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FISAP On The Web: Efficient Online Data Entry & Self-Service Solution

The FISAP On The Web platform offers a secure and user-friendly interface for schools to streamline their FISAP processing, with real-time validation and self-service options. Increase efficiency and customer satisfaction today!

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FISAP On The Web: Efficient Online Data Entry & Self-Service Solution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Session S105 FISAP On The Web • eCB’s FISAP On The Web www.cbfisap.sfa.ed.gov

  2. Presenters Danny DyTang Contractor Support – eCampus-BasedUAL Solutions Group Silver Spring, MD Mark Polanskas Project Support - eCampus-Based U.S. Department of Education Federal Student Aid Washington, DC

  3. eCB Project Overview – (Pages 5-7) Release 1 - FISAP On The Web Release 2 - Staff Interface Release 3 - FISAP 2003 - 2004 Funding Calendar – (Page 8) Security – (Pages 9-15) Overview Login Navigation – (Page 16) Help – (Pages 17-19) Section Level Page Level System Level Glossary – (Page 20) Self-Service - (Pages 21-29) Free Adobe Reader Forms (PDF) Reports Notifications Acknowledgements Contacts Setup – (Pages 30-33) Change Years / Schools Reallocation Work-Colleges Form Administration FISAP - (Page 34) Home - (Page 35) Validation – (Pages 36-40) Fix Error Log Submission – (Pages 41-45) Validation Certification Confirmation Logout (Page 46) Reference Material – (Pages 47) Questions/Feedback – (Pages 48) Session Outline

  4. Benefits of the FISAP On The Web: • FISAP Processing • On-Line Data Entry • Pre-Submission Saving • Real-Time Data Validation • Work-Colleges Application • Self-Service • Statement of Accounts • Tracking Information • On-Line Help • Contact Information • Secure Login • Identity verified via the ED PIN site • Access rights defined through SAIG eCB Project Overview Release 1 - FISAP On The Web17 September 2001 • Improve Schools Access To information • Develop A Secure Web Interface for Schools • Increase Customer Satisfaction • eCB’s FISAP On The Web www.cbfisap.sfa.ed.gov

  5. eCB Project Overview Release 2 – Staff Interface 10 June 2002 • Retire the Mainframe & PC Applications • Develop Secure Interface for Staff • Improve HQ and Regional Access to Data • Increase Employee Satisfaction • Decrease Operating Costs • eCB’s FISAP On The Web www.cbfisap.sfa.ed.gov

  6. eCB Project Overview Release 3 – FISAP 2003–2004 Application Year1 August 2002 • FISAP On The Web Available • Reallocation Form On-Line Entry and Submission • Provide Real Time Validation Edits and Acknowledgements • Increase Customer Satisfaction • eCB’s FISAP On The Web www.cbfisap.sfa.ed.gov

  7. Funding Calendar 2003 – 2004 Application to Participate FISAP On The Web Available August 1, 2002 Reallocation Form Due August 23, 2002 FISAP & Combined Certification Due October 1, 2002 FISAP Edit Corrections Due December 15, 2002 Tentative Awards Distributed February 1, 2003 Under-Use Waiver Request Due February 14, 2003 Final Awards Distributed April 1, 2003 Close-Out of Awards May 1, 2003 TC Payments Distributed June 1, 2003

  8. FAA Role Other Role Single Identity Single Identity Security - Overview The Logic: 1. Individuals Should Have A “Single Identity”  2. Individuals Can Perform More Than One “Role” (FAA, Parent, Student) 3a. “Single Identity” + “FAA Role” = Access to FISAP On The Web 3b. “Single Identity” + “Other Role” = No Access to FISAP On The Web

  9. Single Identity Security - Overview www.pin.ed.gov N E-Mail Notification Or Via The U.S. Postal Service Electronically

  10. FAA Role Security - Overview The User’s Role Can Be “Tailored” To Allow… “Submit” = All Functions“Write” = Edit Only“Read” = View Only On-Line Role Changes Are Effective The Next Business Day • Student Aid Internet Gateway Enrollment www.sfawebenroll.ed.gov

  11. Security - Login Welcome/Overview Click To Login PIN Information TG Number Information Eligibility Process Privacy Policy • eCB’s FISAP On The Web www.cbfisap.sfa.ed.gov

  12. Single Identity Security - Login The User Is Automatically Redirected To The PIN Registration Site After Selecting Login The User Provides Their Information To Validate Their Identity The User Submits Their Request

  13. FAA Role Other Role Single Identity Single Identity Security - Login The User Provides Their TG Number The System Then Compares Their Identity and Role; If The Users Identity and Role Do NOT Match If The Users Identity and Role Do Match

  14. Security - Login Upon Successful Login, The User Is Allowed Access To The System

  15. Navigation Top Bar Navigation Left Side Navigation Page To Page Navigation

  16. Help – Section Level Section Level Help Provided By Clicking On The “?”

  17. Help – Page Level Page Level Help Provided At The Bottom Of Every Page

  18. Help – System Level System Level Help Provided In The Top Navigation Bar

  19. Glossary Allows Searching By First Alpha Character Of Term Or Acronym Organized Alphabetically By Term Or Acronym Provides Description Of The Term Or Acronym

  20. -Title III Status Letter Self-Service Provides Links To Forms And Reports Notifications Acknowledgements Contacts

  21. -Title III Status Letter Self Service – Free Adobe Reader Provides A Link To Download Free Adobe 5.0 Software Creates New Window To Download Software

  22. -Title III Status Letter Self Service – Forms (PDF) Provides Links To Forms

  23. Self Service – Forms (PDF) Provides Your FISAP Data In A Printer Friendly Format

  24. -Title III Status Letter P007A009992 Self-Service - Reports Provides Links To Reports Allows Users To Print A Record Of Their Award Year Funding

  25. SUSAN THOMPSON TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (009992) 22 THOMAS BLVDNEW YORK, NY 10021 -Title III Status Letter SUSAN THOMPSON: Self-Service - Notifications Provides Links To Notifications Allows Users To Review Notifications

  26. Self-Service - Notifications Email Announcements Are Sent To The FAA

  27. -Title III Status Letter Self-Service – Acknowledgements Provides Links To Acknowledgement Information Allows Users To Print A Record Of FISAP Activity

  28. -Title III Status Letter Self-Service - Contacts Uses Your Email To Address And Generates A Blank Message Provides Email Links For Assistance

  29. Setup – Change Years/Schools The Ability to Change Years Change Schools Selection Based on Access Rights Access to ‘Change Years/ Schools’ Help Text

  30. Setup – Reallocation Link To Reallocation Form Submission Deadline August 23, 2002 Must Submit Form After Completion

  31. Setup – Work-Colleges Form Displays Only For Schools That Are Work-Colleges TRAINING ACADEMY OF NEW YORK 009992 TRAINING ACADEMY OF NEW YORKNEW YORK009992 Print Friendly Link Note: Still Requires an Original Signature and Form To Be Mailed

  32. Setup - Administration Revert Back To A Previously Submitted FISAP Create A New School

  33. FISAP FISAP From The Top Bar Navigation Will Take You To Part 1

  34. Home Home Provides The Following Information And Links

  35. Validation Provides A Choice Of Validation Options Shows Current Location Provides A Link To Cancel Validation Process

  36. Validation – Fix Error Allows The User To Fix Errors Provides The Sections Where Errors Exist

  37. Validation – Fix Error Identifies Your Location While Fixing Errors Provides Links To Sections Where Errors Exist

  38. Validation – Log Provides The Ability To Print A Copy Of The Validation Errors Identifies Edits Where Comments Can Or Have Been Provided

  39. Validation – Log Provides Error Description Allows The User To Enter Comments Logs User Identity, Date, & Time Of Comment

  40. Submission Select Submit From The Left Side Navigation To Begin The Submit Process

  41. Submission – Validation Allows User To Continue The Submit Process Provides The Ability To Print A Copy of The Validation Errors

  42. Submission - Certification Certifies The Accuracy Of The Information Being Submitted Provides The Ability To Print The Signature Page And Lobbying Form Submit

  43. Submission – Confirmation #1 Provides The Easy Ability To Print A Copy Of The Submission Confirmation Confirms The Submission Of Your FISAP

  44. -Title III Status Letter Submission – Confirmation #2 Allows Users Access To Real-Time Information Provides A Submission Log Allows Users To Print A Record Of FISAP Activity

  45. Logout To Leave The System, Use The Logout Link The System Will Confirm The User’s Choice Before Exiting

  46. Reference Material • FISAP On The Webwww.cbfisap.sfa.ed.gov • FISAP Call Center (877) 801-7168Email CBFOB@ED.GOV • IFAP Postingswww.ifap.ed.gov • PIN Site Registrationwww.pin.ed.gov • Student Aid Internet Gateway Enrollmentwww.sfawebenroll.ed.gov

  47. Restroom Home? FISAP On The Web! Focus Groups! FISAP? Questions/Feedback Email………..CBFOB@ED.GOV

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