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Town vs. Village: Pros and Cons of Urban and Rural Living + Neighbourhood Characteristics

Explore the advantages and challenges of city vs. village living, access to opportunities, and the characteristics of a neighbourhood. Compare clean, noisy, traditional, modern, spacious, crowded areas, and prepositions of places like school, café, supermarket. Translate sentences into English-related exercises are also included. Discuss neighbour traits positively and negatively, preparing for a speaking assignment on ideal living places. Goodbye and thank you!

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Town vs. Village: Pros and Cons of Urban and Rural Living + Neighbourhood Characteristics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Town vs. Village Neighbourhood

  2. Discussion • What are the advantages of leaving in the town/city? • Why is it difficult to live in the city? • Do people in the village (in the country) have access to all opportunities of a big city? • Is it easy to live in the village?

  3. video

  4. clean local big dirty quiet busy noisy beautiful isolated tree-lined comfortable pretty traditional modern ugly small large attractive spacious crowded wide narrow expensive old

  5. Listening (ex.2, p. 32 - SB)

  6. In front of Next to Between Opposite Behind To the left of To the right of On the corner of Prepositions of place

  7. School Café Bus stop Block of flats Restaurant Park Bank Hairdresser’s Baker’s Chemist’s Butcher’s Corner shop Supermarket Grocer’s Newsagent’s Places / Shops

  8. Translate sentences into English • Когда я шел в парк, я встретил его не углу булочной. • Справа от аптеки располагается супермаркет, где всегда шумно и много людей. • Слева от банка – кафе, где удобные стулья и живая музыка помогут вам расслабиться. • Передо мной газетный киоск, где всегда есть газета «Вечерняя Казань». • За моей спиной бакалея, проходы (passways) которой очень узкие. • В мясной лавке работает мой знакомый, который не любит современные здания. • Рядом с рестораном стоит многоквартирный дом, квартиры в котором очень дорогие. • Наша школа располагается напротив остановки, что очень удобно.

  9. Describe your neighbourhood

  10. sociable talkative arrogant selfish silly nosy rude helpful easily annoyed forgetful caring

  11. Sociable Helpful Caring Selfish Rude Arrogant Forgetful Talkative Silly Easily annoyed Nosy Positive / Negative


  13. Home task: THE IDEAL PLACE FOR LIVING FOR ME (in written form)


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