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Going Green with Complementary Currencies. John Rogers of Value for People valueforpeople.co.uk. Today’s Webinar. Introduce yourself: Name Country Interest in complementary currencies Story Presentation Discussion. The Exchange Spectrum. LOVE. FAVOURS. MARKET. CASINO. Jobs
Going Green with Complementary Currencies John Rogers of Value for People valueforpeople.co.uk Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Today’s Webinar • Introduce yourself: Name Country Interest in complementary currencies • Story • Presentation • Discussion Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
The Exchange Spectrum LOVE FAVOURS MARKET CASINO Jobs Businesses Money Wages Taxes Compassion Altruism Sacrifice Grace Planet Earth Help Neighbors Friends Support Reciprocity Mortgages Pensions Savings Speculation Gambling “The global market in derivative trades is now well over a quadrillion dollars - that's a thousand trillion - and it is eating up resources that were at one time invested in productive enterprises…Traders can manipulate the market so that the thing bet on is more likely to fail. Not only has the market become a casino, but the casino is rigged.” Ellen Brown, www.truth-out.org/how-brokers-became-bookies-the-insidious-transformation-markets-into-casinos61322 Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Freecycle - www.freecycle.org Freeconomy – http://www.justfortheloveofit.org Frenting http://www.frenting.com Neighborrow http://www.beta.neighborrow.com Building Bulletins http://buildingbulletins.com Go Go Verde http://www.gogoverde.com Bright Neighbor http://www.brightneighbor.com Swap Tree http://www.swaptree.com Return My Pants http://returnmypants.com Book Crossing http://www.bookcrossing.com ARTICLE: Let’s Share: http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/011171.html Why not just help each other? Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
A community currency gives us a memory of exchanges and encourages give and take within a chosen community. Why keep score of exchanges? Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
The Exchange Spectrum LOVE FAVOURS MARKET CASINO Community Currencies grow community where money damages it Community Currencies grow economy where money is lacking Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Complementary Currency means…? • NOT national currency • NOT legal tender for taxes BUT normally legal • NOT replacing national currency • Running in parallel with national currency • EXAMPLES - Air Miles - Loyalty Points - Business barter - Community Currencies: LETS; Time Banks; Berkshares etc. Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
GROW COMMUNITY Local Exchange Trading Systems Time Banks Tauschring (Germany/Austria) SEL (France) Trueque (South America) What community currencies exist? GROW ECONOMY Business barter Banco Palmas Ithaca HOURS Berkshares Totnes Pound Regiogeld Community Way Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Where are they? http://www.complementarycurrency.org/ccDatabase/maps/worldmap.php Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Do you think community currency is a good idea? What would you like to do with the idea? GROUP TIME Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Low Diversity (Monoculture) Low Interconnectivity SOURCE: Bernard Lietaer Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk www.egs.mmu.ac.uk My.Opera.com
(Im)Balance in Our Financial Network Efficiency Resilience SOURCE: Bernard Lietaer Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
High Diversity High Interconnectivity SOURCE: Bernard Lietaer Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Resilience Efficiency Balance in Natural Networks SOURCE: Bernard Lietaer Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
A community currency is a SYSTEM for MATCHING under-used ASSETS to unmet NEEDS, unsolved PROBLEMS and unattained GOALS. Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Why do people start them? • get help with their needs eg home help • solve their problems eg lack of paid work • achieve their goals eg community project • support local businesses • reinvigorate community spirit • help other people to help themselves • do something about the money problem Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Who starts them? • street, town or region • groups of neighbours or businesses • people with the same interests • young people • seniors • housing associations • adult learners • professional development agencies • investors in renewable energies Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Who owns them? A local currency can be owned and operated in various ways: • as a commercial business in itself (eg business barter networks) • as a not-for-profit community association or charity (eg Local Exchange Trading Systems, Time Banks, Berkshares, Totnes Pound etc.) • as a local government agency (eg tried in Japan but not yet effective). Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Going Green means…? • Greening our businesses - less emissions / more social responsibility eg NOT BP! - products & services for sustainability • Greening our personal lives - less emissions - recycling - gardening • Greening our public spaces - community gardens/green spaces Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Going Green with CCs • Greening our businesses - Nu Spaarpas, Rotterdam www.nuspaarpas.nl - Commercial Credit Circuit (C3)socialtrade.org/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=6:commercial-credit-circuit&Itemid=62&lang=en • Greening our personal lives - Nu Spaarpas, Rotterdam www.nuspaarpas.nl - Ecocheques, Belgiumwww.ecocheques.be • Greening our public spaces - Lyttelton Time Bank, New Zealandwww.lyttelton.net.nz/timebank Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Internet based currencies Second Life - Linden Dollars Facebook - Credits Twitter – Twollars Ask Wish http://www.askwish.com/ Foamee (formerly known as ‘I Owe You a Beer) http://foamee.com/ What other types of systems? Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
Value for People's Library: valueforpeople.co.uk/library Complementary Currency Resource Center: complementarycurrency.org/ International Journal of Community Currency Research: uea.ac.uk/env/ijccr/ RESOURCES TO EXPLORE Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
On The Money at Findhorn Five day course - August 14-18 2010 with John Rogers and Jonathan Dawson. And guest appearances by Richard Douthwaite, Margrit Kennedy and Bernard Lietaer in the evenings by teleconference. Full details here: http://www.valueforpeople.co.uk/findhornworkshop http://www.findhorncollege.com/proftraining/moneysoul.php Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk
John Rogers, Training, Consulting, Speaking www.valueforpeople.co.uk John.rogers@valueforpeople.co.uk 0049 6667 918769 CONTACT ME for help with your project! Going Green with Complementary Currencies valueforpeople.co.uk