project: (please indicate) ___________________________ Source of Funding: (Explain briefly): light snacks and certificate of appreciation thru club members’ assessment. CARLOS HERRANZ Name & Signature of Club President
SPEAKERS • MS. JOANNA MARIE A. RABULAN • Social Assistant II, • Philippine Health Insurance Corporation • San Pablo City Branch MR. DANILO LANDICHO Art of Tattooing
SPEAKERS • DR. FREDERICK SARTE • Veterinary Medicine
SPEAKERS MS. DORIE CABELA Philippine Red Cross San Pablo City Chapter
SPEAKERS MS. TIFFANY O. LOBO Head, Accounts Management Section Social Security System San Pablo City Branch
PROJECT SUBMISSION REPORT FORM Dear First Class Presidents, To gain knowledge about the state and effectiveness of all clubs in District 3820, the District Governor fully encourages clubs to submit a project Submission Report Form for each completed project. Please reproduce this form, and limit (one) form per completed project. At the end of each month, clubs must submit promptly to the Office of DG Danny Ona all completed Project Submission Report Forms. The District Awards & Recognition Committee will surely find it easier to evaluate and validate the club activities if submitted early and on time. Don’t forget to enclose with your report action photos of Rotarians, beneficiaries and cooperating organizations (maximum of 4 photos per project). * Please print or type legibly all information
SUBMITTED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF SAN PABLO CITY SOUTH AREA: 1GROUP: PROJECT CHAIRMAN (Rotarian’s Name & Club Position): POPOY BRINAS / MEMBERSHIP Please select (put a check mark) from the list below the COMMITTEE that best described your club project: Club Membership Club Administration New Generations Service The Rotary Foundation Community Service Vocational Service International Service Leadership Development Finance Service Public Relations District Special Projects SUB-COMMITTEE: RECRUITMENT / ORIENTATION / CLASSIFICATION PROJECT TITLE : NEW MEMBERS • VENUE WHERE PROJECT WAS HELD _ • DATE & TIME: STARTED: ___ COMPLETED: _________
BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT: Four (4) new members were inducted, namely: (1) Remelito M. Belen (Optical & Dental Operations), (2) Reynaldo E. Reyes (Juice Distribution), (3) Leandro B. Dizon (Education- School Management), and (4) Walfredo C. Sanchez (Realty). The new Rotarians later articulated or explained their respective classification, professions and/or occupations PROJECT IMPACT: • Who & How Many Benefited From Your Club Project: • Number of Participating Club Members: • Participating Partners-In-Service o Rotarians From Other Clubs, Interactors, Rotaractors, Spouses & Kids of Rotarians: _______ o Participating Organizations (Government &/or NGOs): • Number of Hours Spent To Complete The Project: • Manhours Involved (Number of Rotarians x Number of Project Hours) :
TOTAL EXPENSES OF THE PROJECTS: Estimated market value of the project: (please indicate) ________________ Actual cost of the project: (please indicate) __________________________ Source of Funding: (Explain briefly) _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ CARLOS HERRANZ Name & Signature of Club President
PROJECT SUBMISSION REPORT FORM Dear First Class Presidents, To gain knowledge about the state and effectiveness of all clubs in District 3820, the District Governor fully encourages clubs to submit a project Submission Report Form for each completed project. Please reproduce this form, and limit (one) form per completed project. At the end of each month, clubs must submit promptly to the Office of DG Danny Ona all completed Project Submission Report Forms. The District Awards & Recognition Committee will surely find it easier to evaluate and validate the club activities if submitted early and on time. Don’t forget to enclose with your report action photos of Rotarians, beneficiaries and cooperating organizations (maximum of 4 photos per project). * Please print or type legibly all information
SUBMITTED BY THE ROTARY CLUB OF SAN PABLO CITY SOUTH AREA: 1GROUP: PROJECT CHAIRMAN (Rotarian’s Name & Club Position): SANNY ANTONIO / SERVICE PROJECTS Please select (put a check mark) from the list below the COMMITTEE that best described your club project: Club Membership Club Administration New Generations Service The Rotary Foundation Community Service Vocational Service International Service Leadership Development Finance Service Public Relations District Special Projects SUB-COMMITTEE: BASIC EDUCATION & LITERACY PROJECT TITLE : BRIGADA ESKUELA • VENUE WHERE PROJECT WAS HELD: Brgy. San Ignacio Elementary School, San Pablo City • DATE & TIME: July 17 & 29, 2013 STARTED: 9:00 am COMPLETED: 12:00 noon
BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR PROJECT: Repaired and repainted a classroom. PROJECT IMPACT: • Who & How Many Benefited From Your Club Project: 70 students • Number of Participating Club Members: 15 • Participating Partners-In-Service o Rotarians From Other Clubs, Interactors, Rotaractors, Spouses & Kids of Rotarians: _______ o Participating Organizations (Government &/or NGOs): • Number of Hours Spent To Complete The Project: 6 • Manhours Involved (Number of Rotarians x Number of Project Hours): 90