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Review Your V ideo. CIM U314V, DMC U2. Review Your V ideo. Identify parameters and constraints that influenced any decisions that were made. What were my biggest constraints and parameters?
Review Your Video CIM U314V, DMC U2
Review Your Video Identify parameters and constraints that influenced any decisions that were made • What were my biggest constraints and parameters? • One of my biggest constraints during the making of my video was the weather. My narrative was mainly based outside as the character in my film was riding on his bike around on the streets making deliveries. Therefore, bad weather (e.g. rain) meant that I only had a very limited amount of time to film which ruined my production scheduled and the amount of time I had to get the shots and scenes that I wanted. • Another factor was being alone whilst filming and not having more people to help me during production. I created my video sequence entirely on my own both pre and post production. This meant it was hard to achieve shots such as tracking and panning as I needed to be in the scene, I couldn’tdo both at once. • How I overcome these parameters and constraints • For the weather constraint I essentially had to plan ahead. I made sure that I looked at the weather days before filming to pick the best possible day where I could do a particular scene. Also filming some of the footage at night helped out a lot, once the weather had calmed down and it was dark, I took this opportunity to film some scenes where one, it needed to be in the dark and two, I could easily edit the footage in Final Cut to make it seem like the footage was filmed during the day. • Although filming alone with no help was tough, I was able to get some good footage and camera angles using a bit of D.I.Y and shots that didn’t take much work or cooperation with others. For my P.O.V scenes I used some tape to tape my camera to the handle bars of the bike so I could freely ride without having to worry about someone filming me or me having to hold the camera.
Review Your Video Critically evaluate the quality of the finished product and it’s fitness for purpose The client brief “We want you to write, shoot and edit a film no longer than 3 minutes, based on the theme, 'Family Business.’ Be funny, be serious, be artistic, be thought provoking. Shoot with a film crew or just shoot on your mobile. However you choose to make your film, make sure you submit your entry by 22 January 2014 to be in with a chance of winning one of four prizes Once you’re happy with the film, upload it to YouTube or Vimeo.”Reed. (2013). The Challenge. Available: http://reed.co.uk/film. Last accessed 10th Jan 2014. How did my video meet the client brief? ‘We want you to write and shoot and edit a film no longer than 3 minutes’: I made storyboards and created a video asset list so therefore I wrote my own narrative which meets this part of the client brief. Secondly, I shot my footage using my own camera and shot inline with my production schedule so therefore that’s another point met. Lastly, I used Final Cut Pro to edit my footage and made sure that the film was no longer than 3 minutes. The final video ended up at just over 2 minutes so there again I met the client brief’s instructions. ‘Be funny, be serious, be artistic, be thought provoking’: I thought of a genre before I started production so that everyone could see a clear theme a genre throughout. I went of a Comedy/Action theme so therefore it met the need of being able to create a video to my own personal taste. ‘Make sure you submit your entry by 22 January 2014 to be in with a chance of winning one of four prizes.’: Before I started filming I made sure that I made a production schedule so that I wouldn’t run out of time to enter my video into the competition. I filmed and edited my final piece on the 6th Jan and entered it on the 10th so therefore I met the client brief here again. Once you’re happy with the film, upload it to YouTube or Vimeo’: Once I created and edited my film, I met the client brief by uploading the video to YouTube.
Review Your Video Presentation Insert video Client Feedback Insert video
Review Your Video Identify areas of improvement and further development of the video, using your own critical evaluation and the analysis of client feedback. • How my video could be improved (using client feedback) • Camera angles: During the feedback session, one of the clients suggested that maybe more camera angles should’ve been used to create a more engaging scene of the bike ride. Some tracking shots of the bike, or panning could’ve been used to improve the overall video. I think this would’ve definitely improved my video however, this was hard to achieve because I was doing the production solo. To overcome this next time or for further development I will get some people to help me out with production so that I can get all the shots I desire and will therefore improve my video dramatically. • Sound effects: Although I had sound effects of the phone ringing, the alarm clock and the text message tone, my client feedback suggested that having some sound effects of the bike screeches during the bike riding scenes would make the scene more entertaining and make sure the theme of ‘being in rush’ was fully achieved. I think this is a good idea as it would make the piece more dynamic and audibly pleasing. • Location: Another comment made was having some more shots of different locations. I agree that I should’ve included more locations to show that it was a long journey my character had to go on however, I wanted to keep the locations similar as I wanted to keep the aspect of having a ‘local family business’ and didn’t want to branch out to main roads or busy locations. To have the best of both worlds I could’ve filmed the same locations but at different times of the day to show that the day was getting shorter and the character had been traveling for a long time.
Review Your Video Review the technical and aesthetic qualities of the final outcome Shot types What was good about the shot types: I think the best shot type I managed to include in the final outcome of my video was the P.O.V shots, it added action and and different perspective to the film which helped to show the narrative and the emotions of the character throughout. This shot was achieved by attaching my camera to the handle bars of the bike. What could be improved: Where this shot was moving due to the motion of the bike, the camera was a little shaky and at times made it hard to concentrate or to know what was going on in the scene. To overcome this I could’ve edited the footage to take off some camera shake by using the ‘Stabilization’ feature in Final Cut Pro. Lighting What was good about the lighting: In the opening scene of the character getting ready in front of the mirror, natural lighting was use to light up the characters face. This lighting helped towards the narrative as the bright lighting informed the audience it was the morning, giving the impression that the sun had just risen and was glaring through the window. What could be improved: One piece of lighting that could’ve been improved is the shot of the character putting on his jumper. The scene appeared to be quite dark and didn’t match the time of day in the scene before. To improve this I could use the tools in Final Cut to brighten the image by using an effect of using the manual setting. Also, if the editing didn’t improve the shot, I could re do the shot again with a better lit room Sound What was good about the sound: As the piece had no dialogue, overlaid music had to be used to give a mood to the film. I think I used a good level on the track that wasn’t too loud so that other sound effects couldn't’t be heard (e.g. alarm clock) and also it wasn’t too quiet so that the video didn't’t engage the audience. Fades were also used at the start and the end of the track so the sound didn’t ‘pop’ when the video started. What could be improved: Overall I don’t think the sound quality could’ve been improved however, more sound effects could've been added.
Review Your Video Select and justify appropriate presentation techniques for a specific creative idea. • How am I going to present the video? • Firstly I will explain what my video is about and about the brief and what the criteria was. Then on the big screen I will display the video for everyone to watch. Once the video is finished I will ask for feedback and criticism on what I can improve and what I did well. The lights will also be turned off to create a calming atmosphere and also so that you can see the video more clearly. • What techniques will I use? • I will use a clear loud tone of voice so everyone is clear on what the video is about so there is no confusion on the narrative or the theme. • When taking feedback I will answer with a ‘thank you’ and that I’ve taken their feedback on board by saying how I will incorporate their feedback into my video, this technique builds rapport with the client. • Not forcing people for feedback to keep the audience at ease and therefore they’re more likely to open up and end up asking questions or give some feedback. • To create a good atmosphere, before the films starts I will turn off the lights so that you can see the video clearly and then also tell the audience to ‘enjoy the film’.
Review Your Video How to give and receive constructed feedback. Receiving feedback is probably the most important process of making my video. It is important to get both good and bad feedback as this will help to make my video as good as possible. Also giving feed back is also just as important, I will make sure to give the best possible advice to the person and make sure I come across well. Receiving feedback is probably the most important process of making my video. It is important to get both good and bad feedback as this will help to make my video as good as possible. When receiving feedback it is important to let the person know that you have taken everything they’ve said on board and show them that you have incorporated this in your final piece. This can be achieved by sending them screen shots or letting them help you when you make the changes. However, when receiving good feedback it is important to let them know you appreciate it because it shows that you thankful for them taking the time to watch your video. Pro’s and con’s of giving and receiving feedback • Pros • Constructive criticism can make your final piece better • Good feedback can be rewarding and help your self-esteem • Giving feedbackto someone is also rewarding as you feel like you’ve made a difference. • Receiving feedback can lead to you learning new skills or knowledge that you never knew how to do before. • Cons • Receiving feedback can damage self confidence and can have a negative affect rather than a positive. • You may be getting feedback from someone who doesn’t have enough knowledge about the subject therefore resulting in incorrect information of how to make it better or what to change. • You may not agree with the feedback and be to big headed to take it on board.
Review Your Video Present your own creative idea in a small group/ Evaluate, with others, areas of strength and weakness, in relation to your own presentation ideas • After I presented my video to a large group, I again presented it to a smaller group of 3 people. To get feedback for presentation skills, I created a Survey using ‘Survey Monkey’ and placed it onto my blog to ask questions to my clients to see what I done well in my presentation and what could be improved on. • These are the following questions I asked; • Was I speakingloud and clearwhilstexplaining what my film was about? • Didyouunderstand the theme of the videobeforeyoustartedwatchingit? • After the videowas over, didi prompt you to give me feedback? • Whengiving feedback, did I take what yousaid on board and thankyou? • Whenmaking my amendsfrom my feedback, did I notifyyou I wasdoingso?
Review Your Video Evaluate, with others, areas of strength and weakness, in relation to your own presentation ideas- Results. • Was I speakingloud and clearwhilstexplaining what my film was about? • 2 people answeredyes and one personansweredsometimes. Fromthisresultsitsuggeststhat I wasspeakingloudly and clearwhilstgiving my presentation however, I shouldraise my voice a littleloudernext time so I make sure the people that are furtherawayfrom me candefinitelyhear. • Didyouunderstand the theme of the videobeforeyoustartedwatchingit? • 2 people answeredyes and one person chose the ‘Yes but wasn’tveryclear option’. Fromthisresult I cant determine I got the themeacross well to the majority of the group. However, next time to get 100% yes, I willtake time to before the video to ask if there’sany questions if anyonewasunclear on what I wasjustsaying. • After the videowas over, did i prompt you to give me feedback? • 2 people answeredyes and one personrepliedwith no.Analysingtheseresultsit’sclear I made the effort to get feedback from the group however, itseems I didn’taskeveryone. Next time to improve, I willmake sure everyonegets a saybefore I end my presentation. • Whengiving feedback, did I take what yousaid on board and thankyou? • All 3 participants asnweredyes to this question. I made sure that I thankedeveryoneafter my presentation and thisissomething I will carry on onto future presentations. • Whenmaking my amendsfrom my feedback, did I notifyyou I wasdoingso? • One answeredyes, one answered no and one chose the option ‘yes but itwasn’tveryclear what youwerechanging’. This issomething I need to improve on for my next presentation. To ensure I achievethisnext time I willmake sure I contact the whole group tellingthemexactly what i’mchanging and why. This can be achievedthrough an email or simplyhaving the personwith me when the changes are being made.