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SESSION 3 CLOSED SESSION. Presentation Special Conference 10 th September 2012 . SALGA Strategic Agenda 2012-2017 Annual Performance Plan 2012/13 and MTREF Budget Framework . Presented by SALGA Deputy Chairperson: Councillor M Nawa. Strategic Plan 2012 - 2017. Strategic Plan.
SESSION 3 • CLOSED SESSION Presentation Special Conference 10th September 2012
SALGA Strategic Agenda 2012-2017Annual Performance Plan 2012/13and MTREF Budget Framework Presented by SALGA Deputy Chairperson: CouncillorM Nawa
Strategic Plan STRATEGIC GOALS AND PRIORITIES2012 - 2017 Past Future Desired State • 5-Year Plan • Linked to the term of office of the SALGA NEC Annual Milestones Outcomes Outputs Current State
SALGA as a Schedule 3A Public Entity is governed by the PFMA and related National Treasury Regulations - read in conjunction with the Framework for Strategic Plans and Annual Performance Plans set out the legal requirements for the SALGA 5-Year Strategic Plan. • The SALGA 5-Year Strategic Plan 2012-2017 sets out the new PEC / NEC strategic agenda for the duration of their term of office. STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS
Making a difference by making local government sustainable SALGA INSTITUTIONAL JOURNEY 2007 - 2012 NEC REFLECTED ON THE LAST 10 YEARS OF SALGA’S EXISTENCE AND DEVELOPED 5 YEAR STRATEGY (2007 – 2012) New Leadership Mandate requires New 5 YEAR STRATEGY (2012-2017) B/PLAN 2007/08 B/Plan Review: 08/09 B/Plan Review: 11/12 B/Plan Review: 10/11 B/Plan Review: 09/10 2007 2009 2010 2011 2008 2012 CONFERENCE New Leadership Members Assembly Members Assembly Members Assembly CONFERENCE New Leadership
SALGA MANDATE The Voice of Local Government Lobby, Advocate & Represent Knowledge & Information Sharing SALGA Mandate Support & Advice Employer Body Strategic Profiling Capacity Building Transform local government to enable it to fulfil its developmental mandate. Act as an employer body representing all municipal members and, by agreement, associate members. Lobby, advocate, protect and represent the interest of local government at relevant structures and platforms. Support and advise our members on a range of issues to assist effective execution of their mandate. Build the capacity of the municipality as an institution as well as leadership and technical capacity of both Councillors and Officials. Serve as the custodian of local government intelligence and the knowledge hub and centre of local government intelligence for the sector. Build the profile and image of local government within South Africa as well as outside the country. The Voice of Local Government
MEDIUM-TERM STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK SALGA 5-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2012-2017 Delivery Agreement of Minister COGTA 2011 Local Government Election Manifestos Millennium Development Goals
Councilor Support Governance, IGR and IR Planning and LED Financial and Fiscal Management Labour Relations and Human Resources Management Transversal Issues Org Capacity APP Risk Municipal Service Delivery • Represent: • Lobby • Advocate • Policy Formulation • Voice of LG • 7 X Goals: • Accessible, equitable, sustainable service delivery by LG. • Safe and healthy environment and communities. • Planning and economic development at local level. • Effective, responsive and accountable local governance for communities. • Human capital development in LG • Financially and organizationally capacitated municipalities. • Effective and efficient SALGA administration. SALGA National • Support and Advice: • Frameworks/ Guidelines • Peer Learning & • Build Capacity & HRM • Alternative Service Delivery • Benchmarking SALGA Provinces • Capacity Building • Political and administrative • Organizational • Knowledge Hub: • LG information to inform Representation lobby, advocacy, support and advice • Research & best practices 3 X APEX Priorities: Review of the legislative and policy framework. Review of LG fiscal and financial management framework. Improved municipal capacity. • Employer Body • SALGBC • LGSETA Underlying Philosophy: Differentiated Approach Strategic Profiling
2 3 1 4 5 6 7 3 APEX Priorities 7 Goals 6 STRATEGIC GOALS
STRATEGIC GOALS AND PRIORITIES2012 - 2017 GOALS • LG delivering equitable and sustainable services • Safe and healthy environment and communities • Coherent Planning and Socio-economic development at the local level • Effective and responsive LG accountable to communities • Human Capital development in local government • Financial and organisationally capacitated municipalities • An effective and efficient administration APEX PRIORITIES • Fiscal and Financial Management • Legislative and Policy Review • Municipal Capacity Building
CONCLUSION • The new 2012-17 Strategy and its accompanying structured engagement and support initiatives gives SALGA an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with existing stakeholders as well as to build new ones to play our role effectively. • We firmly believe that if the 3 Apex Priorities as identified are addressed, we would have gone some way to meeting the objectives of developmental LG. • The next 5 years will be critical to securing the long-term sustainability and credibility of LG – SALGA must lead in realising the constitutional imperative of developmental LG.
SALGA will champion and contribute to the achievement of these goals in the following manner: • Deliver on its mandate through a set of strategic objectives and KPA’s that aim at contributing to goal achievement. • Implement structured partnerships (through its IGR strategy and stakeholder management strategy) that contribute to delivery against the goals • Contribute to initiatives led by other stakeholders that focus on the SALGA goals. • Monitor the sector in terms of progress that is being achieved against these goals CONCLUSION
SALGA PERFORMANCE REPORTING FRAMEWORK Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Strategic Plan 5-Years Annual Performance Plan STRATEGIC GOALS AND PRIORITIES2012 - 2017 Quarterly Reporting Year 1 2012/13 2013/14 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Annual Report Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 =
BUILDING ON KEY SUCCESSES • Regional Electricity Distributors (REDS) • Some devolution of housing function • Restructuring of municipalities • Support in managing transition period relating to LG elections • CoP 17 (LG Climate Change Programme) • Systems Amendment Act and Regulations for minimum competencies for senior managers • Local Business Tax • Review of the Local Government equitable share formula • Local Government Week in Parliament
DETERMINING AND ADVOCATING FOR A POLICY AGENDA FOR LG • Informed by Ruling Party Policy and Elective Conferences in 2012 and discussion documents: • Many policy decisions will have profound impact on LG. It was therefore critical that its representative voice be heard during critical policy shaping process in order to ensure sustainability and integrity of LG. • SALGA (as a vanguard for its members) thus prepared a policy response to the issues of interest to LG. • NEC of SALGA hosted a Policy Workshop in June 2012 to discuss the formal SALGA positions which was presented to the Ruling Party as organised LG’s views on the key issues.
SALGA EMERGING POLICY AGENDA Key Policy Issues include: • Differentiated approach to municipal planning, financing and support; • A policy and regulatory framework on differentiation must be adopted by government. • Increase the share of nationally raised revenue to LG and review the LGES formula. • Further devolution of functions to metropolitan municipalities. • Infrastructure funding for cities and rural municipalities. • Explore new revenue raising powers for some municipalities. • Creating a new type of category A municipalities • Demarcation issues; • Strengthen political governance of municipalities;
SALGA EMERGING POLICY AGENDA • Review of the two-tier LG system; • Reform the Role of Districts • Stronger category B municipalities be removed completely from Districts Municipalities. • Districts must focus only on strengthening coordination, planning and support function. • A clear model for funding Districts Municipalities must be developed. • Improve Ward Committees and Community Participation; • Strengthen Cooperative Governance, including role of provinces; • Carefully examine the implications of a proposal for single elections;
Membership levy review • The matter of the levy formula review was also tabled at Conference, although the membership approved the review for 2011/2012, Conference referred the matter of the outer years to NEC and PEC’s for consideration. • Therefore, the budget for the MTEF period 2012/13 to 2014/15 contains the review of the membership levy formula as depicted on the table above. Budget Parameters Overview
It is recommended that Conference: • Adopt the SALGA Strategic Plan 2012-17 as approved by NEC • Adopt the SALGA APP 2012/13 as approved by NEC • Adopt the SALGA budget for 2012/2013 as approved by NEC • Adopt the adjustment budget for 2011/2012 financial year as approved by NEC • Adopt the membership levy formula for 2013/14 and 2014/15 subject to consultation with PECs and approval by NEC
SALGA Annual Report 2011/12 andAudited Financial Statements Presented by SALGA Deputy Chairperson: CouncillorN Sihlwayi
SALGA Strategy: 2007-2012 (Revised in 2009 – Post National & Provincial Elections) MDG’s & other Global Imperatives SALGA 5 YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN 2007-2012 SALGA CONSTITUTION 1. Employer Role 2. Representative Role 3. Support and Advisory Role 4. Profiling Role SALGA’S MANDATE 5YLGSA (2006-2011) MTSF 2009-2014 COGTA 10-POINT PLAN & LGTAS SALGA CHANGE AGENDA • Improve SALGA’s capacity to support and advise its members. • Improve SALGA’s capacity to engage with stakeholders, lobby • and advocate them on issues in the interest of member • municipalities • Improve SALGA’s capacity to effectively represent members as the employer • Enhance and maintain a high profile position nationally, regionally and • internationally. • SALGA’s corporate governance and internal functioning. SALGA 10 PRIORITY OUTCOMES 2010-2012 6. Sound financial management and governance system: Improved financial management and financial viability of municipalities. • Councillor Support: High calibre, professional and effective Local Government political leadership. 2. Service DELIVERY: Improved access to municipal services and enhanced provision of FBS, through effective operations management and service maintenance. 7. Stable Municipal Governance: Stable Municipal Governance. 8. Capacity Building and Institutional Development: Enhanced skills and organisational systems and structures of municipalities towards improved service DELIVERY. 3. Social Cohesion: Transversal (gender, youth, children, HIV/AIDS) socio-economic issues mainstreamed. 9. Reform Organised Local Government: A more effective, responsive and financially viable SALGA. 4. Economic Development: Municipalities drive growth and employment creation, both in urban and rural areas. 10. Climate Change response measures at municipal level: Integrated climate change responses in development planning and management. 5. Labour Relations: A productive, stable labour environment, supported by a mutual gains approach.
SALGA achieved 84% of pre-determined objectives as per the APP 2011/12. The 16% of targets not achieved was mainly due to a lack in resources and budgetary constraints. PERFORMANCE AGAINST APP 2011/12
The year under review has been characterised by the transition in SALGA leadership as a result of the Local Government elections which took place on 18 May 2011. CHALLENGES • At the provincial conferences preceding the National Conference, provincial PECs were elected followed by the election of the new incoming SALGA NEC at the National Conference. This leadership transition impacted on the ability of SALGA to effectively convene its governance structures during the first and second quarters of the financial year. • At the provincial conference of SALGA KZN, a resolution was passed for SALGA KZN to be re-integrated with the rest of the unitary SALGA structure. In terms of planning and budgeting reporting, SALGA KZN is now part of the SALGA Strategic Plan 2012-2017 and Annual Performance Plan 2012/13.
A formidable challenge is that the budget of SALGA is inadequate to fulfil its mandate. The budget is also difficult to determine as membership and payment of levies by municipalities are entirely voluntary. SALGA has responded by initiating a comprehensive investigation into its funding model, alongside a concerted effort to lobby national government to support a larger and more sustainable funding model. • SALGA has done very well in terms of giving effect to its mandate during 2011/12. This achievement invariably leads to a heightened expectation in terms of its capacity to meet the growing expectation to be the voice of local government. CHALLENGES
It is recommended that Conference: • Adopt the SALGA Annual Report 2012/13 as approved by NEC • Adopt the SALGA Annual Financial Statements 2012/13 as approved by NEC